I just registered for my first 10K! Any suggestions?


I'm scheduled to run my first, ever 10K on Thanksgiving Day. I've never done anything like this before. I've never even thought of it especially at this weight. But, I need to set some goals to keep things interesting in my life. So, here I go....

Of course, I was made into a running during my 10 years in the Marine Corps which ended 17 years ago. And, of course my endurance level is decent since I can hang with Cathe's cardio. I know running is different, so I've started running some every other day to build up my endurance and work on my stride.

I started with 3 miles yesterday. My average was 15 minutes per mile. Doesn't that mean at this pace I'll finish a 10k in about 90 minutes. Yikes. I've got work to do. But, I'm excited and ready for the challenge.

Do you all have any thoughts or suggestions for me to consider?
Hey! I don't have any advice ... just wanted to know that I'll be running too on Thanksgiving day, except mine is a five-miler. I've also never done anything like this before ... ever! And I run at a slower pace than you, so you don't have anything to worry about! :p Just wanted you to know that you're not alone!! :) I found a very cool Web site that I'm following for training. I'm doing weeks 3-6 to get ready for my race (just started it this week). Here's the link. It's designed for novice 10K racers...

Good luck and have fun!!!!
Gonnabea...Congrats! You are going to LOVE it! You're not too far out now so stay focused but don't overdo it. Keep your every other day going focusing on between 2-3 miles, and have one day a week be a long run like 5 miles. Over the next couple of weeks, add 10% longer to each run. Don't worry about speed, just work on endurance and staying a steady speed that you can maintain. Up your calories on those long run days to keep glycogen in your muscles. And the two days before the run, take those days off, and just do some walking or easy stuff, so your legs will feel rested and like they are ready to rev up on like a race car on the day of the event! Don't overdo it during the next few weeks. Just keep a moderate pace and eat adequate whole fruits and vegetables and lean protein and healthy fats to fuel you.
During the start of the race, don't jump the gun even if lots of people fly by you. Enjoy the event and start with the same pace you plan on keeping. You'll last the whole way if you remember, "Steady as she goes..." or some other mantra like that.
Let us know how it goes! You are going to have so much fun! I love 10ks.....the footfall of lots of others around you gives you energy and excitement!
Have fun! That's my advice! You are going to love it, I totally agree! Don't fret too much about how fast you run or don't run, just know in your heart you are in this to have fun and do something for you, because you want to! Running every other day is good, and I agree with Jodelle, try and run one long run a week, maybe the first week go 4 miles and work up to 5 miles. by the time Thanksgiving comes 10K will feel just fine, don't worry.

Be careful though . . . it's very easy to become addicted to the running events. There is something really special and quite spectacular about the energy and excitement in the air at those events. After you finish this race on Thanksgiving you will search out and plan for many many more. . .

Can't wait to hear how it goes! I know you (and you too Stephanie!) are going to do great!!!! :)
I am getting ready to run my first 10K next Sunday. I have been training with a local group and I have had a lot of fun. We had one day of speed work which was tough but it has really helped to get faster. Since you are just starting out, you may want to wait on that but something to keep in mind for the future.
I agree run 2-3 miles every other day and do a long run on the weekend adding 1 mile every 1-2 weeks depending on how you feel. The most important thing is to have fun!
I did my first 10k last month by mistake. I'd planned on it being a 5k but lined up with the wrong group. You've only got a month, so you probably won't increase your pace too much. But don't sweat it. I had stressed a little about feeling like a fool at my first race and had an article about preparing for my first 5k hanging on my fridge to help calm me down. The one point that stuck out for me was that even if I come in last, at least I'm up doing something. So many other people will still be in bed.

Have fun!
The one point that stuck out for me was that even if I come in last, at least I'm up doing something. So many other people will still be in bed.

I love this! I am worried I'm going to finish dead last in my 5 miler or have to walk part of it, but you're right, at least I will have tried!!
I love the advice that was shared with me on this site: Just enjoy your first race. Focus on the experience and don't worry about your time. Plus, it will make it easier to set a personal record on your next race.;)

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I agree with everyone else. Since this is your first 10K race, your goal should be to just finish it. 6.2 miles is a lot and that in itself is a great accomplishment. When you train, you should try to reach close to a 10K at some point. Since Thanksgiving is a month away, it doesn't really give you much time to gradually reach 6 miles. Try to get up to 4 this week, 5 next week, and then 6 the following week. You want to taper a week before the race, still run but don't put in too many miles (3 or 4 here and there is good and at a moderate pace).

Another thing, people tend to run faster in a race setting. Don't go out too fast, enjoy the scenery (this time of year is always beautiful) and have fun. Once you see what's it's like, your next 10K will be a breeze!!

Good luck!
Have fun and enjoy the experience. Don't worry about coming in last. I am slow, my sister is slower and we have never come in last. We run in mainly smaller races and everyone is so supportive. My sister came in second to last in one race and got 2nd place in her age group!!

There are so many people out there running - all ages, sizes and shapes. It's inspiring to see so many folks out there running and having a good time.

Warning ~ running in races is addictive. My goals was to run a 10K in 2008 and I ended up doing 20 races that year. I have my first 1/2 coming up in two weeks. I'm so excited!
Thanks so much, Everyone, for your words of encouragment and suggestions. I do plan to work in longer runs/walks as the day gets closer. Today I ran 4.3 sort of by mistake. I did walk some cause I'm not used to hills ( I ran outside today), but I still finished in 49 minutes. My time, endurance and pace is getting better already.

Your suggestions have been pretty much in line with what I was thinking except - Im afraid to run 2-3ers, because I'm thinking I wont last long on Tday. I'm adding 1/2 mile every week and plan to run a 6 a few day prior and then slack off a little to rest up.

I have a checkin thread for myself on Cathe's checkins/challenge forum. Come check me out sometime. I post almost everyday. But, I'll be starting one for December of course on Monday. hahahahha

Im having visions of me crossing that finishline with my husband cheering me on at the finish line. He's running it too, but we're not running together. He should finish ahead of me (he's been running a while now up, down and around Kennesaw Mountain - but he's never run a race like this before either)

Im definitely planning on getting into my groove at the start and staying there. There should be one slight hill on the route. Lookin forward to getting past that with smaller strides, but the same pace. Did that make sense?

And talk about getting addicted..... I'm already thinking of doing another and beating my time as my weight lightens.

Again, thanks everyone. I will keep you posted on my progress

This is my first day here on the forums and I just came across your entry and one on Foam Rolling that really peaked my interest!

As a running coach I can tell you many of the suggestions here are right on target...I think after this 10k you may want to join a womens running group for a Half Marathon as there is nothing quite like the camaraderie!

Check out the post on Foam Rolling as I can testify it really helps keep those muscles loose! If you have any specific questions I would be happy to try to answer to...my mission in life is to help women reach their fitness goals...I once was obese, fought my way out of it and now am very happy!!
Take care!

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