I am offended

>Not true, I call my friends by their name, they prefer that. One friend said he was born in Oklahoman not Africa, so you can call him a "Oklahoman American". "Okie" is ok too....

:) :) :) :) :)
Thank you Bill - such great perspective.



>"all black people are called African Americans"
>Not true, I call my friends by their name, they prefer that.
>One friend said he was born in Oklahoman not Africa, so you
>can call him a "Oklahoman American". "Okie" is ok too....

<<I do not think that it is appropriate to place a race in the same sentence as animals.

<<My cat would no doubt agree.

My cat, Ace, is a Brown-Tabby-American, and Murphy is an Orange-Stripey-American :7
>^..^< ;-) >^..^<
Haven't been to the forums for a few days, so I'm late in seeing this. I'm not going to re-hash the whole thing, but I did want to say one thing. I don't agree with the OP, but I do agree with her right to feel that way. Whether or not she addressed the issue in the best way is up for debate. I personally think that a PM might have been a better way to go.

But this makes me think more about the "Merry Christmas" issue. I find the backlash on this somewhat disturbing. Yes, people have a right to say "Merry Christmas". And I have a right to prefer the term "Happy Holidays" because I don't celebrate Christmas. Just to be clear, I am not offended by "Merry Christmas", but given a choice, I prefer to say "Happy Holidays". That doesn't mean that I am rude to people who say "Merry Christmas", and it doesn't mean that people have to stop saying "Merry Christmas". But I don't understand why the term "Happy Holidays" is so offensive to some people, and why some people talk about boycotting stores which ask their employees to say "Happy Holidays". Is it bad to include others' winter holidays in our greetings? Can someone help me understand this?

(FWIW, I think the term "holiday tree" is ridiculous. It's a Christmas Tree. The "holiday" is Christmas. So call it a Christmas Tree! I'm not offended...I don't have a tree, because I don't celebrate Christmas.)

//ducks, hoping she didn't stir up the pot TOO much....:eek:
Jodi - I've never seen much disdain for "Happy Holidays" around here, but I can only imagine it is because people are being told not to say "Merry Christmas" and they are fighting back. I have personally worked for a company (in the past) that outlawed any talk of "Christmas" and also refused to let us put up any decorations because they might offend someone. So basically the entire office had to suffer because one person might be offended. I do not mind people saying Happy Holidays at all, but I get ticked off when they tell me I cannot say Merry Christmas. In the effort to promote diversity they basically squelch all diversity for the sake of ONE person. I think people have the right to say Happy Holidays, Happy Hanakkuh, Happy Kwanza, Merry Christmas, whatever and I think it's silly to boycott a place because it chose Happy Holidays. I'm all about FREEDOM of speech. ;) Freedom of speech for ALL though, not just ONE viewpoint.
Thanks Liann! You make a good point...if people are offended because of being told what they can and cannot say, I can certainly understand being upset about that. And of course, lots and lots of people celebrate Christmas. No reason to throw out the phrase entirely! I would never boycott a business that chose to say Merry Christmas.
I haven't been here in a long time either but this discussion really made me feel like I needed to post.

While I agree that the OP has every right to feel however she feels, what bothers me is this phrase:

"Please address this issue"

HUH? I guess I don't understand why one person feels that they get to DICTATE what someone else says. I think there are certainly words, etc. that have no place on this message board but that is really for Cathe/SNM to decide, not the other members.

Honestly, and I know this may sound harsh, but I can't even BELIEVE that one member would TELL another member what they can and can't say. I mean, it would be one thing to ask, but to state a directive like that....well, let's just say I think that really takes a lot of nerve.
>I haven't been here in a long time either but this discussion
>really made me feel like I needed to post.
>While I agree that the OP has every right to feel however she
>feels, what bothers me is this phrase:
>"Please address this issue"
>HUH? I guess I don't understand why one person feels that they
>get to DICTATE what someone else says. I think there are
>certainly words, etc. that have no place on this message board
>but that is really for Cathe/SNM to decide, not the other

Since the OP originally posted this in the "Ask Cathe" forum, I assume she was addressing SNM/Cathe, wanting them to moderate and tell Carolyn to stop using the quote because she didn't like it(which is pretty nervy and 'big brothery'IMO).
The scabrous behaviour here belongs to the individual who, in her ignorance of the limitations of the term "African American," and her inability to correctly interpret Alice Walker's words, forced a fellow forum member to apologize to her. Since when does education bow down to ignorance?

><<I do not think that it is appropriate to place a race in
>the same sentence as animals.
><<My cat would no doubt agree.

>My cat, Ace, is a Brown-Tabby-American, and Murphy is an
>Orange-Stripey-American :7
>>^..^< ;-) >^..^<

LOL. :)

oops, nevermind...accidentally replied to the wrong post, might as well just delete this and not contribute anymore to the thread!
Hey, the PC-correctness idiocy finds its way into the academic community too. I work with anthropologists that have to constantly explain why the anthropological terms of "Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid" are NOT racist, they are the recognized scientific terms to define ethincity. It's all so silly.

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