How was I to know that Circuit Max....


Would pummel my sorry butt right into the ground???!!!! I don't believe I've EVER read a review on it that said it's as tough as it is. (Must have missed that one). I was shocked, but you'd never know cuz I couldn't even raise my eyebrows.

I have it scheduled again for Thursday. Maybe I'll be sick. Yeah, that's the ticket. Feeling feverish right now... (Maybe I'll do Interval Max twice instead. It'll be easier. Sheesh!)

Yeah Robin, Circuit Max is no joke! The mix of cardio/weights is a real heart pumper for sure. I, too, underestimated it prior to first trying it, and a few circuits in to the video I had to pause and just say, "d@*n!, this is a workout!" I learned going lighter on the weights was a must if I wanted to finish with good form! Not too many posts on CM, now we know why! :)

CM is one of my Cathe favorites! It is tough. By that sixth step circuit, I am dying. And forget about those balance leg things where you do bicep curls at the same time at the very end. Balance at that point is hard to come by. But, I love CM! I find myself making an excuse to put it in every rotation I do. It is so well-rounded with the 3 cardio types (kickbox, hi-lo, and step) plus light weight training for each muscle group on top of that! You really can't beat it. I use CM as a cardio and light weight training day.

Interval Max (the "beast" has got to be harder though. The "beast" takes the cake on the difficulty level in my book!
Oh, hey, you must have missed me writing many times that I think CM is one of Miz Cathe's toughest tapes. I think it's way tougher then Imax!

I have to save that one for a weekend day. See, I warned you many, many times!!!!!!!
Oh, you I have to order this one too! (I'm finally convinced that I 'need' to get the 2 Powerstrikes.) :)

I like a circuit does this compare with Strength/Cardio by Karen Voight? I heard that Circuit Max was more intense than S/C....but this post makes it sound like a real 'killer'.

I love your last paragraph, Robin :D

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-02 AT 11:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Robin, I'm with you, girlfriend!!

I love/hate this workout. It's hot and humid where I live and I'm thinkin' maybe I'll pull out CM soon, so's I can get a kick-booty workout where I'm dripping with sweat! (Sick, I know, but I like working out when it's hot--tough tough tough! I hydrate often, though.) Even though I'm doing a Slow/Heavy rotation right now, your post made me think about turning to this one when my rotation is done so I can burn some serious calories.

Too funny Robin! Glad you survived to tell us about it, eyebrows & all! :7 Tee-Hee! CM is a super tape and yes, Susan, you NEED this tape too! Have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha!

CM is a butt-kicker INDEED! I have always been a huge fan of this video, but I find that like others here, I can go longer while doing Imax than I can with CMax.

Anywho... I would recommend adding this one to your collection if you don't already have it :).
RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

After letting CM moulder on my shelf for several months, I pulled it out and put it into my weekly deal for Monday nights, and I'm absolutely hooked. True confession - I only do barbell squats and lunges during the resistance segments, and then do a quickie upper body routine afterward; I'm too klutzy to try to do upper body and lower body, and my leg muscles need a lot more weightload to stay working than my arms can handle. But yes, Circuit Max absolutely kicks butt! I love the choreography from beginning to end; there's not one wasted movement or refrain in the whole workout!

I think my favorite cardio move is in one of the hi/lo segments where you're bouncing off the toes and pulling a fast hamstring curl while doing "Monkey Arms"!

RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

Annette, I was wondering if you left out the monkey sound effects?? I love that part too! I also use CM just for a cardio/leg workout at times. I also do it as is using only 5 or 8 lb dumbells just to kick the cardio up a notch during the circuits, not necessarily as an upper body workout substitute. Using it this way I can do an upper body workout either the day before or after doing CM so it fits quite nicely into any rotation.

RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

I absolutely LOVE the choreography in this video also, inlcuding the monkey arms. CM is one of my very favorites! JEanne
RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-02 AT 09:43AM (Est)[/font][p]Oh good, I'm not the only one! I'm with you Aquajock on the legwork. My legs really didn't get what they needed as far as wts. go. But, frankly, I consider the wt. part a nice little rest. Much like lounging by the pool drinking margueritas and was praying for the next one. I don't know how I can up the wt. on my legs and not burst something important.

Since we're on that subject, I was planning on doing CM twice per week, straight cardio 3Xwk and a total body wt. tape once per week. Now tho, I'm worried that CM isn't really gonna do the job in the wt. area. If I did something like PH or MIS once per week, would that be enough to keep me from losing mass or strength through maybe a month's rotation of this?? TIA.

You know, at one point I think I did make some monkey sounds, but not necessarily with the monkey arms. OK, they weren't even monkey sounds. But, they were sounds. 4-letter word sounds, if I remember right and some incoherent stuff.

RE: Stacy -

No, I gotta do the monkey sounds, AND I scratch my side when we march it out afterward . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

Y'all are killing me!

I don't have CM or CK because I lack the apparent space required, but I do have dreams of someday having the space. When that dream becomes a reality, CM and CK will be added to my Cathe collection. I know I'm missing out on a lot of fun (and pain :D !)
RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . .

Hey Cyberfit, I do CM and CK in a pretty small space, I just don't do all the traveling moves. You can do them without a lot of space. I do them in my bedroom, you can modify enough to make up for lack of space...

Thought I'd give you hope ;)
RE: Hey Cyberfit

I agree with Jillian H. - I too have both Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks, and you can modify to take out the travelling stuff with pump-jumps, regular jumping jacks, modified plyo jacks or full plyo jacks or power scissors in place. If I tried to travel the way Cathe does I'd wind up in my washing machine!

Get 'em both!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Hey Cyberfit

Alright jillian and Annette, that's just what I needed to hear. :7 Presently, I am in my scheming mode }> !

Seeing how no one has answered your question yet I will give it a shot. I just did Cardio Strength by Karen this week and I will say that Circuit Max is tougher. C/S is a great workout but you're not as 'spent' as you are with CM. When I finish CM I can barely walk up the steps my legs are trembling so! :) And during the workout itself, sweat is just pouring off me - burning my eyes. I pause the tape long enough to grab a towel and wipe my face so that I see! I think C/S is slower paced and with some of the upper body moves you can lift heavier weights than you could with CM. Also in C/S, you're not doing upper and lower at the same time, at least most of the time you're not. There are a couple of instances when you are though.

Hope this answers your question!

I agree that this is definitely a Friday or Saturday workout! You must have time to recuperate before going back to work Monday morning! :)

Thanks for the comparison Angie. :)

Circuit Max sounds like a great workout....I can't wait to try it and compare for myself. I do find that I am not really spent after Cardio/Strenth so this will definately put the workout up a notch.

I have added Angles, Lines and Curves 11 by Kari Anderson to my 'wish' list , so when that comes in to CKSales I will order all 4 tapes together.

I love to have new tapes to look forward to trying....feels sort of like Christmas! :)

Thanks again

When I first tried to get the hang of wasn't a pretty sight! Still basically new to Cathe and the step portion was incomprehensible to me at that time! It looked like she was leaping all over the place! I kept going," What??? " But now this workout is a blast. I love the music and the choreography and her yellow top. I count it as a cardio and only use very light weights for it. It's a real good one!

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