I Luv Dr. Phil!



I'm so excited that Dr. Phil has his own show! I tape it everyday. Any other Dr. Phil fans out there?
I was wondering when someone was going to post about the wonderful Doc! I discovered him when he first appeared on Oprah and have read his first two books. He's great, ain't he?:D
I love him too! In my fantasy}> my husband has to sit down and LISTEN to him and then take his lumps "ala Dr. Phill". Heaven knows I'M perfect (NOT).

He has super special way of cutting through all the crap, (excuse my french) doesn't he?

OH MY GOSH! You don't know who he is? Please don't be offended! You don't know what you're missing! He's only the best self-help guru the world has to offer! I believe he is on the same network as Oprah (since she's producing his show it makes sense to me). Check out Amazon.com or BarnesAndNoble.com, do a search by author.

He definitely tells it like it is. His catch phrase (don't they all have one?) is "Get Real!" And he means it. He was with Oprah when she was being sued by the beef industry. He told her to quit being a victim & get over it.

Read a book of his & your life will never be the same.
I wish that I were able to see his show! I can't since I'm still working during that time.

Dr. Phil does not play! I call him "Keeping It Real" Phil... :D
I record it (on Tivo) while I'm at work & watch it in the evenings. My husband watches it with me too! He prefers to watch Dr. Phil instead of Oprah.

I don't like him at all. I know I'm desacrating a sacred cow here in a lotta people's eyes but I just don't.

Edith :-rollen
Hi Edith
Just thought you would like some company - I don't like him either! :)

Dr. Phil is on NBC (5:00 PM) and Oprah is on ABC (4:00PM) on the East coast. I was surprised myself that they both weren't on the same network???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I think Dr. Phil is a love/hate kind of guy with no gray area. You either LOVE him or HATE him.
I agree with Honeybunch, ya either luv him or hate him. Personally, I've only seen him on Oprah once or twice(when I have been in an UNAVOIDABLE OPRAH WATCHING SITUATION) but it seems I have been inundated with PHIL talk ever since he got his own show! I have no doubt that he has helped many many people, but I don't think his "type of help" is going to help everyone... different people have different needs I guess.

My problem with him is that I totally associate him with Oprah... can't help it. I will NEVER watch Oprah in my house because I absolutely can't stand that woman! Ugh. Hmm.. but I guess this isn't a thread about Oprah now is it? ;-) Ok, end rant.
RE: Actually....

DebbieH, you were right about Oprah, I was wrong on the chanel for Dr. Phil! He's on at 3 PM here in the Philly area & is definitely on CBS here. I checked TVGuide.com to find him. He's doing "Fight Against Obesity" today. mmmmmm......
I have an aversion to all of the talk shows that have pretensions to doing therapy and a horror of the people who think TV-land is the right place to get help. Psychobabble--blecch!
Well shoot...anyone who can tell "Queen Oprah" to "get over it" already has two thumbs up with me!! :D Hahahahahahahahaha!! I'm not too fond of the Big O. :-rollen

Thanks for the info. I'll have to give his books a gander. :)

hate him!

I can't believe there are actually people who ENJOY this man! What a dork! Oh, well, at least we all love Cathe. I guess we can't agree on everything :)
Did you see Mad TV Sat.??

They did a spoof on Oprah and, I think, Dr. Phil. It was pretty hilarious. LOLOLOLOL


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