I LOVE P90X!!!

I just received mine yesterday. I was really surprised I received it so fast. I just ordered it July 15, 2004. I plan to start on Sunday, Aug 1. I don't have a pull up bar has anyone used their bowflex as an alternative? Any other suggestions are welcome.

I hope I am ready for this.

Congrats on getting your P90x, you won't be disappointed. I have to go out of town next week and I hope they have a DVD player in the hotel room. I'll have to start on the 4th week set of DVD's. The ones where it looks like you lay off the weights for a week. That will be a welcome rest. Does anyone remember there being a DVD player in their hotel room in Mexico?
Jo, I think I remember somebody else using a Bowflex. If you can do pulldowns on your Bowflex, I believe that will work great! That 1st workout is quite a shock to the muscles...:)...Carole
> I don't have a pull up bar has
>anyone used their bowflex as an alternative? Any other
>suggestions are welcome.

I would think if you have the lat tower, you're good to go. I have a Bowflex but our basement (a/k/a workout room) isn't high enough to assemble the tower.
Hi Carol
I did not wait sat afternoon I did the back and chest wow lots of pushups and pullups is right pushups I can do pullups I can't should I modify with the chair or the bands over the tower and pulldown lkike Scott?
Thanks Lisa
I'm about to cave any day now and order these. I prefer low weights/hi reps and someone posted earlier I think that you can use lower weights with these.
Yes Dani you can use lower weights and more reps. That is just how I started as I was interested in loosing the layer of fat I had accumulated and since I have a tendency to carry weight in my arms I wanted to try to tone them down before I increased to heavy weight. It worked well for me in the first 4 weeks I noticed my arms getting toned and smaller, and I was also loosing weight due to a clean diet. Between weeks 5 and now on week 10 I increased the weight amount and went as heavy as I could with less reps. I can see more cuts and definition doing that. Its funny because a few years before I could just do the heavy lifting and get the results I wanted. So it comes down to finding what works for you and we all respond differently....:)...Carole
For most of the exercises, they do something for a specific time period, and you choose the reps and weights you want to use. For other exercises (a couple each in the upper body workouts, and many of the lower body exercises) everyone does a specified number of reps (16 for upper body, and usually 20 or 24 for lower body). The women in the workouts usually do 15 reps. I don't like uneven numbers ;-) , so I usually do 16 reps. What's so nice about P90X is that you can vary the reps you do. Maybe start out the first few weeks with higher reps and lower weights, and go on to lower reps and heavier weights.
Thanks Carole & Michele,

I do have the lat tower so I will give that a try. I am starting the rotation on August 1st. I plan to view the workouts and read the material before I start. I am not sure that I can follow that diet - I primarily eat fresh vegetables and fresh fruit and I can't imagine having only one serving. I am excited about doing the workouts but 90 days sounds like a long time. I usually change my rotation every month. I am sure I will be sneaking some Cathe workouts in.

Jo...this is the 1st rotation I have ever done and I am for sure sticking to it. But I do run and add some Cathe...:)...about the diet...I am a new vegetarian and have eaten lots of fruit and vegeys! I think as long as you stay away from saturated and trans fat and stick with heathly choices, you will do fine...:)...Carole

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