RE: How heavy is
>the heaviest
>barbell I can get over my head to do squats is 50 lbs. My legs
>might be able to squat more, but my arms can't lift more over
>the head.
When I want to squat more than 45# (the limit I've put on my shoulders), I wear a weighted vest along with using the 45# barbell.
What I lift depends on the workout (number of reps, rest, sequence of exercises) but the pyramids are pretty fresh in my mind because I do them more regularly. Here's what I lifted last time I did them:
Chest presses (30# heaviest)
flyes (17.5# heaviest--this is as heavy as I will ever go with these, for shoulder reasons)
pullovers (35# heaviest)
db rows (27.5# heaviest)
overhead presses (I don't do the anterior delt lifts, but do these instead, at the beginning of the section: 15# heaviest)
rear and side delt raises: 8# heaviest
Lying triceps extensions (I substitute these for kickbacks, which are too isolated for my goals: 12# heaviest)
Overhead tricep extensions (30# heaviest)
biceps (15# db heaviest).
I can actually lift a bit heavier than that with most exercises when doing P90X.
squats/lunges/pliés: 15# vest + 45# bar heaviest (60#) Though now I prefer to go lighter with the lower body, so I'd probably just use the 45# bar, which is what I use in GSL).
step ups: 15# vest + 35# bar (50#). (Again, I'd now go lighter and concentrate on form)
deadlifts: 55# bar heaviest(no vest)