I hate being out of the loop and not preorder....BUT

RE: I hate being out of the loop and not preorder....BU...

>Do you know Amy Bento's website? When I typed in
>amybento.com I got a singers site. I am curious about
>branching out into her workouts because I really love kickbox
>and hi lo. Which of her workouts do you recommentd?

I'm going to reply to you in open discussion...k? We're not supposed to talk about ohter workouts/instructors in thi sparticular forum.
I usually preorder everything from Cathe but this is the first time when I hesitate. Not only from the price but because it is weight training focused only with no cardio. I was hoping for a total system that included cardio. I am also overwhelmed by the number of DVDs.
I'm not pre-ordering either. I'm waiting for Cathe's other projects.
This new series is a bit too complicated and pricey for me.

I'm having a ball with all of the other Cathe workouts I own. I still haven't figured out the step workouts on the 4D's and would you believe I have the slow and heavy series and haven't done them yet? I got them in a trade!

This series will be waiting for me if I change my mind.

In the mean time, it's fun to read all the info and it will be fun to read the reviews and see clips.

Now, I'm really interested in the boxing workouts.
Thought I'd add my two cents to this, I have no intention of pre ordering. Several reasons come in for this. It doesn't really interest me and then once theres mentions of MP3 etc.... I'm totally lost and not interested. My motto is keep it simple. I have read many other posts of persons who are ordering simply because they love anything that Cathe does, but in my mind I don't think thats a reason to spend so much money on DVDs that havn't even started filming. Please no-one take offence to that comment, its just my thoughts. I am just new to all this advanced home workouts so I have a great many DVDs to go. Thats also going to include adding to my weight collection a high step and a coupla of other things.

And finally, I got totally caught up with the 4DS pre-ordering and all the excietment. I was very disappointed with the 4DS. I have only just recently mastered the HIS,(and its fun but I don't really get too much of a cardio workout - and no, its not because I am not pushing myself) I don't enjoy the pushups AT ALL, so much so that I don't even do the chest. I havn't tried the LIS yet. Done allthe weight work which I like, but everyone was raving on and on about it and I have to say, even though I am getting some enjoyment from these I much much much prefer and enjoy other Cathe workouts. So, finally I have made the decision not to pre order, and get caught up with all the passion but to wait and see.

Now that I've done 4Day Split several times I must admit that overall I am disappointed with it as well. I really wanted to like it so much, especially with all the raves I was reading about it. But, the other day I was doing Bootcamp (a big favorite for so many), and I couldn't wait for it to end. I was practically jumping and running into my bathroon (live in a small one bedroom and have little workout space) for some of the drills. It just wasn't "fun" for me at all. But for the past 3 weeks I've been doing so many other Cathe workouts that I absolutely love!!!!! Today, I did the original IMAX and LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! The other day I didn't have work so I did almost all of Body Max 2 and was in heaven. Maybe one day I'll grow to like 4Day Split.....,but I don't plan on doing it for awhile.
I'm gonna add another 2 cents also. I am also very disappointed with 4DS. I have been trying hard to use it and like it - but it ain't happening for me. I was even considering selling it today as I was literally in the middle of doing one of the workouts!

I love many, many of the other workouts. 4DS was my first pre-sale and I am not feeling good about it. So I am feeling pre-sale burnout after only the one attempt.

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
RE: I hate being out of the loop and not preorder....BU...

I'm still really undecided about pre-ordering also. I know I won't use these workouts as designed. Under an hour in the description doesn't help me make me the decision either. A 47-57 minute weight workout three times a week doesn't appeal to me, but 30-37 minutes does. Suppose I'll keep waiting for more info.

I haven't exactly felt the love with 4 DS. I love running and sub that in for most of my cardio. I lift weights because I know my body needs it. Would rather get the weights in and over with in as few a days possible.

Oh ladies, stop with the nonsense and just order STS!!! Who cares if you can't lift what Cathe does! I'm so excited, I know this series will make us incredibly CUT not bulky. We are not made like that so I don't know why women freak out so much about getting "BULKY" or "TOO MUSCULAR" It just won't happen unless u are on steroids! Muscle burns FAT and keeps your body looking firm, sleek, and SEXY!!! Not to mention you won't have to do cardio 5 days wk to burn off fat... And as far as the $$$ goes, to me its WELL WORTH it because you would pay WAY more if you hired a personal trainer or even got a gym membership for 12 weeks. I consider Cathe to be MY personal in home trainer and have been AMAZED with my progress. Then again, if u can't stick to a routine---DON'T BOTHER...and I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but the reality is that u must be CONSISTENT TO SEE RESULTS/PROGRESS. Do what makes u feel good and most importantly, what u enjoy.

RE: I hate being out of the loop and not preorder....BU...

I'm waiting too.

I'd rather have the mp3 version, instead of 37 different DVD workouts. (Easier to store!)

I also give credit to those of you who are showing restraint when it comes to spending!! Good for you for not being influenced and enabled! Stay strong in your discipline not to overspend!

I can't believe the folks on fitness boards who complain about their credit card balances yet go ahead and order more and more workouts. The workouts will be there when you have the $$ for them!

Enjoy the workouts you have in the meantime!

RE: I hate being out of the loop and not preorder....BU...

Ok, one of Cathe's DVD's, like Drill Max for instance, is 26.99. At $200, that's like 7 DVD's. Only instead you get 37. I'm not understanding why that is overwhelming? Is it just because you think you wouldn't get to them all? Also, twelve weeks? You're gonna work out anyways, and like the other poster said, might as well workout with weights which add muscle and burn more calories. I don't understand why that's a problem to do 3 times a week with cardio 2-3 other days. However, if you're not really into working out that much, I suppose the STS program wouldn't make sense for you. But then you've gotta ask yourself what you really want from your body in the long run. A body like Cathe's takes a lot of work.

If you can't afford it though!--Don't spend it! That much makes sense. Just don't complain about the price of DVDs and then go spend that much on a pair of jeans or getting your hair done at a fancy salon. What someone might think is crazy to spend on jeans, someone else may think is normal. That's the same thing with Cathe's dvds. It's just about what you value.

AND, keep in mind, Cathe gives a lot of info about the program she's offering during the filming and editing process, and at least for 4ds, you could preorder even after she was done filming and we knew exactly what is was going to be like. So, just wait and see what STS will be like when she keeps giving more info. You don't have to preorder RIGHT this minute.


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