How much Sodium??


New Member
How much is too much sodium? I logged my food in yesterday to the Daily Plate and I ate 2,514 mg or 104% of my daily value.

If I drink more water, will this counteract the sodium?

Does a decreased sodium diet REALLY help with bloating (I'm thin but always have a belly- I sometimes look pregnant by the end of the day!)?

Any info, experience, opinions would be appreciated! Thanks
The daily intake for sodium should be 2400mg a day. Limiting sodium can definitely help with bloating and water retention.
You know, I have been wondering this same thing. I just got a GoWearFit and it's been keeping track of my sodium intake. Let me tell you that I am wayyyyyyyy over what I should be. I think yesterday I came in at 3,400 mg of sodium. I don't even add any salt to anything I eat other than a dash to my egg whites in the morning. I was shocked. I always wondered why I was so bloated. Now, I have to find the culprit. I'm sure it's something I totally love to eat that's bringing up my numbers. Why does everything have to be bad for us????
The daily intake for sodium should be 2400mg a day.

Actually, the daily intake should be 2400 mg OR LESS (2400 is definitely a max intake, and it's actually rather high, especially if it comes from*added sodium--and not from foods like celery, etc.).

One way to keep sodium in check is to be aware of the sodium content of food vs its calories. Look for foods where the mg of sodium are equal to or less than the calories, and you'll be doing well (ie: a 120 calorie serving of food should have120 gms or less of sodium) .

Processed foods (canned soups, frozen meals--even the so-called ' healthy' ones--are notorious for being high in sodium).
One way to keep sodium in check is to be aware of the sodium content of food vs its calories. Look for foods where the mg of sodium are equal to or less than the calories, and you'll be doing well (ie: a 120 calorie serving of food should have120 gms or less of sodium) .

Cool trick there Kathryn! I'll have to keep an eye on that. Sodium is usually somthing I don't worry about too much but I should get a sense for what my intake is.

Sodium is in everything that I eat. I was shocked to see my daily intake of sodium too. I couldn't believe how much was in my salad dressing :eek:. Anyway, it's just another thing for me to keep track of and obsess about but I am glad that my eyes have been opened to this.
I have been using Cathe's nutrition software for the last six weeks and found that not only was I eating way too much sodium, I have not been getting nearly enough potassium. I have been trying to improve that.

My biggest shock was the sodium levels in bread. Happy to say Ezekiel bread has only a third of the sodium of my other whole grain bread.

2400 mg adds up fast. I am down to eating pizza once a month now. My belly is always bloated the morning after I eat pizza.

Good new is that by cutting out so many salty foods and increasing my potassium levels, I have been able to get my blood pressure back into the excellent range. :D (I had been listed as having mild hypertension at my last two doctor visits.)
We asked the nutrition software people why the potassium requirements were so high. They responded with a website I have since misplaced but the answer was that your potassium needs to be higher than the old daily req for most people to offset the increased use of sodium.

Ooh! I love palak paneer! I'll check that out! Beavs, it is interesting that by the time we're done watching our fat grams and carbs and calories the sodium becomes a total afterthought.

Especially when I think many of us only think of sodium intake in terms of blood pressure issues. Mine's always low.

I never thought about Tosca's recipes being high in sodium until you pointed it out.

I want to thank you for tipping me off to the Ellie Kreiger cookbook, The Food You Crave. I checked it out from the library and it's terrific! I've got all the stuff to make the portobello panini. Mmmmmmm!
Isn't it awesome! I was laughing because my friend, who is having some odd medical issues, was told to eat more sodium. Go figure!
Thanks for the recipe Beavs. I'll have to try it next week.

One thing that I have discovered is that potassium is not required to be on nutrition labels - it is optional so sometimes it is hard to compare food label to label as one product (Yoplait) might list the potassium and the next (Oikos Greek Yogurt) does not.

Suzanne, I have Ellie Krieger's cookbook and I really enjoy it. The Tuscan Vegetable Soup is terrific!
I am surprised at how many people ignore sodium included supposed clean eating gurus like Tosca Reno.
I know what you mean.
Some of her recipes have 1/2 or more of the maximum daily recommendation PER SERVING! YIKES!

Excess sodium is a risk factor for osteoporosis (high sodium diets--especially from inorganic sodium like salt) are very acidifying, and the body buffers by neutralizing it with minerals needed for bone health, so they don't go to use where they should.

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