How many of you did NOT do the Firm?..............


I am just curious since I know alot of you did. I did NOT do the Firm before finding Cathe. I was kinda daubling in weights and stumbled on a women's weight board where someone gave recommendations of people to try and Cathe was recommended. Soo I found this site and started in with Cathe. I have been doing her for 10 months now and I won't look back!:D

Anyway Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Remembering that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!!! :7
Before I found Cathe, a friend of mine lent me a Firm tape. I hated it (can't remember which one) and I also hurt my back while doing it. Needless to say I never did it again or any Firm workout. I did a lot of Kathy Smith before I found Cathe.

H Joanne, I did Kathy Smith too. I think that might have been where I started as far as step tapes. But haven't used them since Cathe. She is the best as far as I am concerned..:) Carole
I've never tried a Firm tape, and from what I've read on message boards they wouldn't be my cup of tea.

I've been using workout vids since about 1992. My first step tapes were Jane Fonda (came w/a short step) and Karen Voight's Energy Sprint. Once I found Collage video I bought StepMax and just fell in love! LOL! That was around 94 or 95. How come Cathe quit selling videos thru Collage? I thought she quit making vids (God Forbid) until I finally got a puter and heard others talking about her on a message board. So, I've just recently (this year)been getting her newer stuff.
I never used a tape before for weight lifting. I always did my own thing, but now I'm totally addicted to lifting with Cathe and the gang.

I do use other instructors tapes but never had the urge to try The Firm.

I've never done a FIRM video so I don't know what I'm missing (LOL!) I went from years of Jane Fonda to a couple of Kathy Smith and then found Cathe back in 1993. Somehow, I never had a FIRM opportunity!:7
I had been given a couple of Firm VHS tapes by a friend a few years ago and did each of them. I felt that a lot of the moves were unsafe and felt that they weren't right for me. I gave it the old college try, but ended up giving them away. I never really got the appeal, but understand that just because they weren't right for me doesn't mean they aren't right for somebody else. I had already discovered Cathe by that point, so I kind of felt like, whatever!
I did not do the Firm. I did a lot of Karen Voight until I got tired of it and went looking for something else. I found Cathe and was really afraid I wouldn't be able to do it because of the "advanced" level. I couldn't do all the set when I started, but look at me now! I can do it all, on good days! Alexis
I too started with Kathy smith and Karen Voight and then discovered Keil Roberts. I was limited to my choice as I'm in the UK and was only able to get, and most importantly play, PAL VHS tapes on sale in the UK at that time.

Then I upgraded my video player (so it can now play NTSC), found Collage Video and from there and got started on Cathe's workouts. And like the rest of you, haven't looked back.

Recently got a DVD player for my workout room (which stops me needing to chuck my hubs out of the living room to use the DVD player in there!) and have been using Cathe's strength DVD workouts. Cardio are still on VHS at the mo although I am currently debating further Cathe purchases - Intensity 1&2 or BB 1&2(?) but that's another story.

I did get a couple of FIRM videos when over in Canada ealier this year but haven't been motivated to do them yet. Don't think anything can beat a Cathe workout!

Cheers for now!
I never did The Firm, either. I was doing Tae Bo for a while, and had just started adding some hand weights when I stumbled across a reference to Cathe on the Collage Video web site. The writer said something like, "for my money, no other workouts are as good as the Cathe workouts" (something we can all agree on!). Anyway, I guess I've been doing the Intensity Series and a few of Cathe's other videos for about 10 months now. And now I have the Body Blast Series and a few other tapes such as Power Hour and Leaner Legs. I really don't see any reason to try The Firm. There's so much variety between the CTX, Intensity, and Body Blast Series that I don't think I'll get bored for quite a while. Good stuff!

Happy New Year!


:) ;-)
I tried it once...

...and didn't like it. I bought Maximum Cardio and thought in some ways it was good (at least it wasn't too easy, I hadn't discovered Cathe yet), the silly posing made me laugh and the dead-serious delivery was not much fun. I also thought the mansion set was a little silly, sort of like faux upper-class. I think the CIA sets are an improvement and of course, Cathe's latest sets are the BEST. Once I got CTX, it's been no looking back. I don't buy much other than Cathe now. I have found that I just don't use the others that I buy, I find my hand reaching for Cathe over and over again. It helps that she puts out such a great variety. The only exception is my yoga stuff, and I keep holding onto hope that Cathe will do that some day (pls let's not start another thread on that, OK?).

I think the essential difference to me between the Firm and Cathe is that Cathe is more real, more honest, more direct. There seems to be a lot of drama about the Firm founders splitting up recently and I like the fact that Cathe has no drama. She never says anything bad about other instructors/methods either (very unlike the Firm - their constant "we're the only game in town" is grating and not true).

Now I know some folks do Firms and get good results so I can see that it's possible to put together good rotations from their tapes and keep in shape. I respect that. I just don't like the drama and also their workouts are not for me, based on this one tape and also what I've gleaned from reading reviews on VideoFitness.
I never did any firm tapes before I did Cathe. I started with Tamilee Webb, then went to a gym. I just could never bring myself tob buy a videotape with such a lame name as "The Firm" and I still feel that way.


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