How old are you?

How old are you?

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The night sweats thread got me thinking yesterday about the age range of women involved in fitness. I'm 37 & maybe it's just my own perspective but it seems like most of us are somewhere thereabouts. Which surprises me b/c I've spoken w/several club managers who insist their demographics are in the >30 range.

Anyway, I hope no one takes offense to the 40 & over categories, I just didn't have enough choices to keep breaking it down into a 5 year range.

In your responses, I'm also interested in how long you've been working out, if you don't mind sharing.
I'll be 34 next month and I've worked out faithfully for 16 years. I feel like I get fitter as each year goes by. I also get more comfortable with myself.
I'm 34 and will turn 35 at the end of August. I've been working out since I was 17. More seriously when I was around 28.
Susan C.M.
52 til November! Been working out since I was about 20ish! But, not as intense til I "met" Cathe! Gotta love her! Plan to keep this up for at least another 52 years! ;-)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm 49 and having been working out for 15 years (consistently). Started weights with the FIRM in 1996 and found Cathe in 2000.
I'm 42 and I've been working out since I was 17. Whew, a long time. I started out going with my mom to Jacki Sorenson Aerobic Dancing classes which I loved. About 10 years later, I started teaching Jacki Sorenson Aerobic Workout and Strong Step classes which I did for about 4 years. I then started working out at a gym and eventually at home with the Firm and now Cathe/Firm/Urban Rebounding. I have actually thought of teaching for Jacki Sorenson again as her classes are not offered around here, but it takes money and a place to teach to get started and I'm not sure that I'm up to that again.
Miss Maximus

I am 42. I have been working out (seriously) for the last 5 years.

What the hell have I've been doing for the past 20 years??????????
Oh yeah, kids--ok!

I will be 32 in a couple of weeks & have been working out since I was about 16. I was a cardio junkie all of those years. I have only been weight training for a little over a year.

I have been working out since I left school, so that would be 25 years. Oh my, is it really that long ago?

I'll be 33 in April.

Been working out on and off since I was in my early 20's but didn't get really serious about it until about 2.5 years ago. I have been an avid home exerciser since then and don't plan on giving it up any time too soon!:)

Have a great work out!


I'm 29 and I've been exercising all my life. I started "working out" when I was a freshmen in high school so its been about 15 years.

I'm 35, so I didn't know which category to cast my vote in. There are two for people who are 35. *wink*

Anyhoo, I'm 35, but I've been told I look mid-20's. Woo-Hoo! Those comments can just keep on coming, as far as I'm concerned!

I think it's because I have never been a big "tanner" or "sunbather", so my skin is really fair and smooth. I also always use moisturizer and cleanse my face every night and morning, and I drink lots of water and don't wear much makeup (the pressure of makeup brushes rubbing your skin causes wrinkles over time -- especially around the eyes).

Heck, if that's what it takes to knock 10 years off my age, then by golly, I'm gonna keep it up! :7 :+
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've been working out off and on for about 15 years...was big into bodysculpting when I was about 25-28. I hadn't worked out much in the past few years, but just recently got started back up with Cathe's help. She's the best thing that ever happened to me!

Started working out with Tony Little back in 1994 for about 5 months. Lot going on in my life back then so didn't keep it up. But, been consistent for almost 2 years now. Discovered Cathe last year and have been working out with her ever since.
I will be 41 in March, and I have been working out off and on since college. Sometimes my own thing, sometimes group aeorbics but more recently at home with only myself and my tapes. I found Cathe about 2 years ago now. I work out more consistently now than I did in the past, much be the fact my boys are getting older and don't need me as much,sigh!!:-(
I will be 40 in July. I've been working out since high school. I played volleyball in both high school and college, so that was pretty much all I did in terms of working out. After college I started doing aerobics, but only about three times a week. It wasn't until about five years ago that I got into weight lifting. Then, about two years ago I discovered Cathe and now I work out 5-6 days a week (sometimes twice a day). I'm really into weight lifting now, and that has made all the difference. Without Cathe, I doubt I'd be doing half of what I do now.

I'll be 39 in July. No one can EVER guess my age. Everyone thinks I am between 25 an 30. I have been working out for about 15 years off and on. Been working out consistently (5-6 days a week) for 3 years now. Started with Kathy Smith, then ventured out to all the Reebok workouts and some Karen Voight, etc. Just discovered Cathe about 3 months ago and have only been doing her workouts. It's amazing to me that I could rotate all of the other tapes I had before Cathe and not see the results that I have seen with rotating only Cathe. She is a God-send to me! I use to dread working out and started thinking of it as a chore. But with Cathe...she is SO fun and SO motivating that I truly look forward to working out every day! We are so fortunate to have her and I feel very fortunate to have this forum. I have learned so much from all you guys! :)
working out consitstantly last 15 years. always been a "home" exerciser.
with Cathe since '96 or'97
AKA "Likes2bfit"

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