How to rotate Cathe DVDs in general?

I'm new to Cathe having come from the Firm, and I am very confused on how to rotate Cathe's workouts. With the Firm, it was simple: 2-3 days of AWT a week, 2-3 days of cardio, and 1-2 days of Sculpt. And you typically sequenced like this: AWT/C/S/Rest

Are there any general rules for Cathe? Right now, I have interval, total sculpt (which have split premixes), and Circuit DVDs from Cathe, along with pure-step premixes.
have you checked out the rotations section of the forum. there is an index of all cathe's rotations as well as the most recent july 2007. i don't have all of the cathe's but when i do rotations i will substitute other videos that are closely related to the workout. for example if its a circuit workout i can do a firm workout, step can be cathe or CIA video. fitnessfreak(aka debbie) also posts rotations when she has time.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I did look through the rotation boards, but I don't have a lot of those DVDs, so I was wondering what the basic, general rotation formula is.
You might find this link helpful:

I'm fairly new to doing my own rotations, but I know there are lots of ways to arrange workouts, just as long as you don't work the same body part two days in a row (like if you do a strenuous upper body workout one day, you wouldn't want to do it again the very next day but you could do cardio or lower body the next day).

This week I'm doing something similar to the second rotation on that link, but next week I'm doing a 3-day split, like this:

1. Chest & Shoulders, Core
2. Cardio
3. Lower Body, Core
4. Cardio
5. Back, Biceps, & Triceps, Core
6. Cardio
7. Yoga/Rest

I could also add cardio on any of those weight days as I feel like it. Some people will also work a different body part every day--but when they do that it will be a long workout for each body part--very intense. When I do the 3-day split I spend 45 minutes to an hour at least on each body section. Some people will do a 3-day split and also add a circuit workout (cardio and weights alternating) somewhere in the week.

l also try to change up the cardio. So I wouldn't do high impact step every day because it's hard on my knees. I might do high impact one day, kickboxing the next, then low impact step the next, then jogging, or whatever.

The different rotations also depend on your goals, but someone else could probably tell you better what each does for you. It also might just be based on what you find happens to work best for your body after you've tried a couple different rotations.

Hope this is helpful.


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
Lainie, that was so helpful!! Thank you for posting that. I have been struggling with figuring out a good routine for me right now as I do not have too many Cathe videos (I have two on their way right now, though!).

>I did look through the rotation boards, but I don't have a
>lot of those DVDs, so I was wondering what the basic, general
>rotation formula is.

What workouts do you have?

In general, there are many ways to rotate, depending on your goals and how many days a week you want to workout.

One general rule is to not work the same body part with weights two days in a row. So, for example, if you work chest on Monday, don't work it again until at least Wednesday.

Also, if you do interval workouts, do them only 1-2 times a week, on non-consecutive days.

In addition, it's best not to do the same type of cardio too much, as it can lead to muscle imbalances and overuse injuries (as well as plateauing because your body is adapting to that type of cardio). For example, if you do step, do in only 3-4 days a week (maybe even 1 or 2...some people can't tolerate it more than that, and for beginners, it's best to do 1-2 days a week as well) on non-consecutive days.

Here are some general rotation 'templates' that work for Cathe or any other workouts, but there are sure to be other variations:
Day 1: full body weights
Day 2: interval cardio
Day 3: full body weights
Day 4: steady-state cardio
Day 5: cardio/weights workout
Day 6: cardio
Day 7: rest/stretch

1: upper body split 1
2: cardio
3: lower body
4: upper body split 2
5: cardio
6: cardio/weights or full-body weights
7: off/rest

1: cardio/weights (like CTX or 4-day split)
2: cardio
3: cardio/weights
4: off/stretch
5: cardio/weights
6: cardio
7: off/stretch

1: cardio
2: lower body
3: upper body
4: cardio
5: lower body
6: upper body
7: off


If you have specific goals and specific workouts you want to use, we could help set up a rotation that fits.


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