<---I heard a fly buzz when I died

<--forgot to tell you gals that <-- ahs a squirrel living in insulation above bedroom, squirrel pushed a brick in and is making a home, <--'s DH has been very preoccupied with this and even went into attic area with a butcher knife Sat night and <-- almost needed Depends, then :eek:
<--'s squirrel is back this morn :)
<--has two SIL's straight from hell and is glad they live either overseas or across the country :eek:
<-- can't tell all details now, but if <-- lived closer to ROCHESTER could meet you and then.....Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh :(
<--says the WAAAAAAAA is for not going to GTG,<-- seems to be having problems communicating today
<--tells Robin <-- had to ban peanut M&Ms from <--'s house because they are a trigger food for <-- in the worst possible way, but man are those suckers yummy :D
<--sounds like Robin has smart mice at her place :)
<--wants to add that <-- married into a fam of SIX brothers, so <-- has FIVE SILs on DH's side and <-- only has brothers, so <-- has NO sisters only SILs and they don't necessarily like <-- as a sister :eek:
<--doesn't think that came out right, just wishes <-- had a sister :)
<--needs to end this post before <--deletes it all :7
<---tells Kara we're all sisters here
<---not sure that really helps:eek: :p :7
ETA <---"squirelly" seems the appropriate username for Kara:)
<---tells Kara to consider herself a sistah
<---laughes at squirrel problem
<---helped at church Easter Egg Hunt this Sat. Over 700 plastic, candy filled eggs were hidden in the park near church. They had to be hidden at the last possible moment because the squirrels in the park will steal them, chew the ends off and steal the candy
<---hopes Michele gets her errand done soon and gets back here
<---will hand her a bar of soap and tell her to go wash out her potty mouth
<---whines that sis get's all the good SIL's!!
<---says OMG and she LOVES sis's fun bunny hair--lol!
<---thinks annual pelting of the bunny is a great idea but would make it a daily pelting and would sub with her SIL's picture
<---is lol at Kara's hilarious squirrel story and wonders if your squirrel is in cahoots with Melody's pecker...er...cardinal
<---agrees that "squirrelly" is a good name for Kara

<---is so sorry to hear Robin's mouth is used as a potty
<---requests that she does proceed with the clean out:+
<---rereads Robin's post and <---may be confused as who has potty mouth
<---tells Michele that pecker still spends his days at <---'s windows pecking
<---says next year DS have requested we do not boil and dye eggs but rather simply go straight to the pelt o' the bunny with white raw eggs
<---is game
<---just checked the work schedule for tomarrow
<---is in the ^(^$%&#( darkroom again
<---hands self the bar of soap and trudges off to the bathroom
<---sees that <---and Robin are on the same posting times today:)
<---edits to say as of last post Robin DOES have the potty mouth
<---enjoyed reading about how Melody spent Easter and wonders if bunny pelting could be incorporated into egg hunt held by church
<---thinks she and DS's could try pelting the pecker
<---adds if any of you hear about the Pope getting avian flu?
<---says he got it from the Cardinals
<---LOL at Robin's cardinal humor
<---tells Robin DS wanted <---to hold the bunny pic while they bombarded it with the hard boiled eggs
<---says but <---was too clever for them
<---totally considered pelting the cardinal with the eggs <---can't bring <---to be that inhumane <---would however be first in line to pelt DS with eggs:+
<---has to go play school now
<--If you ate like a pig yesterday raise your hand
<--both hands are raised
<--There is so much easter candy in this house and I am TERRIFIED!!!!
<--I will show self discipline
<--My girls are so loving the new guineau pigs Bella and Ella
<--Will have to post pictures of them
<--My girls are all home today and for the week
<--I tend to eat more when they are home
<--Sounds like the GTG is going to be a blast
<--Melody your avtar is so adorable
<--you look very young
<--Sounds like everyone is healthy now
<--I understand about the pollen problem
we have so much here also
<--constantly coughing up phlegm because of it
<--too much info?
<--I am off to go eat my go lean crunch and not jelly beans
<--have a great day guys and happy monday

<---so happy Kristy is much better
<---applauds Susan for eating go lean crunch instead of jelly beans
<---identifies with the candy issue as that Easter Bunny filled 3 DS baskets with way too much and it seems to call <---'s name
<---back to a little more school as DS are calling they've completed present assignment
<---dang they're too efficient
<---asks who taught them that:+
<---hope the "<---" gals are pulling themselves thru wonderfulday without too much trouble
<---the only Easter candy left at <---house is jelly beans
<---thinks maybe something should be pelted with remaining jelly beans
<---remembers one year in college dining hall when jelly beans were given with meal and was followed by one heck of a food fight
<---wonders what they were thinking
<---could bring jelly beans to work and pelt unsuspecting coworkers when their backs are turned
<---thinks Robin has hit on new day-after-Easter tradition: "pelting o' coworkers" -- with jelly beans <---adds jelly beans are not chocolate so <---wouldn't consider that a waste
<---adds <---is trying to fax something and the paper keeps jamming
<---asks Robin to share jellybeans for <---pelt o' the fax machine
<---has a lot of leftover chocolate at home right now
<---is hoping kids will finish it off before <---gets home since they're on spring break right now
<---knows they probably won't since they like to make it last
<---will probably have Easter candy in the house for months


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<---eyes brighten, chocolate in the house for months!!
<---is moving in with Kristy:9
<---fax done <---of to more school and lunch
<--screams ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, just found enormous LIVE cockroach on laundry <-- was folding and now <-- cannot find the bugger x(
<--wonders why the flip TN has cockroaches?
<--tells Susan that <-- killed DS's third grade class's pet guinea pig after <--'s DS won a lottery allowing guinea pig to stay at <--'s house over Christmas break :eek:
<--says "who knew they couldn't have iceberg lettuce?"
<--tells Robin that <-- has had fun buying Harry Potter's Bertie Botts jelly beans and tricking DS and DH into eating the sardine, vomit, grass, and earwax ones :D
<--'s DH took them to work last year and put them out on his desk as "communal candy" and fooled three coworkers into eating them
<--already told ya <-- is a pervert, well DH is too :)
<--says that's the glue that has kept us together for almost 16 years
<--says, sorry, but true
<---ping, ping
<---ping, ping, ping,ping
<---wonders if the fax machine is working yet?
<---thinks if Melody moved to Kristy's house there wouldn't be any leftover chocolate
<---chuckles and says eeewww at the nasty jelly bean trick
<---and at idea of cockroach lurking in laundry

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