How You Prepare for Filming

Laura Bean, I always thought I didn't have a sister, but hey, here you are sounding just like me! Thanks for the kind words everybody! I guess it's like quitting smoking, I'll do it when I'm ready. Thanks again!
I really don't think Cathe is going to go into specifics about nutrition here, as she has stated before that it is not her expertise. I'm sure everyone ate as clean or cleaner than they normally do! They obviously worked very hard! :)
> I really don't think Cathe
>is going to go into
>specifics about nutrition here, as
>she has stated before that
>it is not her expertise.
> I'm sure everyone ate
>as clean or cleaner than
>they normally do! They
>obviously worked very hard! :)

Actually Wendy, Cathe did say in this thread that each of the castmembers are going to share what they do to keep fit. Nutrition is so important and exercise videos alone won't give the results that many of us may want. Many of us are looking forward with much anticipation to their responses!
Hi Ellenellen! Yes, nutrition is a very important part of keeping fit, but it can get very specific and involved per individual too. Only a registered dietician is truly qualified to give out this kind of advice. I only share general nutrition information and encourage questions of a more specific nature to be taken to your local registered dietician. Hope this helps:)!
Darn! I was hoping for some details. The thing is, I've been to a dietician and she didn't really help me all that much. To tell you the truth I think I knew more than her about how to build muscle! The idea of women wanting to build muscle seems to be so revolutionary to many "professionals" out there. At least in my small part of the world. Even the personal trainer I hired was more into telling me to eat less and do more cardio. I look to the internet, magazines and people like you for ideas!

I understand that you're in the exercise business not the nutrition business though and appreciate the position your in.

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