I just can't gain weight! Darn it!!!

I eat every 2 1/2 hours - 3 1/2 hours of protein, complex carbs, etc. I eat more than some men out there and I am a very good at eating healthy so does anyone out there know why I can't gain weight???? At most I might gain a pound or two, but that is it and then I will lose it. I work my butt off with lifting as heavy as I can go and do it to muscle failure. How am I building muscle and not gaining weight as I can clearly see I am getting bigger? BTW, my bodyfat is between 14-15%.
Can anyone help?


May I ask why you want to gain weight? From your pictures I think you look just fine!

I do understand what it is like to not be able to gain weight, but mine was stress related. At one point, I was close to 100 pounds and I am 5'7" tall. I have finally put on the weight over time though.

Again, I think you look good as you are! What is your height and weight now, and what are you striving for? Right now I weigh 115 lbs, which is about a 13 pound weight gain for me over about 3 years. I did it with weight lifting and eating high calorie type foods. I ate a lot of protein, as well as using Boost and Ensure Plus.
Thanks for the compliment, but I want bigger arms for one so I know I will have to gain weight to get bigger arms. I mean, if I am getting bigger, I should be gaining the muscle weight, right? I am 5' 7 1/2" too. I want more muscle in my legs too. I just don't understand that if I am eating so much food...where is it going? LOL! BTW, if I cheat and eat stuff I shouldn't, I gain weight...no problem, but that is not what I am doing so eating healthy is keeping my weight the same.

You make a great point, Shelley! x( :p

Charlotte-If I came down your way and ate what you did every day I'd probably LOSE weight! Hey! You up for some company? ;-)
My father-in-law has struggled with this for a long time. He was recently diagnosed as hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone) and given medication. We're waiting to see if it will help. You really might want to have this checked with a simple blood test, as some people who start out hyperthryroid end up hypothyroid (and fat) when the thyroid sort of gives out due to overuse. Just a thought, as that wouldn't be good, either.

LOL! I was thinking the same thing, Shelley! Charlotte - I think some people are just "blessed" with faster metabolisms. I am cursed with a snail-paced one. ;(

Maybe time to see a nutritonist?? And I would get that thyroid checked out as well.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Yup, Angie! I am married to one of those "Blessed" individuals..in fact most of his family is BLESSED! GRRRRR! x( x( x(
What is your caloric intake? Remember you have to feed your muscles enough calories. I know you are trying, but you might have your calories too low.
Charlotte, I have two words for you:

You suck! :p

Alright, I'm just teasing. I would give anything to have your problem though! I agree with the others that maybe you should get your thyroid checked out. Although, honestly, you look absolutely fabulous the way you are now. :)
Charlotte, I used to be really underweight. I'm almost 5'3", and WAS a little shy of 90 pounds. I ate healthy and excercised regulary.
What worked for me was changing some things in my diet. Some foods I incorporated were: egg yolks, nuts, cheese, low fat cottage cheese, and a very bad cheat meal (such as Mexican).
I also changed my workouts. I did very little cardio and started lifting VERY heavy (worked with a trainer ~ now my husband).
In about four months I gained nearly 13 pounds! I did look a lot better at 97 pounds then where I was at.
If I don't watch myself, "skinny me" will come back. Lifting HEAVY works best for me.
Charlotte - I can donate about 10 pounds of my weight! }( Of course, you probably want muscle and I'd be donating fat.... Oh well, I tried.

I can relate to what your saying and I have been lifting heavy more than anything else. My metabolism must be super high, but it started to slow down when I ate bad.

Everyone that mentioned about thyroid med...NO WAY! Thanks for taking the time to make some suggestions, but then I would have the opposite problem. :-( Just not my cup of tea.


I love your workout room. We are trying to furnish our basement. Do you use any padding underneath those colorful foams?


Hi Charlotte. Are you going for hypertrophy? If so, you might need to rest your muscles more to allow them to grow.

Then again, if you can see that you are getting bigger, then you are getting closer to your goal, right? :) Sometimes the scale isn't our friend. ;)
I can't believe this. I hate you. Don't ever post anything like this again or I will hunt you down and teepee your house and egg your car.

You know what? I didn't post this thread for it to turn into some kind of a joke or to upset anyone that is having the opposite problem. So good luck everyone with your own individual goals...fat or thin alike.

I'm gonna stick with my goals, but maybe take a break from this forum.

Oh, Charlotte, I'm sure Missy was joking! For those of us struggling with losing weight, it's just funny to hear someone having problems gaining weight - but you don't just want weight, you want muscle. I can see how that would be a challenge.

I hope some of other posters' suggestions help you with your goals.


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