How hard is it to grasp RS?


I just received this video and while I previewed it, my jaw was hanging wide open trying to get the choreography. Please tell me that it's easier when you are actually doing it. I'm scared to even try it and I've been doing Cathe for years and never had a problem with her moves.

It looks so frustrating. What is your experience?
I practiced one segment at a time. If I got all confused, I would just pause the DVD and just practice until I got it. It only took a couple of times doing the workout to finally get it. It's so much fun! It is way too overwhelming to try and understand the whole thing all at once.


I felt the same way when I first watched RS. Even though I love complex choreography, it took me a while to get the hang of this one. I started by doing it section-by-section on my "off days". I would do, for example, just the warm-up and first section, on the floor (no step), at low intensity - just as a practice session. When I felt comfortable with that, I would add the next section to my practice times, and then finally the 3rd section. It probably took me 6 practice sessions to feel like I was really ready to tackle the whole thing on a step, giving it my all.

Now I love it, and I almost don't have to think about the choreography at all - it just flows. So, take your time, try it little by little, and you will pick it up, I know it!

I've had this one for a few months but have only done it about 6 times. It's fun but I have to think a lot! :D Every time gets a bit easier and of course more fun. Keep at it and it will flow more smothly for you! Susan
It IS hard, but it is so worth the effort. I got a pretty good workout just trying it, even though I couldn't keep up with all of the choreography at first. I used to isolate a segment and just go over and over it until I got it. It was frustrating not to be able to flow seamlessly through the workout at first, but once I got it down, I had a blast. Now I wish Cathe would do a RS2. Hang in there, it's worth it!
:) :) :)
Hang in there, you'll get it! It took me 4 or 5 times to get it just right. I will admit a couple moves drove me crazy but I kept rewinding the specific section and took it movement by movement till I got it. Once you are able to follow RS it will become addicting!! Be warned!!!
I love RS & I am a step klutz.It took me six times to master.I also recommend doing one section per day combined with another tape.Be patient you will get it.Cathe is easy choreography I am still stuck on CIA tape with Jannis Saffell -I can't get her curly shuffle moves.I have given up for awhile.
Cheers Ki
Please do not so intimidated by the choreography that you don't attempt this workout, because it is one of my absolute favorites! It is the workout that I'll choose most often on the Friday of a good week as a "treat" to myself, not because it's easy, but because I enjoy it so much. It may take you a little longer to catch on to this one than to other Cathe step tapes, but the benefit is that once you grasp it, it doesn't bore you with endless breakdowns and repetitions. Go for it! I'm betting you'll love it (maybe the 2nd time.)
You'll LOVE it!! This is really the "dessert" workout. Feels more like dancing than working out. Don't be afraid - just try it. When a move loses you, just keep watching it each time and all of a sudden it will "click." Have fun!


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