How to switch weights quick in PLB


Active Member
Hi All:

I have read a few posts about how difficult it is to switch in PLB. I also had trouble the first time I did it and had to pause the DVD when changing weights. I did it again with a few changes yesterday and I didn't have to pause the DVD once! (OK - once for my five year old - but not to change weights).

First, have all the weights you need ready like Cathe says and close by. I have a 20 lb barbell and I use 2 2 1/2 lb weights, then 2 5 lb, and then 2 10 lbs for many of the exercises (some start with more, some with less).

Second, I noticed that when going from 35 to 40 lbs for some of the exercises, if you add another set of 2 1/2 lb weights INSTEAD of switching to to 10 lbs (already 2 5 lbs on), it is MUCH quicker. Of course your barbell set may be different. But I noticed that Cathe has a lot of plates on her barbell and this might be why.

Hope this helps.

Those are great tips, Chris! Thanks! The only tip I can add is that I have two barbells loaded up. This gives me time for a sip of water while Cathe and co are changing their weights! It's almost relaxing! LOL!
Since I have star collars on my barbell, I use it only for the heaviest weight and use dumbells on my shoulders for the rest. It is so helpful!!

Danielle :D
I slip ankle weights, velcroed into a circle, quickly on and off the ends of the barbell. This adds 5 pounds and really helps if that's all you're changing. I also have 1 1/2 and 1 pound wrist weights for more subtle variations.
I have two barbells, and I think I may use them both next time I do this. My lower body pyramid is 30, 35, 40, so I'll have one barbell set up at 30#, the second at 35. When we switch weights between the first two sets, I'll just put one extra 5# weight on my first bar. When we switch after the second set, I'll add the secon 5# weight. I'll take them off the same way. That way, MAYBE I'll be able to keep up with Cathe and the crew!
Instead of placing my barbell on the floor I place it on the couch. I'm less winded if I don't have to bend so far down, and my plates are placed at both ends of the couch for quick replacing. I also use 2.5 ankle weights as well. I can slide them quickly on the side, and it gives me the extra pr3ecious seconds to wipe sweat from my face in-between sets!
RE: How I switch weights quick in PLB

I can do it quicker than Cathe and crew -How? - I don't use collars except on the 2 heaviest weights - 10 pounders -that I never take off my barbell. So I have quickslip collars holding those on and just add lighter weights outside those collars with no collars holding them on. I just don't tip the barbell. I have never had a plate fall off. You pick up the barbell straight - it's easy to be careful and not tip it.
RE: How I switch weights quick in PLB

catnap, I'd say you've been lucky up to now! I'd never recommend not securing the weights to the bar somehow.
RE: How I switch weights quick in PLB

Well I have been lucky for many many years - how long have I owned a barbell - at least - gulp - 12 years or more. I have done many types of workouts including Firm and heavy weights on my weight bench (which does have a rack to hold it). So maybe I had a plate slide a little on a rare occasion but never has one hit the floor. Of course YRMV.

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