How do I juggle all my new dvd's?


Hi ladies,

How do you ladies juggle all of your different workout dvds? I have STS and shock Cardio + all my other Cathe dvds. Then I have Amy Bento's and Tracey Staehle. Plus if that wasn't enough I got some kettlebell workouts, and Kelley Coffey-Meyer workouts. Now I feel overwhelmed and want you to use them all, like a kid with too many toys.

Any suggestions?
This is what I did: I bought DVD holders - big ones that hold about 100 or so, but get whatever works for you. But you know, the kind that zip and hold 3 on the front and 3 on the back of each page - something like that. The ones I got are a fabric and I write on the spine in black sharpie - like weights, core, kettlebells, etc. I also bought 3 ring binders and I write on the spines of those as to what is in there, and separate with labeled dividers. I take out the paper covers out of the DVD holders, punch holes and put those in the binders in the same order they are in the DVD holders. I also made a table of contents for each section of the notebook so I can scan through the titles if I want to. It took some time but wow, was it worth it. Very organized, easy to find what I want, and takes up very little space. Just leave extra room in the dvd holders if you plan to add later on. And I organize by instructor - so for instance, in weights - there is cathe, staehle, jari love, and various others.
I put together rotations on a four to six month schedule, and set goals for each. Within the rotation, there will be lighter and harder weeks/days. Then, I'll choose whichever of my dvds seems the best match for the overall goal for the rotation and the needs of the day, combined with how I'm feeling. For instance, on a cardio day I might go with Insanity/plyo if I'm feeling very strong and not planning to do STS Legs the next day, and have time for a longer workout. If it is a day when there is not so much time, I might pick one of the HIITs. Etc.

With kettlebells I'm not adept enough to want to do a full rotation with them, and I tend to use them in the active rest times, which lets me practice with a lighter 'bell and fewer reps without feeling I'm missing out.

Anyway, having a goal for 4-6 weeks, then building a guiding weekly rotation (or using one of the posted rotations), and making individual DVD choices based on how I'm feeling/etc works out very well. My major issue is making sure to program in enough rest!

I keep my 200-ish dvds + STS on shelves in my workout room so that it will be easy to find the ones I want :)

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