I just can't gain weight! Darn it!!!

Charlotte I was just joking!!!!! Really, I was! If I had thought for a second that you would have taken it seriously, I wouldn't have posted it. I'm sorry.


Thanks! I have two layers of the puzzle mats. The bottom layer is gray and the top layer are the multi colored ones. Underneath it all is tile.

I found out very quickly that any sort of impact required more than one layer. Two has worked out perfectly for me!

Let me know if there is any other way I can help with info! :)
Hi Charlotte,

You may be using up some body fat for energy after your heavy lifting sessions still, so that may be part of the reason the scale isn't moving. And if you are lifting that heavy to failure all the time, you know you are burning some major calories!

When I used to do home health, we recommended a high protein shake or snack before bed to help with weight gain. We also encouraged Ensure or Boost drinks as well; these have quite a few calories as I remember. You know your metabolism slows as your sleep, and your body can better absorb the protein and nutrients to help with muscle growth/weight gain. If you use one with lower carbs/sugar, you really won't need to worry about putting on fat. You could probably afford to add some peanut butter to a shake as well; the added calories would help and the fat is pretty healthy.

Another thing we would say is to add healthy calories to regular foods: for example, non-fat powdered milk can be added to sauces, puddings, a glass of skim milk. Throw a bunch of cooked egg whites onto your salads or into your oatmeal. Use a little more olive or canola oil when you saute or stir fry. Add an extra serving of nuts to your snack, cereal, veggie or fruit salad.

Hi Charlotte,
I think this could be one of four things:

-- You haven't given yourself enough time yet. Some people gain more quickly than others and some are what's called "hard gainers".
-- Your body just may not be able to make the shape and size you are looking for.
-- You aren't actually eating enough and you may be doing too much cardio which can negate muscle growth or so I hear.
-- You have an as yet undiagnosed medical condition.

My suggestion to you is to talk to your Doctor and not to the folks at the Gym or wherever. Anecdotal evidence is great but you are better off getting medical advice. If your Doctor thinks a trip to the nuitritionist is in order then he could well be onto something there and I think that is the time to surf the net, ask friends etc. for their experiences. I think you need to make sure there isn't any medical reason behind this to begin with.

If, after establishing that you are healthy and are eating the right things in the right quantities, you still cannot gain what you want, then it's time to start thinking about changing your expectations and learning to really appreciate and accept what you have and can do with your body and how it looks.

- Lisa :)
>I have two layers of the puzzle mats. The bottom
>layer is gray and the top layer are the multi colored ones.
>Underneath it all is tile.
>I found out very quickly that any sort of impact required more
>than one layer. Two has worked out perfectly for me!

Hi, JeanneMarie,

How many pieces did you buy? Or equal to how many square footage? So I see you did not use any medium in between the two layer. Will it move when you do the stepping? Also, did you do weight lifting on top of it? What is the heaviest weight you put on it?

Sorry for changing the subject of this original posting here. Maybe you can PMs me.



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