How to grow hair????

Does anyone know of anything that will really help my hair grow any faster? I have short fine curly hair. One bad haircut a year ago has really set me back. Don't know if any gimmicks really work.

hair,skin, and nails formula from GNC, good quality Fish Oil supplements (3 grams a day, if you have a whole foods near you purchase from them), good multivitamin. make sure you get enough protein everyday as well.
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Oh, I can TOTALLY relate to the bad haircut. Mine was a little over a year ago - the woman basically gave me a modified MULLET! Went to someone else to fix it, which made it shorter. I finally found a woman a few months ago and she is fantastic. She advised a 10 week wait from my first haircut with her to let it grow in so she could cut and style it the way I wanted the first wacko hairdresser to... I'm finally there! The original cut was a horrific experience for me ... I didn't want to go out and was totally self-conscious. I never thought I was "vain" but i guess I am
Thanks for your responses. I eat healthy and take vitamins. It has been 6 1/2 weeks since I had my hair colored from roots to ends. I barely have 1/2 inch of growth. I have not had my hair cut in about 4-5 months. When it should feel like it is getting longer it seems as though it is getting shorter. I will try the hair, skin, and nail vitamins from GNC.
I have the worst hair ever - have been letting it grow for about 3 years and it's barely below my shoulders. Very fine and stringy. I started using Biotin - recommended by someone on these boards (I think Laura Max) and I have definitely noticed a difference. You might try doing a search because I believe there have been a few helpful threads about this.
Good Luck!
I've been growing my hair out since last October. It's grown about 3 inches. I'm actually astonished at how fast it's growing because my hair has always been slow when I try to grow it out.

I've been taking Biotin and it really has helped. I take about three or four a day, depending on if I remember to take it. It has also helped with my nails, but they have always grown fast. I also take Centrim and I hear multi-vitamins also help with hair growth.

Try not to get it cut too often. I think I've had my trimmed twice since I started growing it. I'm very happy with it's progress.
Yes, good nutrition, plenty of rest, and a low-stress life are really the only ways to grow your hair. If your hair seems like it's also falling out a lot, that can be due to thyroid deficiencies.
Healthy fats

Make sure you are getting enough healthy fats - nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, coconut,...and flax oil is wonderful to help the skin hair and nails so make sure you include that in your diet.
One thing that I do, which may or may not be just another "granola hippie" thing that I do is I trim my hair on every other full moon. Someone told me once (someone with super long hair) that she trimmed hers on the full moon because the gravitational pull is stronger then so your hair grows a bit faster than normal. I don't know if it's true, but I've been doing it for years now and my hair is long and strong and it used to seem like it took forever to grow.

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