Husband & First Attempt at BC!!!!


Let me start out by saying that my husband and I have a great relationship...we totally joke around and have fun together so I wasn't being mean....k?}( :7 My husband used to be in great shape and for the last couple of years he has been trying to get back to working out regularly. He runs, does taebo, and does heavy weight training once a week. Well he runs for a while then decides that is too much impact(he runs about 1 mile by the way), then he will do taebo for a while(gets tired of that), he will weight train for maybe 3 weeks then for whatever reason he can't get to the gym. I've been telling him that when he can't get to the gym a great workout for him to do is BC b/c it will give him a good overall workout. Well, he told me that would be too easy....mind you he has not worked out regularly...just on and off. He said I need something that is going to get my heart rate up. I explained the whole BC concept to him and he is like yea but will it get my heart rate up. I looked at him and said talk to me after cycle 1. I helped him get set up and he wanted to do 40 lb. on the barbell. I about died laughing at him....he was huffing and puffing and couldn't keep up with the squats. He was making whimpering noises but trying so hard to keep up. The core work in cycle 1 about killed him. Mind you, I was sitting on the step eating dinner as I had completed my workout. I was so entertained! Well, he continued on to cycle 2 and all he could do were regular jumping jacks and he continued with the whimpering noises. The static lunges were hilarious! He quit within cycle 3 and now has a new found respect for my workouts. He talked about how hard she was and today he complained about being sore! He and I were laughing so hard. Next time he will try to do the lower body work without weights until he builds up his endurance. I told him he could not use 2.5 cycles of BC as an excuse to be too sore to workout for the next month! Just had to share!:7
What a great story, thanks for sharing with us. I am laughing with you. I think it is great he tried out boot camp, it is a tough tape for sure. It sounds like he has found out how hard you work out. It is great you can laugh and joke about things together, that is how my
husband and I are, but he hasn't attempted any Cathe work outs yet, he just comments on the sweat dripping off me, and the nice complimants he adds is a plus. He always says, wow dear you sure look good in those jeans, just one more reason to continue with my cathe work outs. Maybe your husband will continue the work outs with you, that would be great. Thanks for sharing.

Have a wonderful evening, and keep up the good work out, I would love to hear if your husband continues with the work outs.

Thanks:) :( :( :D :D

You should like you have a fantastic relationship with your husband. Can i ask how long you've been married. I think stories like these are great, not only to they share fun, but how great being married can be.

W x
Last weekend was our 5th anniversary...woo hoo! We "officially" celebrate this weekend. When I was single I said that I would never marry someone I did not know less than a year....well, we met in October, got engaged in December, and married in May. When ya know, ya know. We have developed a great friendship over these 5 years....he says he will attempt BC we shall see...he claims I am trying to kill him...tee hee.:7

I hope you and your husband have a great celebration this weekend 5 years, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!.

Friendship and laughter is so important, I love to hear people tell me that they are great friends also. I got a great gift idea for you, how about a nice Cathe tape wrapped up with a pretty bow!!. Even for a joke that would be a good one to pull on him, I am getting pretty good at doing things like that to my husband. My husband and I have been married 23 years this July. We met on a blind date, and it was love at first sight. I just wanted to say have a great ANNIVERSARY, AND GOD BLESS, HAVE A GOOD DAY. :) :) :) :) :) :)

That is to funny! I would love for my DH to try my workouts.I think he realizes how hard they are though.He knows that I can run 14 kms a day without having a heart I think he understands the extreme of those videos.But it still would be funny to watch.You should have gotten it on video!
I did BC with my husband once too. I had already done CTX 10 10 10 while I waited for him to get ready, then we launched into BC and he tried his best the sweet thing, but his form on the weights work was terrible, the core work killed him and lets just say.....he did his best on the cardio work.

He looked at me like I was mad afterwards, went off to shower and has never done it with me again since nor talked about it!!!!!
Wot a larf!

I am the only Cathe fan in this house. Oh, and Happy Anniversary by the way! I have been married for 10 years this August and never regret my choice of husband: he's still makes me laugh, he's my best friend, and he's a buffer between me and the rest of the world.

