How Often...


Hey Everyone,

I'm just wondering how often you work out with Cathe? Is it safe to workout with her everyday? Or is every other day better for your body? I have enough of Cathe to mix it up just wasn't sure if working out everyday was good for the body.

Thanks for your thoughts!

I do Cathe workouts every day. I have more than enough of her workouts to cover all of my strength and cardio needs.
Sorry, i didn't answer your question. there is nothing wrong with working out every day. I workout every day and suffer no problems. I do try to take a rest day every two weeks, but I don't always. Listen to your body--every one is different. I used to take one rest day every week. But that was b4 I discovered Cathe. Now I never want to take a rest day! And I do give muscle groups at least 48 hours to recover between strength workouts.
Personally, I need a lot of variety in my workouts and instructors, so I rarely do one instructor all the time, even when I do a rotation, I'll still work in other dvds to mix it up.

But with that said, it is just fine to do Cathe everyday, the only thing you should probably do, is alternate strength and cardio days, but even with that you can even do 2 strength back to back if you alternate different body parts like upper and lower workouts.

ETA: The body does need rest days too, so I'm assuming when you say workout everyday, you will listen to your body, and take a day off or two when you need it. :)
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You betcha it is! Take a look at Cathe's Rotations (VIDEO & DVD ROTATIONS - The Cathe Nation) if you want further insight on how to sequence your workouts. All her rotations have 1 rest day/week, but of course you can take more if needed.

FYI - I exercise 90% of the time to Cathe workouts (the other 10% are various DVD trainers) and have done several of her 6X/week rotations including STS. My results and experiences were only positive (no injuries or over-training). However, these past few months I have cut down my workouts to 5X/week to allow an extra day of stretching/yoga.

Good luck Gabriel!

I use Cathe at least 2-3 times a week. I cross train with either walking, running, or other instructors. Its really more for variety. Sometimes I do all Cathe. You can do different kinds of workouts every other day. I don't workout more than 5 times a week. I need to recover. I like to do either a step workout or a MMA style workout. Those are just my favorites. Although, these days I'm loving the sliding disc style workouts.
Hi Gabriel,
I workout 6 days a week generally speaking, unless my schedule does not permit me to do so. I've pretty much stuck with working out 5-6 days a week for the last 15 years or so, and I've done Cathe workouts most of that time, with other instructors mixed in here and there. Sometimes I'll take an extended break from exercising, like a month or two, but I always work back up to the frequency I mentioned. I feel pretty strong, healthy, and seem to be aging better than my peers. Some of that is surely genetics, but I think being active is a part of that too.

Just my two cents and experiences...
I just wanted to put in my two cents too in that I think it's fine to do Cathe workouts all the time. It is important, for me, to take 1-2 recovery days a week so I wind up doing my workouts 5-6 days a week (usually 5 actually). The key is to use a variety of Cathe's workouts. For myself and many people, it's not wise to do high impact aerobics or Hiit every single day. I try to keep it to 3 times a week or less. Luckily, Cathe has a wide variety of workouts these days! She has low impact (LIS, Travel Fit, Low impact circuit, Low Max, etc), strength training (STS, Trisets, STS total body, Gym Styles, Muscle Max, High Reps, etc) and she even offers some Yoga and Stretch dvds.

I'm especially excited about her new series coming up, XTrain, as that seems like it's going to be an extremely well rounded set! Can't wait! :eek: :eek:

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