How about a live chat

Do you mean MSN messenging Mary, via computers?

I do that with DH when hes away from home. Its like typing on this forum, but the message is just for him and we respond back and forth to each other instantly. No one eles can see what your writing unless you send it to them You can include 2 or 3 more people in the conversation, or seperate yourself into another "room" (computer area)

I think this forum is proberly as "live" as you can get for the volume of people on it.

Otherwise, Im not sure what your asking.


P.S. Chat rooms are great though. Alot better than e-mail, or phone, and although young children need to be aware of "whose" in a chat room talking to them, they can be a great and fun enviroment. With adults of course, ANYTHING goes. I know someone who met her boyfriend in a chat room, and they are very happy at the moment
Mary - I have suggested that myself! I thought it would be great if SMN put a chat room on their site. I believe I posted it on the Ask Cathe board, but can't remember if they ever acknowledged it. Maybe we could schedule a regular one on one of the free sites like MSN. I don't know how to do it there because I go through AOL, but I do know how to do it through AOL.
I'd be interested. You can use either MSN, AOL Instant Messenger (free), or Yahoo Messenger (free). I've use AOL and Yahoo, but never MSN. I am sure they are all alike. Let me know.


P.S. My email is [email protected].
I have AOL chat too. It's free and anyone can join. I try not to use Microsoft where possible (my browser is Firefox). Would love to join a chat. you use Firefox...I love it!! I am also in for AOL...AIM is so easy to download and use...:)...Carole
>I try not to use Microsoft where possible (my browser is Firefox).

Amen to that!! I love Firefox!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
I'm glad to hear that several of us use Firefox. What a great way to tell Microsoft where to go. }(

As a practical matter, I don't know how we would set up a chat. You can't really have more than 20-25 people in a chat room and still be able to follow the conversation. I guess we could set up a date and a time and see how many show up, and then add more chat rooms as needed. Unfortunately, no one time will work for everyone though. I don't mean to be a naysayer, but unless Chris sets it up as part of the website, it won't be that easy.

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