I bought it, I bought it


I bought STS, after many false starts and second thoughts many times before. I thought , with the great Catheite sale, when will a better opportunity come? I hope I can do it. I do have to accept that my 3 month rotation may be more like 3 1/2, as sometimes life gets in the way, as well as choir, French classes and just plain tiredness, etc. and I have to listen to my body and take extra rest when needed. Any hints on how to be successful and enjoy the ride to fitness?
You will love it!

Like you, I debated many times about whether or not to buy STS. Cathe had a sale in January, so I finally bought it. I am now on M3, W2 and am so glad I made the investment (in me)! The 3 month rotation is probably about 3.5 months anyway since there is a rest week between mesocycles.

My advise, read the guide that comes with the DVDs and do the 1RM test. Do that and you'll be pretty set to go. Cathe has some good clips on her site that I viewed as well. Cathe put so much effort into STS. She has taken a complex training system and practically made it fool-proof for us.

Good luck and enjoy!
I say, just go for it! You will be so motivated once you start! STS is THE best program I've ever invested in. The fact that you got it at such a great discount is even better! :)

I agree with Lisa...do your 1RM. I never dreamed I'd be able to do the weights that came up for me but it's amazing how if you TRY, almost always I was able to do that weight. (I would never have picked that heavy of a weight if I chose on my own.)

I wouldn't worry either if you have to extend your rotation a lil' longer. You'll still get great results. It does sound like you have a heavy schedule but I bet you'll be racing home to do STS cuz it just FEELS THAT GOOD! :p It will make you feel energized!

Good Luck and let us know how you're doing! You're in for a real treat!
I bought STS, after many false starts and second thoughts many times before. I thought , with the great Catheite sale, when will a better opportunity come? I hope I can do it. I do have to accept that my 3 month rotation may be more like 3 1/2, as sometimes life gets in the way, as well as choir, French classes and just plain tiredness, etc. and I have to listen to my body and take extra rest when needed. Any hints on how to be successful and enjoy the ride to fitness?
I agree with Lisa...do your 1RM. I never dreamed I'd be able to do the weights that came up for me but it's amazing how if you TRY, almost always I was able to do that weight. (I would never have picked that heavy of a weight if I chose on my own.)

This is SO true! I don't know how many times I would print that workout card out and get ready to load up my weights and think, "NO WAY will I be able to lift that!" But I'd load 'em up anyway, and literally SHOCK myself everytime :eek: . I would have NEVER attempted some of the weights that I've lifted w/STS. And I've always been a pretty heavy lifter, I guess I just had a max set in my head on somethings that I never pushed myself beyond...

As for staying on track, why not join in a STS check-in to help keep you accountable? I did this time (my 2nd round of STS), and it's been great. Although I stuck to the weight work the 1st time, I didn't do so great w/my cardio. But this time, just knowing that I had to come and tell the ladies in the check-in that I either did what I planned, or slacked off, helped me to slack off A LOT less! :eek:

You're gonna love STS! ;)
me too

I bought STS also. I too could not resist the coupon discounts, and since I have been working out again for the last 6 months faithfully at least 5 times per week, I thought I would reward myself. Not to mention my birthday is this month and I hit my husband up for it!

I have one concern: my heaviest dumbbell is 12 pounds, I have been wanting to get 15's too, but should I get even heavier, I wonder? Also I wonder if I can determine my one rep max using my barbell. I am supposed to get the STS set next Friday...so excited!

naeo (sp?) I would love to continue my French as well, mais l'universite n'a pas de deuxieme annee des cours de francais!
I bought STS also. I too could not resist the coupon discounts, and since I have been working out again for the last 6 months faithfully at least 5 times per week, I thought I would reward myself. Not to mention my birthday is this month and I hit my husband up for it!

I have one concern: my heaviest dumbbell is 12 pounds, I have been wanting to get 15's too, but should I get even heavier, I wonder? Also I wonder if I can determine my one rep max using my barbell. I am supposed to get the STS set next Friday...so excited!

naeo (sp?) I would love to continue my French as well, mais l'universite n'a pas de deuxieme annee des cours de francais!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY almost! This will be one of THE BEST BD gifts you'll ever receive! I would think you might want to purchase at least 15's and 20's to start out with but you can modify and use what you have and even sub the BB at times for DB's. I would def do your 1RM just to see. Have your hubby try the workouts with you. I bet if he does, he'll be running out to buy you more DB's for your birthday too! :D Have fun and keep us posted on what you think. (My DH LOVES STS!)
i only had up to 15's for awhile, so for exercises like one arm rows, I just held 2 12's or one 12 & one 15. i have 20's now & that is good enough for me to complete the program but I will need 25's eventually. the weighted gloves helped, too.
you will love STS, worth every penny!
DebbieH: I would love for my husband to do STS with me, as a matter of fact, when The Tortoise by the Firm came out years ago, he would do this and just fast fwd thru some of the cheesy dance/step routines. he loved it and he looked great. I know he would love Cathe if he did it, but he has a gym membership with a very good buddy, so I am just glad he is doing something.
Also, we just got back from a 4 mile walk (it's his day off today) and he is all for me getting some new dumbbells when I told him I was doubling up to do my lat rows. He is such a sweetie! He even said I should look at getting a new BB because mine is 15 years old and has the screw on end pieces instead of the clips, which is inconvenient when you want to switch weight quickly.

It looks like I am going to be checking out Play It again Sports
DebbieH: I would love for my husband to do STS with me, as a matter of fact, when The Tortoise by the Firm came out years ago, he would do this and just fast fwd thru some of the cheesy dance/step routines. he loved it and he looked great. I know he would love Cathe if he did it, but he has a gym membership with a very good buddy, so I am just glad he is doing something.
Also, we just got back from a 4 mile walk (it's his day off today) and he is all for me getting some new dumbbells when I told him I was doubling up to do my lat rows. He is such a sweetie! He even said I should look at getting a new BB because mine is 15 years old and has the screw on end pieces instead of the clips, which is inconvenient when you want to switch weight quickly.

It looks like I am going to be checking out Play It again Sports

Wow, he's def a keeper! What a great guy! If he ever takes a break from the gym with his buddy, have him try STS! He will be sooo hooked! But, it's great he has a workout buddy. Good Luck at Play It Again Sports . If you don't have any luck, I love my Troy Lite System BB! Perfect size and it has rubber weight plates that are not hard on your flooring. Let me know if you want the link. Have fun buying all your new TOYS!!!! :D (And, don't forget to give your hubby a huge HUG!)

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