How long do you workout?

it depends on what goal i am trying to reach. but usually its about an hour to an hour and a half with cardio and/or weights and stretching.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I do cardio six times a week usually 45 minutes to an hour. I have been doing more kickboxing now, and today I got a great workout from one of Billy Blanks advanced Tae Bo DVD's.

I usually do weights four times a week, and one day is a total body workout of about an hour. Then for the other days, I will use a two split like the Pyramids or a three split like S and H. I had been doing all my workouts in a gym until I found Cathe last August. Somebody who hadn't seen me since the summer told me I had much better muscle definition now. I still want to lose the last ten to fifteen pounds, but eating is my problem.
6 days per week
2 weights
1 circut
3 cardio


I will say, it's been an odd couple of weeks, so this isn't the norm as of late...
Six days per week (well, that is my hope, sometimes I get in only five)
Lower body and abs: five days
upper body: three days
cardio: three days
I usually go 90 to 100 mins per workout (that doesn't include changing discs or tapes or taking a five to ten minute break after Imax 2)
I have been working out 6 days per week with one rest day forever now and in general I will work out anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes per session.

I am currently doing a freestyle rotation which takes up more time each day. I work out 60-90+ minutes each day and I am trying an 8 day rotation with this where I work out 6 days and rest for 2 days in a row.

If things come up I will adjust my rest days around and/or shorten my work out(s) to be able to fit everything in when neccessary.
5 to 6 days a week. Now that I am a SAHM I usually try for 1 to 1/12 hours a day.

Right now I alternate cardio with circuit training.

I'm the same as JeanneMarie. Seven days a week, about an 1 to 1 1/2 hours day, and I'll take a couple of rest days a month.
6 days a week.

Around an hr each day.

3 Cardio
3 weight (generally 1 total body, 1 UB, 1 LB) - except now I'm doing SH.

I got MUCH better results for some reason when I consistently had a rest day. I don't know what else to attribute it to - my legs have less fat and I'm gaining muscle better.
Ideally, 5-6 days a week, about an hour each time (sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes more, but rarely 90 minutes. On very rare occasions, I will work out twice in one day--usually a weekend---to make up some time).

Recently, daily, but much shorter workouts.
Usually 6 days a week for a minimum of an hour. Many of my workouts probably run me 1.5 hours, but by the time you warm up and cool down or do a nice long stretch, that isn't too much for me. If I do a Cathe cardio and a core max segment that takes me to 1 hour 20 minutes. On weekends I may do 2 hours and that is usually b/c I'm doing cardio and some type of weight work. If I'm working on strength I pause the DVD player and take extra long breaks so that is included in my workout time and makes it seem longer. During breaks and vacation I may do longer workouts and fit in rest days as needed b/c I can be more flexible with my schedule.
7 days a week, at least 1.5 hours, usually 2. Sometimes 3 if I have yoga to teach in the evening (that's not exactly a big workout, but it has other benefits!). I'm a nut.
For the most part, 5-6 days a week, an hour to an hour and a half per session.

Some periods in the year, I go down to only 4 days. And some periods, there are days when I double up on my workouts, cardio in the morning and weights in the afternoon about three times a week.

It all depends on what my goal is.

At this point 7 days a week 60-90 minutes -- like so many of us here. Plus a few more hours with my new personal training business. Maybe 5-7 "rest" days in a year.

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