How many diff. weights for PUB/PLB?


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
Hope you're having a great weekend. Hopefully this isn't a dumb question, but I was considering ordering PUB/PLB, and I'm not sure since I don't own a barbell, and only have 5, 8, 10, & 15lb. dumbbells. Will this be enough for these workouts? Also, I tend to build muscle easily in my quads, but my thighs are where I'm constantly working on. I've tried pilates and I just can't seem to stick w/ it long enough so far. Will PLB add bulk? The stability ball sec. looks wonderful. Also is PUB considered an endurance workout? Sorry for all the questions and thank you so much for the great workouts. :)
PLB.. she uses three sets of weights... its like 30,35,40 pounds and then down 35,30..I go heavier on that third set (top of pyramid) becuase it is low rep. I dont think that PLB would add is not as tough as I expected it to be.. The ball section is fun and effective. Havent done Pub yet..
I would also get 3lbs and 12 lb dumbells for the upper body. You don't want to jump from 10lb to 15 lbs and you will need the threes or fives for the low weight ends of some exercises.
Thanks for the replies, I guess I will have to get 12lb. dumbbells. Regarding PLB, if I'm worried about bulking up, will it do me any good to use very light weights? Or would this just defeat the purpose of the workout? Thanks in advance. :)
I would not worry about bulking up, I would go as heavy as you can handle properly at the top of pyramid. I think the point of this type of workout is to totally fatigue the muscle, so you really gotta give it your all..I do think it would defeat the purpose by going opinion..happy workouts:7

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