How important do you think looks are to


the success of an exercise DVD? I cannot think of a single instructor who's unattractive. In fact, I can't even think of a single unattractive background exerciser.

I'm curious as to what you guys think--there's an instructor at my gym who's trying to film a w/o & let's just say she's not the cutest thing in the world. She has a good bod, but nothing like Cathe's. Also, she seems to have no idea what she's doing--she doesn't understand the world of home exercisers, but since I'm not a "professional" she has no interest whatsoever in my input.

I think she's gonna put out a lotta money w/no ROI. :eek:
i think looks play an important part. our society is so focused on attractiveness, its hard to say that theyd put someone in a video/on tv if they werent pretty regardless of their professional background. it doesnt even matter how talented you are. remember that whole fiasco with c&c music factory (LOL i cant believe i just brought up c&C music factory...hi early 90s)? one of their singers had an amazing voice but they didnt allow her to be in the videos because she was overweight. they made some skinny cute girl lip sync her parts. fitness videos arent exactly the same as music videos but at the same time, it is a form of entertainment so i think the more attractive you are, the more likely you are to sell your stuff, hence the more likely you will be okayed for a video than someone who isnt as good-looking. even though shes a workout buff, can you imagine doing a video by danielle from RHW NJ? i sure couldnt!

for fitness though, i think that while your face plays an important part, what your body looks like is the most important. if shes not that fit AND isnt somewhat attractive, then i think its gonna be a failed attempt.
the success of an exercise DVD? I cannot think of a single instructor who's unattractive. In fact, I can't even think of a single unattractive background exerciser.

I have only two words to say about this: Richard Simmons :p
Well, I personally don't think Leslie Sansone's body is like Cathe's either, but Leslie sells a heckuva lot more dvds. I guess it depends on what market the person you're referring to is targeting. FWIW, Richard Simmons has helped a lot of people who were otherwise written off by the exercise industry. There's room for everyone IMO. Let her shoot for her dream and hope she makes it. :)
I can think of one instructor that is really good but pretty scary looking IMO. Her lower body is so skinny. The only reason I can tolerate the workout is because the background exercisers have incredible bodies. I can't say who it is. It's awful for me even thinking it!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Hey - I'll bet Richard Simmons has directly helped more people lose weight and take up exercise than about anyone else out there. Yeah he's a bit cuckoo and fruity (sounds like a breakfast cereal!), but I like and respect the guy for being true to himself and willingly being the butt of jokes to get his message out there. :p He's definitely not Cathe (thank heavens), but he has his place. And if you've ever seen him on "Who's Line is it Anyway" (, he has a true sense of humor about himself.

As for your question - I think if she has a unique workout that challenges people in a different way and is very affective, she may have a shot. If she's putting out something like everything else out there, it'll probably get lost in the shuffle unless she has a brilliant marketing machine behind her. And oddly enough there are a lot of people who are not so pretty IRL, but look stunning on screen. Maybe she's one of those people. (I'm so totally NOT one of those people).
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the success of an exercise DVD? I cannot think of a single instructor who's unattractive. In fact, I can't even think of a single unattractive background exerciser.

I can think of a couple of background exercisers from the classic Firms that were not what you would call unattractive but they were kind of funny looking. :p
I used Richard Simmons' stuff years and years ago when I was first starting out. Sure, he's not a hunk but ITA with Christine in that he has his place and is obviously quite successful. I had a lot of fun doing his vids back then and TBH, I'd probably still enjoy them today. :D
I think looks are just one element among many that makes a person click with a video instructor. Think of all the supermodels who have put out exercise videos--do any of us ever use them? Of course Cathe is gorgeous and has an amazing body, but if I had to pick my favorite trait about her it's not her looks--it's her tough-but-motivating method of instructing plus her knowledge about exercise.

Maybe the woman wasn't interested in your input because she could sense your skepticism? People are pretty good at picking up on that kind of thing.

Maybe the woman wasn't interested in your input because she could sense your skepticism? People are pretty good at picking up on that kind of thing.


