How many of you use protein supplements..which one?

I prefer real food, because protein shakes leave me feeling hungry sooner. But if I do a shake I use Designer Whey. I've heard a lot of good things about Isopure.

I've been using Figure 8 for a couple of weeks, and I feel NO HUNGER whatsoever afterward. Of course, I blend mine with 1 cup OJ, 8-12 strawberries, and 1 banana. Oh, and some ice cubes. Strawberries contain pectin, which makes you feel fuller longer (one study showed that participants who drank OJ fortified with pectin stayed full up to FOUR HOURS longer than those who just drank OJ). So, whether it's the strawberries or not, I'm finding that I can go an extra 1 to 1 1/2 hours longer before having to eat lunch...and even then, I'm not starving like I used to pre-Figure 8.

I can't use whey. I have lots of problems with it. It just wreaks havoc on my digestive system. That's too bad, because it comes in so many flavors now and is so good for the body!
I prefer Shaklee Instant Soy Protein powder, I have also used GNC brand Whey protein: chocolate, and vanilla. I have also used Desiner Whey in: vanilla and chocolate..they all taste about the same to me.

My shakes consist of:
4-8 ounces skim milk
2 tablespoons Shaklee instant soy protein
1/2-1 banana (depends on my mood, or if I eat the other half..LOL)
6-7 frozen strawberries


My hubby likes the GNC: Whey protein, chocolate: taste like chocolate milk..

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
I am trying to find the right protein supplement. I used soy for years, but I worry that there's just too much soy in my diet since I also drink soy milk, eat soy burgers, etc. I'm also 7 weeks pregnant, so I don't want any thing supplementing my protein supplement. Some of the protein powders have lots of extra stuff thrown in and I'm just not willing to take a chance on any of it now. Any suggestions? BTW, what's figure 8?

I use Jay Robb's protien supplement. I just tried it the other day and it's the best tasting protien powder I've ever tasted. It's also organic and all natural. No chemicals or anything like 99% of the protien supplements. Here's his site He has other supplements as well. His protien bars are not too shabby either.

Hi, the only one I use anymore is Instone Intake Lean (vanilla spice). Tastes great and contains 18 g protein, 2 g fiber and Flax, DHA and CLA fatty acids. I think the label should have the cheesy slogan you see on lots of pizza boxes "You've tried the rest now try the best"
Most of the ones I've tried taste pretty bad. I just can't make myself drink something everyday that doesn't taste good. Oh yeah, adding fruit, milk and yogurt and whatever else and you'll have a snack that can add up to over 500 calories, not good for some of us. I eat protein bars sometimes but I read some of them don't really have high quality protein.
I think we overestimate protein. Unless you're training for a bodybuilding contest I don't think we need more then 100 grams of protein a day.
I use Myoplex Lite protein drinks and also Designer Whey. With my busy life they really help me eat better and get the protein I need (and stay away from the fast food restaurants when on the go!)
In answer to the question about what is Figure 8:

I wanted to post a link, but I'm having problems with my computer right now (I hope that at least this message posts). Anyway, Figure 8 is a protein drink that someone on this board recommended. It is available through Arbonne International consultants, and I actually bought my first canister from a consultant who occasionally posts here. Now, one of my best friends is a consultant, so I will probably buy from her.

I've been very pleased with Figure 8 so far. It tastes just like my old Myoplex (Body for Life program), except it doesn't contain that nasty aspartame, which is why Myoplex and I parted ways.

Just do an Internet search for either Arbonne International and/or Figure 8 and you should get some hits. Sorry I couldn't post a link (my stupid computer!).
I use the Figure 8 too (which saves me 55% off my protien and fiber shakes :)

you can go to arbone's webpage or check out my webpage which is the following link.
I have used Designer Whey in the past and now use Myoplex Light. I usually mix them with either soy milk, 2% milk or juice and sometimes add frozen fruit.

Here's a tip for you...If you notice a little bit of "bland" flavor in the powder that you try, I have noticed that a half packet of splenda makes all the difference in the world with certain flavors. For some reason, every strawberry powder I have tried has a dull flavor but the splenda perked it right up! ;)


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