I loved this post!! When I can talk my DH (of 20 yrs) into doing boot camp with me its quite an accomplishment! He always trys to use heavier weights, and I'll say "are you sure you want to go that heavy" and he always ends up saying "I forgot how hard this is"! That's only when he doesnt give up 10 minutes into the workout! Thanks for the chuckle, but doesn't it make you feel good about how much you've accomplished? Debbie:)
Well, my crazy husband says he is going to attempt it again tonight! He will not use weights for the lower body. This is crazy fun...tee hee! Our room is not big enough for both of us to do it together. Let the entertainment begin.....}( }( :7 :7

P.S. Thanks Debbie for the well wishes. Claire I feel the same way about my husband. I count my blessings every day! Have a good one guys!:7
My husband is the same when it comes to working out. He'll work out for a few weeks, strut around flexing his muscles and then come up with a reason to quit. I've tried to get him to do workouts with me and when I got BC and watched it for the first time he said "no way". A week or so later he said"IthinkI'll try that workout. As of yet he has not. I think he's worried about another little women besides me making him cry.A comment about the squats- we did the BFL about a year and a half ago- he's a big boy and thought lunges were girlie exercises- he also loaded up his barbell got through one set and couldn't walk for week. Needless to say when he was finally able to work out again he used no weight for lunges. Aren't husbands amusing!!!
Bless his heart....he made it through the cardio of cycle 3....barely! I think he is going to continue working to complete BC. He kept grunting and saying how out of shape he was. I had to MAKE him complete half the stretch. He said I can't! I have nothing left! I kept saying it is just a stretch so you won't be so sore....he just kept saying I just can't...I have nothing left! Tee hee!
Angela}( :7
Hi everyone...I just wanted to give an update. My husband is now working out 4 days a week. He now does half of BC per workout session. There are not as many groans and grunts coming from him anymore and he is increasing his poundage a little...tee hee. About a week ago he got done with his workout and the endorphins were just going a mile a minute and he was talking about how good he felt. Then he said, "You know what honey? I feel good and I look good!" He is so funny. I need to take a lesson from my husband and say the same thing instead of being so hard on myself. Anyhow...just thought I would share...tee hee!
Angela:7 :7
Hey Angela!! Thanks for the update, I LOVE this story!! You are soooo lucky to have each other and I know that you know that!!!:)

Take Care
Gosh I sure wish my husband would pick up with Cathe's workouts. His reasoning is that he likes going to the gym and using the machines but what I see is that he has no direction in what or how to do it as far as hitting every muscle. He has admitted that it would be nice to have a personal trainer to show him a good regimen and I always tell him Cathe but Nooooo he thinks that going to a gym is better.
Hmmm..must be a trend. About 2 years ago I challenged my hubby to boot camp - he is a runner and a cyclist. I thought I was going to have to rent a rug cleaner to clean up the sweat. He actually FINISHED it, but we had to pause a few times.

He never asked for a second workout - last night I asked him to to PUB with me. He "had some bills" to do and was finished just as he heard the tape rewinding.

I count my blessings every day. We do have fun together!
At least your hubby is going to the gym...that's better than nothing. You never know, he may give in one of these days just for fun!
I see you are back....I will see you around. You post at yaya's too don't you?
Good story. My father always said that my cathe dvd can be so intense as going to the gym.One day I was in my room doing the abs of bootcamp, almost trying to do the first segment of abs, when he came in and he saw cathe doing it. He said that it was dficult and not easy to do.There was admiration and surprise in his words.I think that he has discover that cathe is not as those video makers that promise you results and intense and only want to get your money.When Cathe says you are going to be fried and cry with hardcore you must believe her, you are going to beg for a rest.I think men, not everymen, can not admit that there is a woman who can lift weights as strong as they do.They can not accept that a woman can be better than they. They always say "It is a video for women". How much I hate those words.
I love this! I have to say that these workouts *look* a lot easier than they actually are. My husband found out the hard way when he started to do HSTA with me one day. Didn't make it very far.

We were going to do YogaX from P90X together once a week for a while before he had shoulder surgery and I couldn't look at him because I'd burst out laughing...his form was so hilarious. But it was in good fun. I was happy he was working out with me. It was fun.

I wish our workout space was big enough for us to actually work out together but then I'd have to buy two sets of everything which would mean less money for Cathe workouts...tee hee! Plus, our schedules right now are so different. We do like to run through and tease each other...come on more rep...hold that stomach in...that weight you're using looks pretty light...tee hee!

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