HRM recommendation


My current Polar HRM is driving me nuts. I'll be almost ten minutes into my workout before it finds my right heart rate. I always start by wetting the chest piece with warm water, but it's not working anymore. My DH insists that I don't need a new one, just need to send the darn thing back to the manufacturer, but I'm too impatient. I'm just going to buy a new one. Does anyone have a HRM that works well and consistently? I don't need any bells or whistles of any kind. I just want it to tell me my heart rate consistently and reliably. Thanks for your help!
I suppose I should have mentioned that I've had mine for several years. I agree that they all work well in the beginning. I've owned at least 5, probably more, Polar HRMs in my life, and they all become less reliable over time. I admit I have never washed the chest piece. My DH says you have to wash it regularly because salt builds up, but mine looks clean to me, so I don't bother.
And then there is the issue of the battery...

Nance my bet is for you to purchase a new monitor and send back your current one. They usually take 3-4 weeks to replace the battery and it can cost $15-60 depending on whether or not it is the chest strap battery or the watch battery. This way, you will always have a backup!! ;)

I received my current HRM as a Christmas gift last year and had to send it back for new batteries in September. Bummer, but they did it for free since it was within a year of purchase.

Those batteries don't last forever!! ;) I'm impressed you've gotten through years... I think the best I ever got was 2.5 years before the HR went wacky on me. ;)
"I admit I have never washed the chest piece. My DH says you have to wash it regularly because salt builds up, but mine looks clean to me, so I don't bother."

This statement just tickled me! Nancy, what would your mother say??!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that HRM have a typical battery lifetime of about 2 yrs. When I get to that mark, I think that I will invest in a second HRM and send the first one in because according to Polar, typical battery changing turnaround is about 4 weeks.
I have a Polar 5 HRM. It seems to work outside when running or in the pool when swimming, but NOT in front of the TV when doing Cathe workouts. Quite frustating! Does anyone else have this problem?

My Polar M32 doesn't work well when I ride my bike under electrical lines and I can't use it too near the TV. It just stops or goes to "0". I called the company and they explained that interference from the TV will cause problems.

I just realized that AmyG is right. It's the battery running out and having to have it replaced by sending it back to Polar that drives me nuts. If you're buying Polar, I say don't get one of those high-end, high-priced models if you have to buy a new one every two years. I'll get one for $50 and just replace it every two years, and leave it at that. So which are the low-end models that people like?
Yay! I got the FS-1 for $49.95 with free 2-day shipping! I'm all set. For that price, I won't mind replacing it every 2 years. :D
I have had a Polar M32 for 3 or 4 years now. When the batteries needed to be changed last year, I just went to a local watch shop and had them might have cost $14 for the watch battery and chest strap battery and it took about 5 minutes.
Hi all!

I've been doing Cathe workouts for about 3 years now and have never had a HRM. I figured I wouldn't change what I was doing even if I knew what my HR was. I know - bad girl! But I want to challenge myself and feel that I need to give it my all to do that. Anyways......I will be starting P90X soon and want to do it all by the book so I can get the results. Even though the clean eating part is going to be the most challenging for me.

Anyways....I just bought the Mio Sport at Walmart for $38. It says that it is the only HRM that doesn't need the chest strap. Has anyone tried this one? Does it work well? I have to take it back since I got one that doesn't work right out of the box - you can tell someone else has already used itx( Should I just go with a polar? I would love to hear your comments. Thanks!!

By the way...HR monitors must just go crazy during the IMAX's eh?

Where did you purchase your FS-1? It's a polar right? Does it have the chest strap? Will it work for Cathe workouts without interference from the TV? Please let me know how it works out for you. Thanks!!

Angie, I got an email saying the FS1 would be arriving today. I bought it from the healthcheck website above. I did a lot of comparison shopping, and they have the best website and best prices I've seen. They also offer FREE 2-day shipping! Unfortunately for me, it turns out they are here in NY, so I have to pay sales tax, but I can't blame them for that.

Yup, it comes with the same chest strap I've been using for years. It's very comfortable and fits right under my sports bra.

Unfortunately, I don't do Cathe cardio, just strength. I like to zone out to music while exercising rather than trying to follow instructions. I use the HRM on the treadmill.

I looked at the strapless ones too, but wasn't sure how well they would work. If you replace the Mio, let us know what you think! Strapless is a great idea if it works well.

ETA: I'm determined to take my resting heart rate first thing in the morning this weekend so I can find out what my true target zone is. I've been using the target zone for my age, but I have a feeling I'm a bit more fit than others my age, and I may need to adjust my target upward.
Angie, I just checked out the Mios on the healthcheck website and it looks like you got a great deal at Walmart! The HRM goes for about $80. It looks great and I love that they have a "petite" model for us small-wristed types. Good 'ol Walmart. Wish I had one nearby.

Thanks for the info. Nancy. I don't suppose I could talk you into doing a Cathe cardio just to see how your HRM works?? LOL.

I will be exchanging my HRM with one that actually works out of the box next weekend. I don't want to go back this week and fight the crowds;-) I am sceptical of how well the Mio will work without the chest strap, but then again, like I said I've never used one.

Still waiting for all the dedicated Catheites to chime in on their HRM's.


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