How do you holiday tip your UPS man?


I mean, where do you leave it to make sure he gets it? I actually have 2--one the first half of the day & one the second half. I'm on a first name basis w/them both, & they've delivered furniture, rugs, weights, heavy bag, etc. etc. To my BACK PORCH so all I have to do is drag it in the door. I love them, they're so good to me, & I really want to do something nice.

So, not only am I not sure where to leave the tip, I'm not sure how to tip them both. :confused: Any advice?
OH NO!!! Am I supposed to tip him? I have a great UPS man also who probably comes to much, know what I mean? ;) I have already received all of my Christmas stuff so I won't see him again. I guess I could stand by the road & flag him down ????
I would say leave it in an envelope marked with his name on it a day you know he would be coming. Of course that may be tough to do. I'm not sure how much I would give him either. You have me stumped.

Since we're talking tipping...who else do you tip? Us the garbage man. Probably more than most (in our area anyway) $50 but keep in mind that we have ALOT of garbage that goes out every week (daycare) & he ALWAYS takes it ALL!! I want to make sure he knows we appreciate it.

Good Luck w/your UPS guy!
Laura, I have given my UPS delivery guy a box of chocolates, and left it on the porch with a card addressed to "UPS delivery person." (He comes here so often that I feel like he should have his own parking space!)

Are you expecting deliveries soon? If you live in an area where it would be safe, you could leave it addressed for him on the porch.

That's very sweet of you to think of him! Those delivery drivers (UPS, FedEx) drive trucks without A/C and haul heavy boxes year-round. (Kettlebells, anybody?) They work hard!
,Quoteing article
DELIVERY SERVICESU.S. mail carrierGifts under $20*UPSCompany policy discourages drivers from accepting tips, but they can accept something of nominal value. Tipping guides offer $15 as a guideline, but the amount and choice of gift are up to you.FedExCompany policy does not permit cash tips, but a gift worth up to $25 is okay.Paper carrier$15-$25 for daily delivery ($5-$15 for weekend delivery)*Civil servants are not allowed to receive cash tips. But if you wish to recognize your mail carrier, the U.S. Postal Service asks that your gratuity not exceed $20 in cash value. >

I make home made salsa and zucchini relish and bread and butter pickles each summer and i put a jar of each in a basket and give out that.
I left cash last year & got a nice Xmas card. :) But that was before I knew there were TWO of them! :p Maybe I'll leave one card in the morning & one at night just to make sure they both get their holiday gifts.

I was hoping someone knew a secret way to tip your delivery dude. ;)
Can you tell me what to give my hairdresser? I was thinking $100.
Is that a reasonable amount?
One of her customers gave her a gold necklace with a diamond. I can't spend that much. I thought about giving her a tummy toy belly ring with cash.
I own a few tummy toy rings and they are fantastic:D

My hairdresser is the most important service I use all year!!
I am thinking just what you typed in.
Yes, a date is a nice thank you gift.
The UPS delivery men I know are all handsome.
I just find it interesting that some people actually know their UPS guy. I live out in the country and their standard MO is to jog up to the door, drop the package, jog back to their vehicle and head out. They don't even bother to ring the doorbell anymore! Sometimes, in cold weather we have packages that may be out there for more than a day, if they are small and not noticeable from the driveway.

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