hot moms/cute babies july 13-19

Yay Kate!

I resisted the pizza... Well, I had a bite of Dave's barbeque chicken pizza. It wasn't worth the calories. I had my soup. Yay me! Did my CLX and WHOA, I felt it tonight. I've been underestimating myself. I lifted much heavier for delt raises/shoulders tonight and FEEL it now. Woo hoo!! :) If I didn't have grandma-fat-flops under my arms, I'd be proud of them! Gotta do more triceps!!!

OK off to bed. Crazy night here...Henry accidentally pushed Charlie into the wall and he got a bump on his forehead. Poor kid. Sometimes they treat him like a rag doll. We had a talk about how we need to pretend Charlie is made of glass. "You wouldn't throw a glass against the wall would you?" I think they got it. Sure hope so, or I'll have to start putting Charlie in a helmet when they're around. :confused:

OK, Nighty night all!
stephanie! wtg on pizza resistance! im impressed!
great job on the lifting! we're already moaning abt the fact that we wont have weights on vacation!:p suppose the rest will be good tho! your "flops" will be gone soon! you are doing so great!:D:D
Poor Charlie! Julia can relate! Isabel is constantly pulling and yanking her around:mad:

Today is prepping for vacation!:D We leave tmrw AM after J's morning nap. Do you have any idea how many bibs I need for being gone for a week and a half??!!?!:p:p And diapers??? The Durango is gonna be LOADED down - just wih her stuff! Thank goodness the condo supplies a pack & play.

I have some errands I need to do today too.... How am I going to fit this all in w/ a WO and DDs swim classes tongiht too???? Egads! Gonna be a busy day!
Ohmy word, did we ever get a lot of errands done. Lunch out too. Oh, and THREE pairs of shoes!:D I'm looooong overdue!:p

I need to start packing. Blech. Can't I jut fast-forward to the beach???? :p:p
Steph - DH does P90X as you're supposed to. I pick and choose the wo's because Tony can get to me. I love Cathe and her demeanor which makes working out to her so pleasant and probably the reason why I keep going back to her wo's versus a lot of my other ones I use once in awhile. That being said, I like AbripperX and Shoulders&Arms the best. PlyoX is decent too. The others, okay, but the program overall is a good strength builder. Ouch, re: Charlie's head! Gotta love having boys, I tell ya'! Sooo cute about Henry and his dolls!!

Kate - I'm long over due for shoes also!! How's about taking some pilates bands or the rubber tubing in place of weights. They work great and are compact. That's what we take on our trips.

No wo yesterday. Fell asleep with P and woke up at 2am! Thought I was going to take a ten min catnap. Will do Shoulders & Arms today and hopefully a run as well. Pomai is blowing kisses now! Sooo cute! I love it!

Good idea on the band, Lisa. And there's always push-ups!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad: Ya know, I can do chest presses and flyes all day bit DO NOT make me do pushups!:D:confused:
TOO CUTE on blowing kisses! Julia's learning how to BITE!!:mad: Gosh, new teeth are SHARP!!

Do I HAFTA pacK??? Can't I just take bathing suits and that'll be good????:p:p
Hi mamas!
UGH!!! Just made chocolate chunk cookies with the boys and OH MY GOODNESS.... COOKIE DOUGH!!! It's a killer. An absolute killer. It's like my heroin. Luckily, I haven't eaten much today besides that and I have a big cardio workout planned for tonight. Can't be too disappointed, we had a blast making them. The boys wore their "chef aprons" and each had their own jobs. It's nice that they can actually HELP me bake now instead of make a mess. :)

Kate--You must be SO excited about the beach!! How fun!! And new shoes!! :)

Lisa--I never liked the p90x guy on the infomercials. He seems kind of like an ass. I like Cathe SO much too. That's so sweet about Pomai blowing kisses!! How old is she? I can't wait for Charlie to start doing that. He gives me kisses on the cheek now... well, if you call them that... very wet and drooly! LOL :p

Hi everyone else!!

OK, gotta psych myself up for a grueling workout tonight gotta make up for cookiedoughmax!! Later mamas!
hi mamas,

just passing through to say howdy and ive been thinking about yall but am super busy with the fest work. and need to start thinking about what to pack because we leave tues...

candra - what gear did you pack for ryder when you went camping? pack-n-play? stroller?

will try to bbl for personals!

Wendy--Where are you going?

Did my CLX cardio/abs... ate a nice/clean salad for dinner and then binged on cookies. Hello??? I'm such an idiot!! :mad: Tomorrow is a new day. Boy those cookies were good!!! :p
Steph - Me too! I had a killer workout tonight. Uphill runs. Walked the downhills then jogged and sprinted on the hills. It was a good 45min workout. Sweated like crazy. Ate a clean dinner then ate a bunch of jalapeno kettle chips!! And yes, tomorrow is a new day. I would have traded the chips for your cookies any day though. I don't normally like chips, but wanted to taste the jalapeno because I love spicy!

we're headed to the annual music festival we attend in the berkshires, i do a particular project for them every year that is some pre-fest time (like right now) plus being the point of contact for ithat during the fest. weve been going for many years and love it! they do give me a motel room but we really like to camp. this will be our first time camping with JJ though, and i never took ods camping before he was 4 or 5, not sure why. its a little stressful right now getting the work done and trying to plan...

hi everyone! bbl!

Quick hello before the final packing!

