How is your Cardio/Weights time split in a week


How many hours a week do you guys do cardio and how many hours do you spend a week on weight training? I'm really curious how others split this up.

I do 3 hours of each, generally. When I do CTX, it comes out to 3 hours of weights (each UB 2x's and LL and Power Circuit 1x). With PS, it is 3 hours of each also (each tape 1 x and MIS 1x). S&H is 3 hours of each too, (each S&H tape is 1 hour, plus 3 Cathe cardio tapes that same week). Sometimes, the cardio goes a bit below 3 hours (and by 3 hours I mean three 40-45 min. Cathe tapes including the warm ups and cool downs.) I have done rotations in the past where I did more cardio and found that I lost definition, became more cranky, and more hungry. Curious to see what others do...
Hi Edith! Because I'm following BodyRX right now my week consists of:

Day 1: S&H chest/biceps/Pilates
Day 2: kickboxing for 60 min.
Day 3: PS Strong Legs & abs from Ab Hits
Day 4: S&H back/triceps
Day 5: S&H shoulders/abs from Ab Hits
Day 6: Yoga (AM) and then cardio from CTX series (30 min.)

As you can see I've really decreased my cardio significantly. Before this program I used to do at least 3-4x a week of cardio but I needed to concentrate more on my weight training and I've found that I LOVE to work out this way and I have a lot more power to me now than ever before. Take care, Kathy
Most days I will do some sort of aerobics tape or go for a run.Some days I do a total body weight routine which takes an hour and then other days I will just work upper or lower body.
So, guessing here.I would say I do 6 hours of aerobic activity a week and about 3 hours of weights a week.Most days I just do whatever I feel like doing.Yesterday I did slow and heavy legs and didn't get a run in.And today I did Rythmic step and that was it.I may take the dog for a short run after dinner(more for his benefit then mine)and I think tomorrow I am going to do slow and heavy tri,bic,and shoulders and aerobics.....I could go on and on forever.I will shut up now.
Hi Edith!

Currently I work out 6 days a week for an hour at a time, generally with a different exercise video. This week I plan to do cardio 3x and total body weight training 3x.

Last week I focused more on uping my weight.
Day 1 Power Hour
Day 2 Rhythmic Step
Day 3 S&H - Chest, Back, & Abs
Day 4 S&H - Legs & Shoulders
Day 5 S&H - Bis, Tris, & Abs

Right now I am mostly trying to see how my body best responds and how it helps in my weight loss.
I am currently doing cardio 5 days a week and 4 days of training
Roughly 5 hours of cardio and 4 hours of training, plus 2 hours of stretching/pilates/core fitness per week.

Cardio every evening for 60 minutes Monday thru Friday,
Weights for 45 minutes Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday mornings
Saturday and Sunday (fun stuff) for 60 minutes.
My current schedule is a lot like Kristi's. I work out 5-6 days per week, an hour (or so---with "pauses" MIS takes me longer, and some other tapes are longer) each time. I do three full-body weight workouts and 2-3 cardio, though sometimes I will do a cardio/weight workout (like body max) on a weight day.
I WISH I could have GaryLatasha's routine, but my shins and joints complain with too much exercise. My routine is like the others'. 6 hours + a week, 3 cardio, 3 weights. Sometimes I do quite a bit of "fun" cardio on the weekends, but not always.

I work with weights a total of 2 to 3 hours and cardio a total of 2 to 3 hours. I have a challenge piecing it all together because I only work out 5 days a week usually. Occasionally I will bike to work and this adds an extra 45 minutes of cardio split between morning and evening of course.

I take Fridays and Sundays off, but this is not hard and fast. However this usually means that I can do a type of workout on Saturday that shouldn't be followed or preceded by anything! That way I use my Body Max, CTX upper body with warm up and abs, Step Fit (longer than an hour) and IMax. Lately I can do IMax on a regular cardio day but sometimes it seems like a special Saturday workout.

Since I have difficulty doing Leaner Legs the day after IMax, and Power Circuit immediately before or after another leg workout, the Saturday workout solves those kinds of problems.
I so appreciate everyone taking time to share this with me. I got the BODY RX book when it came out last Christmas and did the first cycle then went back to what I generally do because I felt I needed a lot more cardio than that program calls or leaves time for. I'm a six times a week cardio girl.

I just ordered six new Cathe's and they are all weights except for Cardio Kicks and Mega Step Blast ( I'm a die-hard step nut ) and I plan to try to do the Body RX with 3 cardios a week if that is possible, we'll see. Therefore I asked what others are doing to try and determine if it's doable!!

Edith ;-)
I think that anyone who can do cardio and weight training on the same day is Wonder Woman. I have so much admiration for anyone who can do them both. How do you have enough energy to go strong for so long? An hour is long enough for my body to say that is enough. That is why I have to keep my cardio and weight training days separate. Keep up the good work!
That's what happened with me and Body Rx the first round I couldn't do six days a week cardio and the 4 days a week heavy weight training too. So, since I'm a die hard cardio step nut I went back to 3 days step and 3 days treadmill and only doing weights heavy once a week.

I'd like to do the Body RX but know that means I have to cut the cardio down to 3 or maybe even 2 times a week. Not sure if I can do it without my cardio fix!!!!

Do you guys get the endorphins lift from weights traning???

I play fast and loose with rotations, and can only do about half an hour before my daughter starts to get antsy, but in general ...

Cardio 2-3 times a week: IMAX, Intense Moves, BM step
Weights: Lower is 1-2 times a week (LL, Standing Legs). Upper is two times a week (BM upper, Cory's GHAS).

I really dislike circuit work (even Cathe's) so I do well in splitting up cardio and weights.

I do a whopping total of 1 hour of cardio a week at high intensity or interval training broken down into 3 20 minute sessions (T, R, S); and I lift about 45 minutes 3 times a week (M, W, F) and do pyramid style lifting. I take Sundays off.

I was in the throes of plantar fascitis from July to September. I had to quit running and I got so bummed I quit everything. Say hello to 7 pounds. So now I am doing 40 to 50 minutes of intense cardio 6 days a week and 20-30 (The PS Series) minutes of strength traing 3 days per week with a BodyMax full body workout on Saturday. I am taking tomorrow off. I am pooped but happy since I ran 2 days this week pain free! Chick's Rule! B bbii

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