I ran - and I think I hurt something...


Yesterday was "a steady state 45 minute run" from Cathe's February rotation.

So I did a 45 minute steady state run. Since I haven't run in ages, I went very slow. If I did a 13 minute mile, I think I would be overestimating my speed - LOL! I also ran on the grass next to the asphalt path most of the way.

Well, late yesterday and this morning I am a bit ouchy in the right hip, like a 1 on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is excruciating pain and one is just "oops, that didn't feel right". I'm fine right now, though - no pain. I'm not limping or anything, but I can tell there's a bit of "stickiness" in the joint when I walk, if that makes sense.

I did take and Advil yesterday but not today.

So today's workout is BodyMax1 ! Yikes! I'm wondering if I should do yoga instead, or since I'm not in pain if I should I go after the BMax1. I think I already know the answer to the question, but I am certainly interested in opinions from the educated crowd!

Thanks for reading!

Susan L.G.
Thanks, Catherine!

I may lower the step to 6" and take out the impact. I'll have to see how it goes on the blasts, though.

Thanks again!

Susan L.G.
Hey Susan,
I run quite a bit & I've found Cathe's Kick, Punch & Crunch great for loosening the hips when there tight from running. Just a suggestion, hope things get back to normal soon.
Good Luck
Thanks, Crystal! Cardio Kicks is next int eh rotation, so I'll pay special attention to loosening up my hips on the kicking parts.

BMax1 went pretty well tonight. I must admit I didn't give 110%, but did do some impact after all. Maybe I did 99%.

The tightness is on the outside of my hip. I hope it's just a lack of use kind of thing. I was surprised I went as far as I did, and I did run the whole way even though I was tempted to wuss out. Then again, I don't know why I think I need to be a hero and get myself hurt - LOL!

Susan L.G.
It took my hips a while (months!) to get used to running. For whatever reason, my right hip flexor is a little on the weak side.

I don't think Cathe would strike you down if you go ahead and substitute any steady state cardio of your choice (bike, elliptical, fast walking, etc.), if you haven't run in a long time.
Watch it, thats all I have to say. Not to sound like Miss Negative or anything :) I need a hip replacement after years of running, dancing, bodybuilidng, etc..I am only 40. If your joints hurt, stop. Do something different, you can push yourself on a bike, or elliptical really hard, just take it from me, if it hurts, stop, do something different that does not hurt. Watch your diet, and everything will be fine.:)
tneah -

Thanks for the friendly warning - I'm 39 (and a half) myself. It was such a beautiful day on Saturday and I couldn't bear being cooped up jumping around in the cold basement for another workout(it's 60 degrees down there, even with the space heater on - I measured it last week. BRRRR!)

I don't think I'll be running again for another several years- haha! And only if I'm being chased!

Susan L.G.
Running can be so stressful on your hips. Eoinn Finn has a great hip opening chapter on his Power Yoga for Happiness DVD. If you run, it might be good to devote 15 minutes or more to your hips. You can even memorize the stretches and do them while watching TV. My daughter works at a nursing home and is forever pestering me to "work on your hips, Mom, you need to see what I see every day."

Yes, that is the right DVD. It has a Magically hips section that is 55 minutes. The section starts with a lot of sunsalutations, so if I am strapped for time I go to the chapters section and click on the specific hip stretches. This workout has 2 DVD's and has some nice options to choose from. I like it specifically for the hip openers but find I enjoy Shiva Rea more.

Near the end of April Shiva Rae has a new yoga DVD coming out (also available on Amazon) called "Fluid Power". Reading some of the reviews it looks like it has a great hip section too. Hip Openers for 77 minutes. I am excited to get this one because she approaches yoga in such a unique way. Her Lunar Flow DVD taken from Yoga Shakti has some nice hip sections too.

Good luck in your search and I know that your running will improve with added flexibility in those there hips. Shake 'em girl!

I agree that running can be hard on the joints, HOWEVER, if you work up to it, your body acclimates. There is a 10% rule that you should definitely follow. That is, only add 10% intensity and/or distance to your run every week (if you run every week of course). If you don't run very often, you'll need to start out with a lower intensity (probably much like what you were doing), and a much shorter duration than 45 minutes. To be honest, I made the same mistake as you (even though I know these rules...I wanted to follow the rotation!!!:) ) I plunged into the 45 minute run and ended up with....yep, you guessed it, hip flexor pain in my right hip. It actually went away and I finished the rotation with modifications for the running portions. I ran for 5-10 minute increments (depending on how I felt...you could drop even lower if necessary), and inserted a brisk walk to make up for the time. For each run, I was careful to try and do what was comfortable the last run, only increasing intensity and duration by a small amount from week to week.

Anyway, hope that help!

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