I can't contain my excitement


It's my first workout of meso 2 today, and I am so excited I think I might burst :) I never would have thought that I would actually be anticipating the pain of exercise. What a wonderful programme STS is. I'm so excited, I think I might be singing DURING the workout.

I just thought I'd share my excitement :)
I also recieved my weight bench last week, so now that it is together (Despite my 'fitness' DIY is still well out of my reach. I had to make it twice, because the first time, I screwed it all together wrong :() I can get well and truly stuck in.

I can almost feel the burn now....
Congratulations, Zozo! Last year I felt the same way, both when I bought my own bench and when I got a real barbell :) LOVE having a real bench! What kind did you get?

It's nice to have people around here who relate to the sheer joy involved in getting equipment that can make a hard workout harder, isn't it :D:D:D
I hear you!! I'm starting Meso 3 today and after taking a week-long rest, I'm totally ready to workout!!!! I'm soooooo freakin excited and I can't wait for work to be over so I can go home and be tortured (I say this in all sincerity, btw ;) ). WOOHOO!!!

I definitely need to invest in the tower, though. Next go-round I want to try all these chest presses with the barbell :eek:
:) I'm glad you all share my enthusiasm. And it does sound strange, but the excitement that comes with being able to push yourself harder, is amazing!
I got a fairly cheap weight bench off amazin (amazon.co.uk though :S) but it's brilliant. Incline presses and incline flys are so different, and soo much harder. I can hardly right his post,my muscles are still vibrating and it was 24 hours a go now that I did the workout!

Good luck with meso 3 by the way :)
I can relate to your excitement with your new equipment, too! The first time I did STS I did not have the tower and I am so looking forward to using the tower this time around. I am on my last week of STS meso I and am really looking forward to meso II!

I think I am going to have to get a weighted vest now...always something to look forward to :p
that is exciting. Wait til you get to meso 3. I loved meso 2 and love 3 just as much. I had a problem with a weight bench I bought though. It's fine for dumb bells, but not for bb's. I can't find one that holds a bb, and dh is looking to hook me up for valentines day. Hey, I like w/o stuff more than diamonds. :) I need something for bench presses as well as squatts. DH doesn't want me to get the Cathe squat rack b/c if he uses it in the future, he may go heavier (as might I) than the weight limit....Oh well. Just make sure you have a spotter unless your weights aren't going to be that heavy. I surprised myself w/ the strength gains I've made from meso 2 to 3. You will be very happy with yours I'm sure. Enjoy.

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