I sympathize most profoundly.
I have just bought my first house. Sheer relief. Before that I had a rented house where several rooms were separated off --badly, with no thought to sound proofing-- and I had to spend the first three years living with an Indian couple who partied EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for 3 years with their friends until 4 am Laughing, music, singing, clapping. I stopped trying to go to bed until after 4 am because I would just lie there seething with anger. My husband refused to ever do anything about it so it was always me going round there in the middle of the night asking them to cut down the noise please. I had to call the police on them also, but this did little good. Sigh. Some people are just completely disrespectful and they will not change.
Our delightful neighbours in the house next door called the police on us several times, accusing us of beating our child, because my teenage daughter was having fits of anger, mixed with her depression and she used to scream at us a lot. I just invited the police people to come in and talk to her and see for themselves that she was not a battered child. Which they did and then they asked me if there was anything they could do to help me! I thanked them politely and assured them that her moods would run their course and we would weather it. Which they did, and we did.
BUt who needs neighbours like that?
So, here is what I learned from the whole experience of that house: disrespectful, hateful people are not going to change. If you already suffer from anxiety disorder, as I do, then you have to do several things:
--plan to get out and get another place, asap
--develop a sense of self-preservation and stand up for yourself (they call the police, deal with each incident politely and stay sane; the cops will quickly work out that it is not you, but the people downstairs and things will not go well for them)
--lead your life anyway. If they are going to complain, hell, you can't stop them, but you can do your workouts at convenient times of the day (not after midnight and not before 7 am), live your life and still be a considerate neighbour yourself so that they actually have nothing to complain about at all.
Stay sane and remember: it is not you, it is them.