I am back!


I am NEVER moving again! Boy, doing all that stuff alone was tough--I painted the 2nd floor, moved everything in I could (clothes, kitchen, accessories--pretty much everything I could carry). I rented the place for 2 weeks before I closed which was one of the smartest things I'd ever done. By the time the movers got to the house all they had was the furniture & the stuff in the attic. Piece 'o' cake.

Everything went relatively smoothly & boy did I learn a lot about plumbing, electrical, & critters LOL. A couple minor incidents--when I was hanging curtains I forgot I'd left the hammer on top of the ladder so naturally when I went to move the ladder the hammer conked me right on top of the head. Talk about seeing stars! And there was one day when I was working w/multiple plumbers so ended up w/blistering hot water at one house & icy cold water at the other house, had to shower at the gym. Oh, & I chipped a front tooth trying to get a drill bit out of its casing (note to self: do not use teeth on metal objects).

But, other than that, I'm in! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new house & my quiet, peaceful new neighborhood. I set up the home gym in the basement yesterday & did RS this morning. The 6' ceiling is definitely a little dicey, even for someone as short as I am--my hands did graze the ceiling a few times. I'm wondering how in the hell I'm gonna do Drill Max down there--that one drill w/the pendulum/stability ball thing is gonna have to be modified. That said, I am so thrilled to have a place to store all my equipment AND work out that's not in my actual living space!

So, I'm tired, a bit swamped here, but feeling pretty good about everything. I missed you guys & have lots to talk about--did ya miss me? :+
Yes, we missed you. I'm glad you're happy and settled in your new home. You got the most important thing - your home gym!! Good move having the extra two weeks. I did the same thing on my last move and it made things go so much smoother. Sorry about your tooth. Were you lucky enough to have a whole two weeks off from work? At least you have a nice sanctuary to come home to now.

Congratulations!! I'm impressed that you did all that by yourself in the time that you did.

As for Drill Max, the ceiling in my gym is a little low too. I ended up using a small play ball ($.99 at the drug store) for the pendulums cuz the stability ball kept hitting the ceiling. I think using a small ball made it a little harder since it put my arms further up over my head.

Anyway, congrats again! :)
Oh, the ceiling in my workout space is low too, and I'm going to try that drill with a smaller ball! Thanks for the idea Gayle.

Laura - I'm glad you're back and that all went well.:)
Oooh that is a good idea that gave birth to another one--I wonder how that drill would work w/a light med ball, like maybe 5 lbs? a little extra oblique & shoulder workout........hmmmmmmm.......

Well I'm seeing the dentist on Wednesday about my tooth. It's one of my 2 front teeth so now I look like a snaggle tooth. Not very attractive........:eek:
Welcome back Laura. We really missed your input on the forums. I am glad all went well with the move and all. Except for the hammer head (isn't that a whale?) and for your tooth.

It must feel ggod to have your workout area up and running. That is really top priority isn't it? Wow, it is really too bad that your ceiling is so low. I workout in my basement at home and the ceilings are 8 feet, so I can do just about anything down there.

Now, when I workout at my cottage, I have very limited space, because I workout in my bedroom. The floor space is so small when I do the step and with Drillmax, well, drill number 5 is really hard to do. Even when I do the straddle football runs which I absolutely LOVE I tend to run into my bed on the left side of the step!

Well, welcome back and I am glad all went well for you.

Welcome back, Laura! I'll bet it feels good to sit and rest for a change, huh? And by the way, the DM drill with the ball works with weights. I have to modify to take out impact (no jogging in place), so I do various knee repeaters, etc. to keep moving. And I use 5-lb dbs for the upper body. Ouch.
Yeah! Your back!

We've missed you something terribly.

Glad to have you back.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


welcome back and i'm glad the big move is behind you! i also have 6' ceilings in my "gym" and drill max is a challenge - i am not sure i could even do it with a smaller ball. right now i keep the stability ball as high as i can, but my arms are obviously in front of my body, not above my head. i think it's harder!

oh, and i'm sorry about your tooth! ouch!
Welcome back Laura :) Glad things went well overall.

*taking copious notes about what NOT to hit self with*


It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
Hey Congratulations Laura..nice to meet you.Yes you will learn alot owning a home. Before I moved into my house I did not know what a trap was...boy did I learn quickly when we had a flood. Working with handimen was/is a chore also. I went through four handimen before I found the right one. But it seem like you are more handi than I...so keep up the good work.

Enjoy your peace and quiet.
Welcome back!!! Trying to do your own dental work, huh? Glad it all went mostly smoothly.

When we moved into our house 8 yrs ago (I was 20, hubby was 24) we took down all the old smoke alarms and installed new ones. Tossed the old ones into a garbage and left out for dinner. Came home and the smoke alarms were blaring, couldn't figure out where the heck the noise was coming from as the ones on the ceiling weren't doing anything and the olds ones supposedly didn't work anymore. Stood in the kitchen next to the garbage bad the old one was in, staring up the ceiling trying to figure out where the heck there was a hidden smoke alarm and why it was blaring. In a panic thinking my new house was burning down w/ no smoke, no heat, and no flames, made hubby call the fire dept. They came over a fished the old alarm out of the garbage bag which apparantly had gotten dripped on by a can of pop in the garbage and the liquid set the alarm off!! I felt really stupid. But, hey you live, you learn.

As for Drill Max, I also have a low ceiling, and I just use a 3lb dumbbell. The stability ball weighs 2 or 3 lbs, and the 3lb dumbbell works as a good sub.

Boy, you guys have much better stories than I do! :) This is actually the 3rd house I've owned. I was married the first time & the place was beautiful (huge historical house in a very rural area). Stuff like this is always easier when you're married (although nothing else is ;-) ).

My second house was the one I just sold--the first I bought on my own. It was historical also but it had been remodeled w/kind of cheapy materials.

My new house is a flip & it's beautiful. Granted they did everything to make it pretty (new kitchen & bathrooms, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, refinished floors, a couple coats of interior & exterior paint, etc.) but they pretty much ignored the systems. Passing code for them was a nightmare--they had to replace 2 electrical boxes, do all kinds of plumbing work, AND have asbestos remediated in the basement (an extremely expensive process).
Hey Laura! Just wanted to pop in here to welcome you back (you were missed around here while you were gone for sure!) & congratulate you on your new house too! Looking forward to seeing you around here a lot more now!:)

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