How long have you worked out w/ Cathe?

I did my first workout with Cathe in January of 2002. Wow, what a change my body has gone through!
I'm looking forward to the years ahead and praying (in part, I admit, selfishly) for Cathe's good health!
I did my first Cathe workout in January 2002.

I can now do 32 power scissors (plyo lunges) twice a la CTX Kickbox, I can do Interval #2 in IMax with no modifications, I can dead lift 60 pounds for 10 reps.

I can now do 16 push ups twice, planks in CTX Kickbox without modifying (yes, my foot finally moved without Uri Geller!)

I can also fit into size 4 and 6 jeans and everything else. And I still eat like a ... well, I should probably modify my consumption of fat and calories but one step at a time.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-03 AT 06:45AM (Est)[/font][p]She certainly expanded my cardio options! Before her tapes, I'd just walked. I'd weight trained with heavy weights, so that wasn't such a change. It took me MONTHS before I got up the guts to try step aerobics. I had several Taebo and Cathe tapes gathering dust until January of 2000 when I tried both. Imax was my first Cathe step and Intense Moves was my first step tape of any kind. Imagine that! I must add that I had just turned 50 when I dived into the Cathe and Taebo pools.

My first Cathe cardio was the HiLo section of MIC.

Just Do It! :)
I think since 1996. Step Heat was my first video, then
Body Max & the PS series. And PH, CK, CM. At first I interchanged Cathe with Kathy Smith, Gin Miller, and the firm.
Now that I have progressed all other seen easy, and I do Cathe workouts almost exclusively! I am patiently awaiting the intensity series!


May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy
I remember when I was a Firmie, I bought some Cathe tapes, and sold them all on Ebay!!!! I couldn't master the step tapes with out basically killing myself!!! Then Cardio Kicks came out and Circuit max, and I did like those. I was into BFL for a long time and did not work out to video's, but I have been completely Cathe for a bout a year or more now. I can even do about 8 full body push ups!!!
Lori S.

Hi Bernard,

Yes, I mean the Azores in the middle of the Atlantic. The biggest part of the weather I remember is all the rain. The summers were beautiful and yes it is occasionally windy. But, growing up by the windy city, it did not seem to bad to me. I wish we would have went over and seen more of Europe. We did go to Italy. Do you live in England?

Were you in the military? I lived on Terceira from 1980-1983 and again from 1991 to 1993. I love the Azores!

Since October 2002 once I stopped nursing and decided that it was time to get my body back to the way it use to be. I had a couple of Cathe tapes before then but never used them they just kind of sat on my shelf (was going thru a Crunch fitness phase) so I pulled them out and started lifting and while using my Crunch tapes and treadmill for cardio. I now have just about all of her tapes except for the old step tapes.

It has been 2 1/2 yrs of Cathe for me...(i think thats what is is)and I am hooked...she is THE best! I did the Firm before and I can hardly make myself do them anymore..Cathe is just alot more motivating for me...It is fun when I show my husband exercises that we do with Cathe and he thinks they are tough!!(and he is fit too!!);-)
Hi Barbie! I go back a long way w/Cathe 1990 to be exact. I remember the first tape I did MegaStepBlast. Its been an uphill climb all the way w/her. I can now do swimming, biking, spin classes, just about everything far better than ever before. I didn't post about my age over on the other thread but in case you wanted to know I'm 49. Kathy
My first Cathe tape was many years ago called "Step N Motion". Then she came out with Step N Motion 1. So I guess the first one was zero! That had to be at least 13 years ago? However, I decided they were too hard for a beginner. What an idiot! I didn't re-discover Cathe until recently and now I am a die hard convert. I've seen more results in 6 weeks then with years of the Firm. I can't wait to see how I look in 6 months!
I got my first Cathe tape (Step Jam) in 1998. It didn't take very long to start seeing results. Unfortunately, I got sick in 1999, then tried to train for marathons in 2000 and 2001, and then bumbled around fitness-wise last year, so I can do less now than I could when I first started working out with Cathe. This year, though, I'm doing an all-Cathe year and I expect to see some serious results. I just ordered the Pure Strength DVD and I'm saving to get the new DVDs sometime this summer. In the meantime, I'm doing CTX, Circuit Max, and Cardio Kicks while waiting.

I have been working out with Cathe for about 6 years. I first found her workouts on Collage Video. My first tape was Step Heat. It is interesting to see how far the workouts have come.
May 2000.
I just got all the older step tapes (plus Ab Hits) for Christmas and I'll have everything except the Intensity Series which is on it's way and the SNM tape (oldest on the order list).
Lovin' her more with every workout!!

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