How do you find the time????

I honestly have no idea how you do that!!! Aren't you exhausted??? Now I just feel like a lazy slob!!!! I am a SAHM and still don't have that kind of energy. Can I borrow some of yours!!! You are amazing

Hi Ellie,

To be honest, yes I am exhausted at times, and like Julie, I used to be a night owl and had to change my sleeping habits. Now I can usually get to bed at a reasonable hour without feeling like I'm missing out if I don't stay up, but it took some getting used to. You are definitely not a lazy slob!! Being a SAHM requires a lot more energy than sitting at a desk for 10 hours, I'm sure you have more energy than I do ;)

Ellie you are a super mom. I just pencil it in my day and I tell everyone don't bother me from 11 am-12:30pm. I'm busy. I schedule everything including activities around it. .
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Since there is nothing ever scheduled at 5am, that is when I do my home work-outs. I swam today, and brought my cell into the pool to call home after my swim to make sure everyone was remembering everything they were suppose to remember. Once my family understood that I WILL work-out and it is my time, they don't have a problem with it. I try to make the time when it disrupts family time and work-time the least, which is early morning, although at times it is evening. Tonight I am going home and hitting an STS LB work-out....after I run to the high school to help my daughter's drama club with some things.
I don't have children Ellie, but I understand where you're coming from when you talk about other obligations! I was doing my workouts after work in the evening (I have a 9-5 job). Suddenly, when I started Meso 3 of STS, I was finding myself pushed for time. Too much to do - dishes, feed the pets, take out the trash, laundry, cook MY dinner, etc. Dinner kept getting later and later and I don't like to eat late, which falls after 7 pm for me! It was stressing me out and that's no good!

I moved my workouts to the morning. I hate mornings, I'm not a morning person AT ALL, but it was necessary. I only just started last Thursday. I'm getting up at 5 or shortly thereafter depending on whether I'm doing STS or cardio. I'm actually loving it! I'm doing more ab work because I'm finding myself with a few extra minutes after my workout where, before, I barely got 2 ab workouts in per week because I felt like I didn't have anymore time!

Now, I have my evenings to take care of what's needed or what I want to do without feeling rushed or stressed and I can cook and eat early! It's wonderful!

I hope you can find a time slot that works for you! It really is about putting yourself first, at least for an hour or so!
I simly wish there were more hours in the day! I work shift work and I find it impossible to get myself in to a routine. I also, however need to give myself a kick in the butt and make a time committment to myself every day.
My father always told us (and he was a very smart man) - you have to take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it.

Don't feel guilty. Take care of you.

Ellie, don't feel guilty about needing some time to yourself-remember the rules of flying-when the oxygen mask drops-you put on yours first THEN take care of the rest! It's true-the house will always get dirty, the phone will always rings, and laundry never goes away!

I'm a sahm mom too-my girls are 10 1/2, 7 1/2, and 3 1/2 and I'm on the PTO and Wellness Committee at their school. I cannot workout early so I just fit it in when I can-late morning on T/Th when the youngest is at preschool, mid-afternoon-before the other two get home from school-my youngest will play in the basement (ours is finished) or upstairs on the computer, before dinner if they're at dance and it's not my turn to carpool, after dinner when DH is home and can help with homework, etc., the weekends, etc. And I don't answer the phone when I workout anymore-they can wait til I'm done! And sometimes I don't get a workout in and that's ok too:) Funny-my girls get on me now to go downstairs and workout! It can be done!
You too are amazing!!! Both of my boys have medical issues that require multipe specialists and appointments galore!!! All that added in makes my time even more limited. You are doing an awesome job!!! I am going to try the first thing in the morning deal. Thanks. And keep up the good work.

YOU are doing a great job! Don't count yourself short. Hopefully the wonderful advice from all these women has helped.:)

P.S. My 1 yo also has medical issues too (his heart). So I truly understand where you are coming from with the crazy schedule of appointments. I hope all will be well for your kids too.

I get up at 4:45... because nobody is bugging me to do anything at that hour! If I don't work out first thing in the morning, it would never happen.
Another one here who gets up stupidly early to fit in my workout for the day. Only negative is I can't have the volume very loud since everyone's still asleep. DH sometimes takes the kids out on weekends for a couple of hours so I take the opportunity to do long, fun workouts with my favourite music then (such as LIC) and I don't answer the door, let the machine answer calls and turn the volume right up - I'm very motivated by good workout music and Cathe has some of the best. I'd love to be able to do STS Strength but just won't be able to fit the longer workouts into my day since I find I have to do an extra long warmup when I workout first thing in the morning to wake up my ageing sleepy body. Am hoping Cathe's next production will involve a series of shorter STS style of workouts for those of us who are really crunched for time.
Ellie I have no suggestions for you that haven't been said already. I used to wake up at 4:30 to work out and then I could get ready for work and then get my kids ready. The only problem was that I was in bed by 8:30 at night. However this hasn't been happening as I teach a new class which requires a lot more prep and that eats up a lot of my time after my kids go to bed. I can't do it when my kids are awake because they are 1 and 3 and can't be left alone. I stopped the 4:30 workouts when my kids started going through this stage where they don't sleep through the night anymore (shouldn't I be past that stay by now?) and so I am getting sleep whenever I can. I am looking forward to getting back to those workouts.

I hope you find a balance and get them in. You need the time for you!

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