No, def. not. I was genuinely trying to help her & I totally got the cold shoulder. And OK, I was a bit offended. She acted like I was clueless. However, I agree that people are pretty good about picking up that kind of thing b/c I surely sensed skepticism on her part that I might have some idea of what I was talking about.

OK OK, my apologies to Mr. Simmons. I agree, he has his place & has helped a lot of people. And he is rather likable. I can see how people first starting out would be less intimidated by him than by someone like Cathe. Crap, Cathe intimidates me sometimes, & certainly her body, not to mention her crew's body, often make me feel woefully inadequate. :eek:
Richard Simmons was on Biography recently. He's geniunely devoted to helping morbidly obese people. Anyone who devotes their lives to helping others gets my admiration and respect.
Someone needs to drop a Collage Video catalog into her mailbox so she can see what she's up against before getting in over her head...
It's nice of you to try and help her - the fitness industry seems like it would be a tough one to enter. There are so many instructors out there, and the online mp3 coaching techniques are taking off too. She may have already paid out a ton of money - and this stage, of filming, may be the happiest part of the whole experience. It would be hard for many people to listen to constructive criticism in a circumstance like that. And who knows, she may click with the audience on camera. If she can afford it, and if it is her dream, why not shoot for the stars?

Myself, I care more about the personality and supportive interactions of the instructor, and their ability to demonstrate good form in an excellent workout. Quality production is a big factor., too. Chaptering and flexibility are aprt of that. For a dvd I'll play over and over, elements such as the tone of voice probably make the biggest difference, though, because while I'm going to be glancing at the screen rather than staring at it after the first few iterations, the sound will always be on. A warm friendly voice giving quality pointers is much nicer to have in my exercise room than someone who may be glamorous or extremely fit, but with a grating voice or a brusque attitude. Over on SparkPeople, the person who does the exercise videos has a big following. She has a girl-next-door wholesome appearance, and I'd say it is her friendly supportive attitude that has people using her online videos over and over.
I can see what you're saying, Laura, but I think there are quite a few instructors out there that I personally seek out that I wouldn't consider gorgeous, although they are not hideous by any means and they are very fit. For example, in my opinion, Donna Read falls into that category, and for me, even Cathe herself does. Cathe is in excellent physical condition, and I think that's beautiful, but I have different tastes regarding what I find facially beautiful in women. And then you have someone like Kathy Smith, who I consider to be fairly traditionally beautiful, but her workouts and her demeanour during them make me want to poke my eyes out with a dull stick. So, beauty may make you pick up the video, but it's not enough to turn someone into a fan. And once someone has some basic home exercise knowledge under their belt, they purchase on the basis of quality and instructor skills rather than flash anyway.
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Facial looks aren't important to me, but the fitness level is. I just cannot do a workout by an instructor that is not in good shape and I won't purchase the dvd. Then I factor in the quality of the workout and finally the personality of the instructor.

I don't necessarily find looks to be the most important thing. I think a lot of factors come into play. I want a fitness instructor to be fit, fun, a personality that connects with the viewer. They should also have a great routine, with awesome music. Music is probabley the biggest motivating factor for me.

I think most of the Firm girls are very pretty but thier workouts bore me. The ones with the fanny lifter and the transfirmer series. These are the only ones I have tried. Although thier infomercials always like great. The routines were good but it didn't have any music to motivate me.

I think what attractiveness is different for each of us.

And Richard Simmons is fun. He always has fun music with fun routines.

Personally, I couldn't care less if it was Barney the Dinosaur or Barbie in a bikini leading me...I'm the one doing the work...if the workout pushes me, and it's not too hard to learn, I'm in..if I have to think too much, or find it too easy, I'm out.
Check out All-Star workouts with the lady who teaches cardio. She really isn't that pretty like Cathe. Her crew is very average looking too. All-Star workouts are on Fit-Tv and usually airs after Cardio Blast (Cathe).

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