<---I heard a fly buzz when I died

<--notices alot has been going on in the <--thread since <--left a while ago.
<--is admittedly too lazy to read it all!:p
<--hopes it's all good though!:)
<--DID notice Melody's easter bunny avitar and thinks it's cute as heck!:+ :7
<--hopes Robin has since cheered up!:)
<--waves hello to everyone who <--didn't wave to this morning!:+
<--is drinking cofee.
<--completed dreaded grocery shopping but has not worked out yet!:eek:
<--has load of laundry in and really needs to get crackin' on the cleanmax that was big time ignored during "sick week"!:(
<--thinks <--will forgo work out for now and clean house at cardio-induced pace instead!;) }(
<--'s DH will keep an eye on the little guy later if <--wants to work out after dinner anyway so no worries!:+
<---tells Kara to beg Robin for some jelly beans and pelt the cockroach and the squirrel mercilessly
<---knows there would be no chocolate left where ever <---lived
<---says DS hide their stash from <---
<---thinks that may be pititful
<---tells TiGGer <---almost always workouts after DH comes home and "takes" the boys or there would be no stress relief factor in workout
<---agrees about keeping those DHs
<---ambles into to thread w/ golden coffeepot
<---wonders if anyone needs a fix?
<---says <---was talkin' bout coffee, folks...}(
<---has missed you ladies, just hasn't been in a super posting mood as of late...but is indeedy doin' w/o's!
<---took spin class, 15 min on rower, GS C&T & abs from step heat/ctx planks
<---feels super duper fried and ready for more java
<---slowly moves coffeepot behind back
<---twiddles thumbs, whistles, tappity tap tap *jazz hands*
<---gives big hugs to each and every one of you on this thread...love ya gals!
<---wonders why <---is so huggy smoochy today? hmmmm
<---ponies on out of thread in search of a missing tuck jumper

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---waving excitedly to Deb
<---says thanks for hugs and smoochies as <---could always use them
<---thinks Deb's coffee may be safe as TiGGer went to grocery store this morning
<---'s lunchbreak over, DS chores done, <---off to educate some more
<---wildly waves *Jazz Hands* at Debbie and tells her she's been missed around <---here
<---extends her coffee mug and begs Debbie for a refill...please...pretty please with a chocolate Easter egg on top?
<---waves good bye to Robin and she'll see you tomorrow, bright and early
<---just returned from running mucho errands
<---had to stop at the city administration bldg to pay taxes and the line went on forever!, then she went to the cleaners, the bank, and the grocery store.
<---is happy to report that her fridge is filled with fruits and veggies in a full spectrum of color. Now she just has to clean and chop it all;(
<---still needs to do her friggin cardio
<---wonders what Shelley is doing
<---tells Kara that thars cockroaches in Ohia, too, and she has finally given in and hired Terminex to make monthly visits...just had to!
<---still has chocolate in her house and wishes sis would come over and take it ALL away

