I literally have a pain in the butt!


Have any of you ever heard of the piriformis muscle? It is a small muscle under the gluteus maximus and the sciatic nerve passes immediately below the piriformis muscle (from the web).There is apparantly piriformis syndrome. Anyway, i think I injured/pulled/ripped it doing the dynamic outer thighs a little too dynamically (on one side only). It's hard to find much on it, and wondered if anyone had had any problems in the area - basically the pain is deep under the gluteus maximus muscle and there is no pain if I flex? my butt :eek:

If anyone has had this or heard of it, how did you heal? I read about deep tissue massage, but quite honestly I just can't see myself asking someone to deeply massage my butt!

TIA for any advice or suggestions!
Not heard of that muscle exactly but I've pulled a glute muscle many times. It takes a couple months to heal. Try fresh pineapple, motrin and stretching. Do a search on glute muscle stretches.

Hope you get better soon.
Yup!! It sucks. It will take a few months to heal. Mine gets achy at night when I lay down if it is acting up. Or sitting long periods of time. Stretch, and heat work for me. But the couple times its bothered me, it took a long time to clear up. Now that I know what it feels like, if I feel it getting funky, I lay off things that aggravate it. Step and KB can bother it sometimes, running & elliptical not so much, wts tend to feel good bc they stretch it out. If you can find someone to give you a nice tushy massage, that helps too.

Hope you feel better soon!
Yes! I didn't know what it was or that I had one until I started foam rolling.

I mentioned a free ebook in this thread a little while back: http://www.cathenation.com/forum/showthread.php?t=261615

One of the muscle areas it covers is the piriformis. It shows how you can use a foam roller to massage it yourself. I do it frequently.

Hope this helps.

Have any of you ever heard of the piriformis muscle? It is a small muscle under the gluteus maximus and the sciatic nerve passes immediately below the piriformis muscle (from the web).There is apparantly piriformis syndrome. Anyway, i think I injured/pulled/ripped it doing the dynamic outer thighs a little too dynamically (on one side only). It's hard to find much on it, and wondered if anyone had had any problems in the area - basically the pain is deep under the gluteus maximus muscle and there is no pain if I flex? my butt :eek:

If anyone has had this or heard of it, how did you heal? I read about deep tissue massage, but quite honestly I just can't see myself asking someone to deeply massage my butt!

TIA for any advice or suggestions!
Stretch and stretch! The one that has helped me the most is when I lie on my back...the ankle of the hurting side on the knee/thigh of the other. Raise your foot off the floor and as your knee pushes in one direction also use your hand to push on your knee of the affected leg away from your body. (hope that makes sense) I can really feel it in the right spot. I also get my dh to masssage it with a tennis ball and that really helps. HOpe you feel better soon.
Have any of you ever heard of the piriformis muscle? It is a small muscle under the gluteus maximus and the sciatic nerve passes immediately below the piriformis muscle (from the web).There is apparantly piriformis syndrome. Anyway, i think I injured/pulled/ripped it doing the dynamic outer thighs a little too dynamically (on one side only). It's hard to find much on it, and wondered if anyone had had any problems in the area - basically the pain is deep under the gluteus maximus muscle and there is no pain if I flex? my butt :eek:

If anyone has had this or heard of it, how did you heal? I read about deep tissue massage, but quite honestly I just can't see myself asking someone to deeply massage my butt!

TIA for any advice or suggestions!

I've heard of this and wonder if I have this too. I pulled my muscle over 2 years ago walking my dogs one morning before a run. I tripped when stepping up on the curb and to keep from falling I dunno just somehow moved to quickly or whatever to keep from going down and felt it pull. It was so painful for months afterwards going down stairs hurt, sitting for long periods of time hurt. I second the foam roller.
Ive never fully gotten over this whatever it is. Last winter I repulled it by running on my TM. I hit 8.0 mph by accident and thought i would give that a try and repulled. It feels better now that I foam roll but I don't know that whatever this is will ever heal completely.
Try this stretch, that's the only thing that really helped me. The trick is to do this every day. Sometimes I don't and when I am seating a lot the pain comes back.
hope this link works

I also use sacro wedgy every day. If you google it you will find a site that sells it (there is a short video that explains how to use it)
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Try this stretch, that's the only thing that really helped me. The trick is to do this every day. Sometimes I don't and when I am seating a lot the pain comes back.
hope this link works

I also use scaro wedgy every day. If you google it you will find a site that sells it (there is a short video that explains how to use it)

Thanks for posting this. I will give this a go.
Kristen, isn't it so painful? And of course my coworkers would laugh 'cause they didn't think there was a muscle there. Tried deep tissue massage, foam rolling, chiropractor, and it was still really sore. I found doing a lot of yoga-type stretching was the best, and giving it a lot of time. Tried running thru it, and that was an impossibility. Almost a year now, it is is almost back to normal. I space out the type of wo I do so as to not aggravate it.
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much everyone!! It helps to know that it is not as obscure as it seems to be - tho leave it to me to injure a muscle that I nor anyone I know has ever heard of!!! TG for this forum! You guys are awesome!
Not laughing at your pain, but(t)...

...when I was pregnant with my first child, I developed such a pain in the butt for about a month when he was pressing against my sciatic nerve! I couldn't even walk; I had to do the pregnant lady shuffle!

Okay, I can say it here: It was a preview of things to come.... I love him lots, but he can be a handful!

I hope your back gets better. Maybe if you get one of those pressure point devices (like the Goosebump balls) and sort of sit on it. Or try a tennis ball. I hope you get better quickly.

Because I've literally felt your pain!
Try this stretch, that's the only thing that really helped me. The trick is to do this every day. Sometimes I don't and when I am seating a lot the pain comes back.
hope this link works

I also use sacro wedgy every day. If you google it you will find a site that sells it (there is a short video that explains how to use it)

Thanks Magda! These exercises are great! I can sure feel it.
Me too!!

...when I was pregnant with my first child, I developed such a pain in the butt for about a month when he was pressing against my sciatic nerve! I couldn't even walk; I had to do the pregnant lady shuffle!

Okay, I can say it here: It was a preview of things to come.... I love him lots, but he can be a handful!

I hope your back gets better. Maybe if you get one of those pressure point devices (like the Goosebump balls) and sort of sit on it. Or try a tennis ball. I hope you get better quickly.

Because I've literally felt your pain!

I'm so mad at myself because I was finally at a point where I could do the whole workout again, aarrggh!! It is painful, and the worst part is that sometimes I'll find a position so I can't feel the pain, so I'll forget about and start to move - and ouch!:mad:
I had piriformis syndrome before. You have to do piriformis stretches to get rid of it... makes sense! LOL! Anyway, if you do search for pirirformis stretch on the net, you'll find it. The more famous one is the no. '4' stretch where you lie down and cross the ankle of one leg over the knee of the other- your legs make the number 4.
I had piriformis syndrome before. You have to do piriformis stretches to get rid of it... makes sense! LOL! Anyway, if you do search for pirirformis stretch on the net, you'll find it. The more famous one is the no. '4' stretch where you lie down and cross the ankle of one leg over the knee of the other- your legs make the number 4.
Yesterday I was given a link for a fantastic you-tube video showing 3 excellent exercises for this - the no. 4 stretch was two of them (done different ways). The pain is almost gone already - though it does come back at bit. Atleast I can stand up, sit down, and walk without pain, most of the day so far :) He said to do it every day for eternity - I think I will - just to be on the safe side :)

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