I am very unhappy with my results unfortunately... I do think I will have much better results with Cathe's videos I truly believe they are much more geared toward women. I did learn some valuable lessons from BFL so I am thankful for that! I learned a better eating system, and a healthier one too! I learned to not beat myself up if I made a mistake and ate too large a portion or missed a workout. I honestly think learning not to beat myself up over little mistakes took some of the pressure off of being perfect! And it made it not so much of a chore to do the right thing all the time! I plan to incorporate alot of the lessons I learned while doing BFL to my Cathe workouts i.e. journaling goals, meals, my accomplishments everyday (VERY helpful for the mind!), and somethings to help others! So although I didn't think the BFL workouts got me where I wanted to be I truly like the philosophy taught in the books.