I just completed my first Cathe straight through!!!


OK, maybe this says a bunch about my really less-than-exciting-life, but today I just made it through my first Cathe workout without pausing the VCR, or just standing there scratching my head and saying "what the heck's a richochet?!" I am SO HAPPY! The video was CTX's All Step that came with my new Step Co. step, and for the last few days I've watched it, tried it and studied it, hoping to learn the moves. Each time it got easier and today I did the entire thing! Just a few days ago, I thought I'd never be able to learn the choreography, but because of all your kind advice (and some special encouraging words from Bobbi:) ), I just kept plowing through with a smile and sense of humor, and DID IT!

I can't believe I'm 37 years old and am this excited about completing an exercise video. I know it sounds so silly, but it just feels like such an accomplishment. Just a little over 18 months ago I was 110 pounds heavier and couldn't walk my son to the bus stop without getting out of breath. Now I can make it through a whole Cathe, and I am LOVING IT! What a year this has been and I thank you all so much (and a big special hug to Bobbi!)for imparting me with such contagious positivity and excitement. I can't wait to get my Intensity Series DVDs (due tomorrow!)and get working! And yes--I WILL conquer IMAX2!}(

Thank you all so much for being here, and to Cathe for being such a motivating, encouraging force!

Kim, I'm excite FOR you! I've felt the same way after completing the Pyramids, Bootcamp and KPC! It is a major accomplishment and not silly at all!
Don't you just feel like you can 'leap tall buildings in a single bound' (NO, don't try it!)

You are in Cathe workout afterglow! It just keeps getting better!
Kim I can relate to your excitement! Cathe's step has thrown me for quite some time now and just last week I actually made it all the way through CTX Step and Intervals. Whatta feeling!!! This one isn't as complex as say RS or SB and one day I will conquer those as well. Congratulations on your progress. It's a whole new life isn't it?!?

Enjoy the Intensity Series; it is great!:D

Take care and keep plugging away!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh you are not silly at all, we have all been there. I remember the first time I made it all the way through Power Max, Oh I was gloating the whole day long. It had taken me months to get the courage up to just try the entire thing, and finally I got it.
IMAX 2 as far as choroegraphy goes should make some sence to you now that you know the lingo, and quite a few moves. There will be a few new ones thrown your way, but what would be the fun in the exact same moves in every workout, right? But you've proven to yourself that you can do it.
Way to go, that is something to be very proud of!


I completely understand your excitement!! I felt that way a few days ago when I finally was able to do IMAX without modifying or going into recovery too soon.

Congratulations on your success and good luck with your new tapes!!:p

Congratulations Kim! I think it's a big accomplishment that you should definitely be proud of!!! I am forever pausing and can't wait until I can go straight through.

Congrats! I know when I first started with challenging choreography I wanted to give up. But now I need a lot of choreography to keep my interest. Way to go for sticking with it and on your weight loss! Thanks to Cathe, my strength and endurance have greatly improved over the years. What would we do without her?:)
Kim - what a wonderful post!

Every journey begins with a single step - or, here in CatheLand, a single AllStep. }( Yours is already a remarkable achievement.

I think we all here remember when we first mastered a Cathe workout; the sense of accomplishment was through the roof. And the cool part is that this is only the beginning; there are always Cathe Challenges in store for you!

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted on your progress!

Hi Kim!

A huge congratulations to you! Not only for mastering Cathe's All Step in what sounds like record time to me, but for your 110lb weight loss! What a feeling eh? I hope one day to join you at the top of the mountain!

Thanks for your encouraging and joy filled post! Keep it up!


Congratulations! That is great. It is something you should be happy about!

Have a great day!!

Yay, Kim! I have to tell you the thrill of completing those workouts continues after years of doing Cathe's workouts. There's nothing I like better than wringing myself out, strutting my stuff and thinking, "I did it! I rock! I'm an animal! Maybe even a goddes! You're conceited! No, I'm not! I did it! I rock...." LOL! I don't think Cathe's workouts actually cause this madness but they contribute to it greatly!

You're the bomb!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"
Woo-Hooo Kim!http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/party/yelclap.gif[/img] We can all relate. You are on your way now that you are hooked! Yipeee 4 U!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Not silly at all!! I started doing Cathe in July of 2003, and was 45 at the time. I was thrilled when I completed one of her workouts for the first time!! You're going to LOVE the Intensity Series!!

Congratulations on your accomplishment! I think we can all identify with the excitement of being able to get all the way through a formerly tough-for-us workout for the first time.
Congratulations! I can still remember that feeling of completing Rhythmic Step and actually getting the steps right! But a bigger congratulations on your weight loss. You must feel wonderful. I think 10 lbs is hard to lose, let alone 110 lbs.

Keep up the good work!


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