<---I heard a fly buzz when I died

<---waves to the evening crowd
<---is glad Shelley had a productive day <---wishes Shelley would plan a fun day for self <---hopes Shelley's sis visit was a least a little fun
<---'s DS found a snake which scares <---cause copperheads abound in N. GA <---today's find was only a ring snake <---thinks that's what it's called, nonpoisonous anyhow
<---thinks <---and Shannon could trade homes and feel right at home unless <---leaves DSs behind}(
<---asks Tammy how anyone works out on empty stomach? <---needs nourishment before and after
<---wonders what days Nancy will be attending pilates
<---wonders if TiGGer completed after dinner workout
<---completed GS chest/tri, CM-1, and chinup negatives
<---is loving to hate the GS series
<---hopes everyone is within boundaries of a lovely evening
<---waves to anyone around <---hasn't "seen"
<---adds <---asks where's that person who referred to <--- as Cindy Lou Who
<--- tells Melody that Rochester will be fun this weekend:)
<--- is expecting Robin to keep her laughing;)
<--- wonders if Tammy is coming?
<---wonders if anyone plans to video and knows how to show video online
<---thinks video of Rochester GTG would be pretty interesting to say the least
<---waves to the evening shift
<---is tired from her work out
<---could barely get through it tonight for some reason and tripped several times, and became very winded, moreso than usual
<---wonders if this just happens sometimes to everyone
<---must eat something about an hour before work out, drink water during work out and eat after work out
<---sounds like Shannon and Shelley need lessons in relaxation
<---tried on clothes last Friday and cried because she didn't realize how horribly out of shape she allowed herslf to become this past year
<---would jump out of her skin if she saw a snake
<---needs to eat dinner now and visit with her DH who is home unusually early for a Monday
<---edits to add her vote for the video suggestion

<---tells sis it's too late, she already read it--lol
<---thanks sis for trying to keep her honest
<---said her hater thread has done wonders for her consistency and informs you all that this is the start of her 6th...SIXTH straight week of that friggin cardio:eek:

<---Tells Shelley <--- can't make Rochester
<---tells Melody <--- most surely eats massive quantities of food after working out
<---is tired of my kids being home this week already
<---says it is going to be a VERY long week
<--says good evening to all.
<--says congrats to Michele on her "6th straight week of that friggin cardio!:eek:" ;)
<--advises Nancy & Tammy that work out commenced after dinner and is no big deal to <--as that is the time <--used to do it 5 days/week before Joey was born!}(
<---tells sis <---is most proud of her for the 6th week of cardio
<---says that is truly spectacular considering M calls it "friggin cardio":)
<---would never be able to work out if <---had to wait for empty tummy time
<---assures Tammy she can make it thru the week, she can make it thru the week, SHE CAN
<--agrees w/Melody that video footage of Rochester GTG would be not only INTERESTING but probably also INCRIMINATING!}( :p
<---wildly waves to TiGGeR
<---is just popping in for a sec to tell TiG that she looked at your updated picture trail and she is dying over Joey
<---says he's sooooo cute and I can't believe how much he's grown!!!:eek: :+
<---just realized that I need to get the trash out
<---better go now but she'll be back in the morning...g'nite everybody
<---almost forgot to say hello to Tammy and has missed her around here lately!
<---edits one last time to tell Tammy to quit that friggin job already;) :p :D

<---says she can make it through the week, she can make it through the week, she can make it through the week
<---wonders if she says the above, while clicking her ruby red shoes she will be transported to Kansas?
<---is again wrestling with the idea of quitting her job
<---has done 3 loads of laundry today after doing 4 loads yesterday...BLARGH!!!
<--hopes whatever Tammy is currently going through gets resolved quickly!
<--thinks Tammy should look thru the want ads...it can't hurt just to LOOK, you know!:)
<--waves wildly back at Michele and thanks her for kind words about the lil' guy!:)
<---assures Tammy <---bows to the golden washer/dryer multiple times per day
<---really hopes Tammy is able to come to grips with job decision
<---understands way too many factors in that decision
<---tells TiGGer, <---actually forgot what <---was going to tell TiGGer
<---sends sweet dreams to Michele
<--LOL's at Melody forgetting.
<--says <--forgets anything and everything constantly!:eek: :p
<--edits to add that <--wonders where Nancy is at? And Amy??
<---yeah, where's Nancy and Amy
<---is staring at 3 different Math books and can't make mind prepare lessons for remainder of week
<---thinks GS stripped <---'s mind of everything
<--thinks GS strips entire body of everything!}(
<--tells Melody to walk away from books or just shut them and don't look at them for a few minutes and maybe that will help??
<---waves wildly back at Michele
<---LOL's at Michele's comments
<---'s DH said the same thing
<---just feels really, really bad quitting
<---has to go to bed now
<---asks Nancy to pick a date for the NYC GTG
<---says g'nite y'all!

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