I am new to Cathe, help with rotations

I have the Slow and Heavy series and was wondering how to start a rotation schedule. I have more DVD's ordered but was wondering how many weeks you keep rotating the same DVD's. For instance I was thinking to start:

Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders Day 1
Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps Day 2
Power Ciruit Day 3
Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders Day 4
Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps Day 5

Then how many weeks do I do this rotation before I can stop using them altogether and do a new rotation with new DVD's?
Thanks so much!
I'd go a little light, or even skip the tri's and bi's on Circuit Day because you'll have worked them good on Day 2, but otherwise it looks okay until your new DVDs arrive. Just curious, what did you order?
>I'd go a little light, or even skip the tri's and bi's on
>Circuit Day because you'll have worked them good on Day 2, but
>otherwise it looks okay until your new DVDs arrive. Just
>curious, what did you order?

Thanks for your input! Here is what I got coming:

Imax2 and Cardio and Weights
Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance
Pyramid Upper and Lower Body
Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps
Muscle Max
Gym Style Legs
Gym Style Chest and Triceps
High Step Challenge

Spent a few dollars I'd say.

If you have any ideas for the rotation for the above DVD I love to hear it! Thanks again!
You should check out the past rotations that Cathe has put together. Here is the link. I am sure that if you review some of them you will find one that will fit your videos and your workout goals.

What is your ultimate goal ... weight loss ... muscle mass ... definition? I know, all of the above:). I would be more than happy to assist you in putting together a rotation with the DVD's that you have and that are on their way. I just need to know your goal (muscle mass, weight loss, endurance, etc.) Also, keep in mind that the slow & heavy workouts take a lot of concetration and you may want to do them in shorter rotations (ie. 2 weeks instead of a month rotation). Just food for thought.

>You should check out the past rotations that Cathe has put
>together. Here is the link. I am sure that if you review
>some of them you will find one that will fit your videos and
>your workout goals.
>What is your ultimate goal ... weight loss ... muscle mass ...
>definition? I know, all of the above:). I would be more
>than happy to assist you in putting together a rotation with
>the DVD's that you have and that are on their way. I just need
>to know your goal (muscle mass, weight loss, endurance, etc.)
>Also, keep in mind that the slow & heavy workouts take a lot
>of concetration and you may want to do them in shorter
>rotations (ie. 2 weeks instead of a month rotation). Just
>food for thought.


Thanks so much, I appreciate that! I am in fairly decent shape from working out 5 days a week since the 8th grade. (23 years ago). but I am overweight and am on weightwatchers with 20 pounds to get to goal weight. I also have most of the Firm workouts and do have some muscle but it is difficult to tell with the extra pounds. I would like to lose the 20 pounds and bulk up so that I have muscle definition that you can see! Thanks so much for taking the time.
>Thanks so much, I appreciate that! I am in fairly decent
>shape from working out 5 days a week since the 8th grade. (23
>years ago). but I am overweight and am on weightwatchers with
>20 pounds to get to goal weight. I also have most of the Firm
>workouts and do have some muscle but it is difficult to tell
>with the extra pounds. I would like to lose the 20 pounds and
>bulk up so that I have muscle definition that you can see!
>Thanks so much for taking the time.

Workout 1234,

E-mail me your e-mail address and I will send you a few different rotations in calendar format. My e-mail address is: [email protected]

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