How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

Oops .... I am doing 6 days of cardio. On 2 days a week I go for long bike rides in the morning (about 1 hour) and then do 30 minutes of stairclimbing at night and on those days I do PSAbs or Firm abs.
Wooo-ee!! :-wow

You go girl!!

Thanks for sharing your rotation, I will be VERY interested in hearing how it worked out for you.

I like to run but haven't in awhile. Don't really know why - might get back into it now that it's nice & humid LOL. I always seem to want to jump into new workouts when it's humid - I don't know why!

I don't have a bike - wish I did. I have a stationery but of course that is not quite the same!!

Do any of you have Cathe's last videos, The Crosstrain Express? They are specifically designed with the time conundrum in mind and they are awesome.

This is a very interesting thread. Sounds like too many of us have been looking at fashion mags (and some fitness mags) again;-). Remember, (some) real women have body fat! I am 38 and fight with my apple middle despite being strong, healthy and a regular exerciser. Today my 44 year- old cigarette smoking, soda pop drinking (try a six pack a day!) sister came over to use the pool and she tried on a pair of pants I bought to wear to my neice's wedding. She has the body I SHOULD have as much as I work out and she doesn't do anything that's good for your health but she looks incredible! I gave the pants to her because frankly those size sixes are a thing of my past and I think I am finally willing to accept that. Which isn't to say that anyone carrying a little extra body fat shouldn't try to get it off and I love working out.But I think I've learned it's about loving who you are. I love how strong I am and how much endurance I have! Just remember to treat yourself with respect and, yes, love, no matter the shape you're in. Also, I read an answer Cathe gave to someone in an earlier post regarding the Power Series. If you train heavy, once per week per body part is fine. Since I am a runner with bad feet, I try to minimize impact in my other work outs. I find by doing low-low impact (squatting instead of marching or jacking, going really low) my legs are pretty well defined despite the fact that I inherited chicken legs from my dad:) and without a whole lot of Cathe's rather torturous lower body workouts. I'll shut up now!

Bobbi ;-)
Hey Starlight,

How do you add the animated frogs and happy face icons???? I need to increase my computerized skills!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-01 AT 11:30PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Ronni,

It's so easy because they do it for us! When you go to do a reply to a posting, just under the "Original Message" (& just above the page you're typing) will be a link called Emotion icon short cuts. When you go into that page, it will show you what to type to get the icon you want. Note: it will not look like an icon until after you post it! It's a lot of fun!

Ruth :)
KathyH. /RE: How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

Hi Kathy,
I just read your post and I would like to know more about your diet and exercise routine. I think we used to "talk" about 2 yrs ago on the firm website. You always had a lot of great ideas!
Thanks, LauraC.

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