Up late last night and Steph, I succumbed to the cookie monster too. Except mine was dough straight from the freezer! I didn't even bother to bake em!:p:mad::eek:

Stephanie, It's so fun in the kitchen with the kids isn't it? Gina can actually READ the recipes now so that is EXTRA helpful! I love it! Good job w/ your WO! I skipped mine.:eek: There was so much to do....grrrrrr

Wendy, Deep breaths! Glad all is well!
That fest will be fun! I have to admt i"m NOT a camper. Roughing it is a hotel without a pool!:p

Lisa, Those hills sound fun! I can't wait for some beach runs this week!
Those chips sound mmmmmmmmm! I love spicy too. I have a hard time finding salsa that actually IS spicy enough anymore. I thnk I've desensitized my taste buds!:p

ok, gotta roll! breakfast, packing, driving, GREAT WOLF LODGE! DDs are all kinds of excited! I'm more excited to get to the beach/condo, but GWL will be fun too. See ya later!

we're here! fams in the in the rm while j slept. why do i get the feeling the whole vaca is going to be this way????:(:(:(:(:( at least i got some cardio in!

hope everyone has a great wkend!
I just wasted so much time writing and then accidentally messed up my screen.. its gone! ack.

anyway here is the short version!

Kate- hope you have a fun vacation!

Steph/Lisa -don't worry too much. I think I did worse than you I just ate a large quiznos sub with ranch. talk about calories!!

Wendy -hope it is fun and the camping goes well!

The boys are having a blast with DH. baby is napping now and they are watching a movie. I'm going to warm up leftovers for dinner.
Catch up later -Jess
Hi mamas!!

Kate--Don't let your whole vacation be that way!! Make Mike take care of Julia some. She needs some Daddy time and you need some time with the big girls! Hope you have fun!!! :)

Wendy--I remember you writing about that now. Hope you have a great time! Sounds like a blast!

Lisa--I'm the same way with chips. I don't care anything about them, but I love jalapeño ones!

Jess--Mmmmm quiznos! Glad you and the kids are having fun with your dh!! I know you're glad he's home!

Hi to everyone else!! Hope everyone's having a great Friday!! I decided last-minute today to ditch the house cleaning and laundry I had planned to do and take the boys to the mall with my mom. I bought Oliver a backpack at the children's place.. they're on sale for $10 and are nice. Just got home a little while ago :eek: and now must go workout!!! CLX again. Later taters!
Jess - I love avocados!

Kate - I'm with Steph. Take turns with M to watch J so you can have some fun time with the big girls. I'm so jealous, I want to go on vacation, wah!!

Steph - Oh, P is 8 1/2 mos old. I think it was you who asked me way back when. She just started the blowing kisses thing. She was kissing me on the cheek and shoulders for a few weeks now, and she just started the blowing kisses. How was the wo?

Hi Wendy, Candra!

I did not wo tonight. P was up from 1am - 2am and then I couldn't get back to sleep. She goes through these weird phases where she wakes up and plays! Seriously, I don't know why, but I feel like I need to keep an eye on her since she's pulling herself up and much more mobile that I worry if I don't watch her. She is a mover and keeps me busy for sure. I had to work all day today so I'm pretty beat which made me not wo. Planning on weights and abs tomorrow. Did a lot of cardio so need to hit the weights! Any fun plans this weekend for you mommies?

having a good day....waterpark, outlet shopping

yday did amy bento cardio. Today the waterpark counts as my cardio and I did some CS too.

julia didnt do so hot sleeping in a strange place last night - hope tonight is better!

jess, is you time w/ dh going too fast?:(

steph, shopping vs cleaning .....easy answer!!
hows leftover cookie avoidance?
youre doing awesome sticking w/ clx!

lisa. p's kisses are too cute!
did you get your weights in?
Hi mammas...

doing a drive by post tonight.:eek: Ran 4 miles this a.m outside with Anna in her jogging stroller. Hi had found the perfect one... I can listen to my ipod through speaker while we are running.

Legs kind of hurt. I have to get used to doing Insanity and still run. I will check in with you lovely ladies tomorrow.
Hi mamas!

Sydney--You're doing so well with your workouts!! I'm jealous of your cardio stamina. I have very little. I'm a big ole wimp!

Kate--Hope you're having fun!! Hope Julia sleeps better tonight!

Lisa---Sorry for the lack of sleep! Charlie has started doing that too! Must be a stage. He woke up crying last night and would only sleep if DH put him on his stomach! Long night.

Well, I made homemade pizzas tonight, but I cheated and bought dough balls in the store bakery. So the crusts weren't clean. :eek: It was yummy though. I put fat free ricotta on mine for an extra bit of protein. I was SO HUNGRY. I hadn't eaten much all day and tonight I'm ravenous. Did my CLX cardio and then did the short intro DVD for Turbo Jam. FUUUUUUN! I love it! I think it's really going to do wonders for my big flabby belly. Hope so!! :p Well, better go get my wild ones to bed. They are having a slumber party (just the two of them -- I'm not brave enough for a real slumber party) in the playroom/bonus room tonight on the pull-out sofa and get to watch a late-night movie. Funny how little things like that THRILL them! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!! :)
Hi girls.. total apologies for coming back and leaving again. I swear my life will settle down one of these days. I am home now after my extra log vacation.. 6 weeks! I intended to stay 4-5, but ended up staying 6. Our lab Bosco got very sick while I was at my sisters and I ended up putting him down. : ( I had him cremated and it took 10 days extra so I waited for him to get back before heading home. I got home yesterday and it feels so good to be home!!

Anyway, long story short is I am home and started back today. I did MIS.. OUCH I haven't done much of anything for the last 6 weeks other than running/walking. no weight work. SO I started light, but my legs are feeling it already. I bet tomorrow I will have some serious soreness! I plan to do weights 3x a week. I am thinking about p90x or something... going to look at Cathe's stuff too. Want something toshock my body into shape before Dec. (dh will be home for R&R)

I need to go back and read.. but please feel free to give me a mini recap of the last few months.. I feel so out of the loop and i hate it!

Here is a pic of us all while at my parents house.


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