How do you organize your workout dvd's?

How do you rip Cathe's dvd's and put the mp4s on a hard disk?
I actually buy Cathe's mp4s because I can use them with the workout blender. For other DVDs, I use Handbrake to rip them. You need to have a program like Anydvd or DVD43 to remove the copyright protection. Handbrake can handle the rest. Make sure you keep all the original dvds in order not to violate copyright protection laws. Handbrake will keep all the chaptering if you have an mp4 player that recognizes chapters or using a program like Quicktime on your computer. I'm using a Sony blu ray player which doesn't. If a DVD is not chaptered well, down to the basement it goes. I only buy them now if they offer something unique enough to bother.
I actually buy Cathe's mp4s because I can use them with the workout blender. For other DVDs, I use Handbrake to rip them. You need to have a program like Anydvd or DVD43 to remove the copyright protection. Handbrake can handle the rest. Make sure you keep all the original dvds in order not to violate copyright protection laws. Handbrake will keep all the chaptering if you have an mp4 player that recognizes chapters or using a program like Quicktime on your computer. I'm using a Sony blu ray player which doesn't. If a DVD is not chaptered well, down to the basement it goes. I only buy them now if they offer something unique enough to bother.

This sounds really complicated :) I always wondered how people copy them to mp4s since they all copyright protected . I usually buy Cathe's dvd's and downloads. I just bought Dasha downloads/dvd's Lean Series and her fist series. I still have an old dvd player. Do you use the old workout blender or the one OnDemand? I still haven't played with the WB :)
This sounds really complicated :) I always wondered how people copy them to mp4s since they all copyright protected . I usually buy Cathe's dvd's and downloads. I just bought Dasha downloads/dvd's Lean Series and her fist series. I still have an old dvd player. Do you use the old workout blender or the one OnDemand? I still haven't played with the WB :)
It is actually very easy. DVD43 or Anydvd work in the background on your computer. You don't do anything with them. DVD43 is free. You just launch Handbrake, import your dvd and pick which title you want to rip and give it a name and a folder. That is all. I've never used anything other than the default setting. You can put the mp4s on a memory stick and play them directly on a Smart TV. My TV is too old to do that so I use the Bluray player. It is very convenient.

I use the old workout blender on my laptop. I haven't gotten into streaming yet. I have a Roku somewhere in a drawer. I have an Amazon Firestick on my TV which we use more. I want to try Cathe Live workouts but I haven't wanted the hassle of switching between the 2 or connecting my computer to the TV. I don't have the time right now. I bought a download once that required a program called a purple player. It turned me off downloads completely except for Cathe's. I still prefer my DVDs.
A few people ask me…where I bought the dvd sleeves and media box :) Since the question came up a few times, I thought I post it here too. The cheapest dvd sleeves I found was at Target. I did had to go to 3 different Target's to find more than 1 pack :) I payed $6.29 for each 50 dvd pack. Can't beat that price. Here is the link:

Amazon and Office Depot wanted almost double for the same sleeves/brand :( Best Buy didn't had any dvd sleeves they only had dvd cases. Maybe you can find some online?

I already had the media box, bought mine a long time ago in Germany. I found the same one at Amazon. They are very cheap :) Here is the link :

Maybe you can find cheaper dvd's sleeves than I did somewhere else? If you don't like the color dvd sleeves you can find clear ones on Amazon or Walmart. I hope this helps and save you some time finding the best price :)

P.S. I am almost done with my dvd's :) It's taking me a little longer, but I really didn't had time to organize my dvd's :( we had water damage on our house 2 weeks ago.
I am finally done with my dvd's :p I had to change the labels, I really like it know :) Putting them in the DVD media boxes made a huge difference. I even have more room to buy more workout dvd's. Like Diane Sue, I kept STS/Xtrain and a few others in the original case. I may change that one day ?

You're killing me here, Belinda!! You're so funny! But, I like how they are all organized. I may have to give it a try.
Do u sell them? I buy some from Amazon but looking to see if I can get a better price then there. I like dr bonners lavender and I like some of the shampoo bars on there to. Do you do shampoo bars?!

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I like the idea of storing the DVDs in a room other than the workout room. It works well for me. When I choose my workout, I just take that one DVD ( I keep them all in original boxes in a dresser.) to go workout. I think if I didn't do it that way, I would get distracted by all the other options ! :)

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