Husband & First Attempt at BC!!!!

My dh is the same---an on and off exerciser, but thinks he can move buildings if asked. :7 He tried one of my tapes once--I think it was Firm Vol. 1 (before I got into Cathe) and DIED. I cannot imagine him doing Bootcamp, and have to admit that his attitude of being alwasy stronger and in better shape somewhat bugs me. Usually I just smile and know better, but I guess they need to have their ego intact. ;-) I DO wish he would strive to intensify his workouts though. Truly, the kind of shape he's in, I worry about outliving him---like being a widow for a LONG time, and we don't want that.

I absolutely love this story! And I salute your husband for even attempting to do a Cathe workout - and Bootcamp no less! I'm glad that you have gotten him to workout more. That alone is a blessing. And he hasn't given up yet! And I don't think he will at least until he completes Bootcamp (hopefully he never will given up on working out now)! :)

I recently have gotten my husband to join a local YMCA near us in an attempt to get him to workout more (believe me, he'd NEVER attempt a Cathe workout!). I even gave up my own Ballys Sports Club membership in order to join with him and encourage him. I like to work both at home and at the gym. And he's been keeping up pretty well, averaging about 3 times per week there. So I'm very proud of him.

So please tell your husband that I'm vey proud of him for keeping at it and not to give up.


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