<--is popping in during lunch
<--couldn't read all the posts because only takes a half hour for lunch :p
<--gets the sense that there was a lot of chocolate eating going on over the weekend
<--says so what else is new?
<--says TiG, guess where I have to go tomorrow?
<--says New Jersey
<--will be probating a will in Jersey City in the morning
<--has to get back to work
<---glad to see Nancy even if she is headed for Jersey tomorrow
<---wonders if Deb's coffee pot is empty yet
<---wonders if TiG's coffee pot is empty yet...oh, never mind
<---waves to Michele and <---noticed post about weight loss elsewhere
<---^5 sis
<---also wonders what Shelley is up to <---hopes Shelley went shopping or something fun on day off
<---school is complete and now 2 of DS with love-hate relationship are lovingly killing one another
<--is on a food break from cleaning.
<--mananged to vacuum, dust, clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces and straighten messes about the house while <--was gone.
<--is eating apple and cottage cheese.:9
<--LMAO at Robin's coffee comment!:7 :7 :7
<--tells Melody <--doesn't blame her for doing w/o when DH is around!
<--usually doesn't because w/only 1 small DS who sleeps late and naps, it's usually pretty easy to sneak in a good work out!
<--tells Nancy <--worked in Jersey City once upon a time!
<--says doesn't have roaches and would probably die a thousand skeeved deaths if <--got them! :eek:
<--still has no idea what that big nasty bug in DS' room was!x(
<--still needs to do more laundry and wash dishes before starting on dinner.:eek:
<--is glad that DS is still napping...or is atleast content upstairs so is not making any noises.:+
<---posted with TiG, hey TiG
<---is confused by being on a food break from cleaning
<---wonders can't TiG eat and clean at same time
<--tells Melody it's not that <--CAN'T eat and clean at the same time...it's that <--WON'T eat and clean at the same time!:p Would rather post here and eat at the same time!:+ ;)
<---realizes TiGGer makes alot of sense
<---is on the way to send those loving-one-another boys outside to continue battle
<---has temporarily altered <---'s signature line to accommodate a comment "heard" by a certain sis in another thread:)
<--is taking a time out with (hazelnut)coffee after dinner and before work out.
<--has dinner junk almost all cleaned up and will finish after coffee cup is empty.
<--still has no clue what is on the "menu: for today's work out.
<--forgot to mention earlier that <--'s arse is killin' <--!:eek:
<--says it's not DOMS of any sort as it hurts to sit on it.x(
<--is wonderin' if it's sciatica...gets that but it usually run all the way down leg and leg and foot hurt worse than arse ever does. :p
<--is feelin' sleepy...needs w/o to get some energy.
<---says howdy fit chicks!!!
<---is also amazed that anyone can work out after eating
<---has to work out on an empty stomach
<---edits to add an empty stomach full of coffee
<---waves a bright and cheery hello to all you lovely ladies in CatheLand
<---thinks that all this loveliness can be quite deceptive, since hiding behind it is a crowd of perverted axe murderers
<---thinks that might be handy to know sometime
<---have contemplated that hobby myself on occasion
<---is not in an axe-murdering mood right now , however
<---had the most wonderful, lovely day today!
<---did Clean Max, Yard Max and Low Max - busy, busy, busy
<---thinks every day should be like today
<---got the pollen out of the house - so nice to walk on clean floors
<---got dinner done and cleaned up before 8 p.m. How nice!
<---Loves Melody's avatar!
<---hopes Nancy has a great time with the Pilates class
<---doesn't have any Easter candy in the house, not one little piece
<---Easter bunny didn't visit <---
<---did sneak back into Mom's kitchen and ate a teensy weensy piece of coconut cake with cream cheese icing though
<---thinks it's a darned good thing that cake is almost gone
<---just realized this post is getting way out of hand
<---waves bye bye, off to check other threads!
<--- saunters into thread and says "hey y'all"
<--- has had a busy day
<--- bought Sophie a new mattress which will be delivered Thursday and a new night stand that will she will pick up on Monday, tried on some clothes and has vowed to NEVER do that again, went for several walks with Mr. Prancy Pants, did more yard clean-up, did laundry, worked out, went for pizza for lunch, made dinner, washed some dishes, watched some of Narnia, had a visit from her sister, tidied up, scrubbed Sophie from head to toe in anticipation of back to school tomorrow....
<--- is quite tired:p
<--- needs to prepare lunches and breakfasts
<--- is quite happily ensconced in her chair though
<--- did not find any bugs in her laundry today
<--- is hungry
<---tells Shelley <---also needs to go try on clothes
<---will do that Friday while shopping with a friend
<---is not looking forward to it, either (the trying on clothes part - visiting with friend is good)
<---but desperately needs new shorts
<---didn't find any bugs in the laundry
<---but did find a snake in the flowerbed - a nice snake, not poisonous
<---still jumped pretty darned high when <---saw it

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