Hot momma and their babes 2/21-2/27

Jen I do too...I always feel like I got a good workout! Gotta love all those leg presses!
I think I'll do that again this week!
Susan- I'm good up until about the third set of leg presses and then I'm over it! I'll probably do it again this weekend.

Did PUB but only the up premix which was just right. It was only thirty minutes long so I felt like I challenged myself but saved time!

Night night! See you ladies in the AM! DH is on duty tonight so I can get some sleep. :D
I almost ordered the Bowflex weights yesterday but decided to check a few stores first. Happy day!!!! Costco sells an Ironman set with the stand -- each dumbbell goes from 2.5 to 55 lbs. $299.99! I am getting them tomorrow. My grandma passed away last month, and left each of us grandkids a little money. So this is my gift to myself, with love from her :) The rest I'll save for a rainy day (and a new workout outfit in a couple months!).

Jen, if 2 extra oz got you 2 extra hours sleep, maybe you should try 5 extra *wink* And, with babies, there is no such thing as an uncluttered house, right?!

Christine, glad to hear DH such an amazing day LOL Am looking forward to the Thai rolls recipe! Hope the humidifiers are working their magic. Drew has had a rattle in his chest for about a month. We've been doing the nebulizer with the humidifier.

Susan, it's always a good thing to have your kid thinking you know everything ;) Too funny about your ME audience this morning -- glad she let you finish!

I did all of STS Meso 1, Week 1 last week. Did the legs workout on Saturday, and I'm really feeling it today. I decided to try the 6 month rotation, so I'll be repeating Week 1 again this week. I cleaned up my eating a lot over the past 5 days (only 1 sweet treat a day!), and have been trying to add a lot more veggies. I am my own worst enemy -- time to be my best friend, I guess.

Tried making baby food for the first time today. Now I have carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower in the freezer at the ready. Tomorrow I'll prep some sweet potatoes, pears and apples. Found these awesome BPA-free ice cube trays with lids at Babies R Us.
Susan- I'm good up until about the third set of leg presses and then I'm over it! I'll probably do it again this weekend.

Jen, you snuck in while I was typing my novel LOL I hear you on the leg presses in ME. Is ME the one with the leg press mania premix (or is that Legs and Glutes?)? I get so tired of them! Enjoy your sleep tonight :)
Okay -- last post. Do any of you use a heart rate monitor while exercising? I used to and loved it (a Polar), but it's not working anymore despite new batteries. So, I've been without one for almost 2 years. Am pondering the merits of a new one -- only because I liked to see the estimated calories burned. Do you guys actually use them to train in your zone, or is it all about the calorie counts for you too? Any recommendations for a new one?
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Evening ladies
Kara took at 45 min this morning..then 2, 15 naps all day. Im beat! Its 9 and I just got her down..don't know whats up with her!
Has everyone been kegaling???
Jen-get some good zz's tonight! Its great your dh helps out. I guess mine would..Im just too lazy to pump etc. I would be afraid he wouldnt hear Kara..hes such a heavy sleeper.

Allison-I planning on making baby food too!
Christine-how are ya'll?

We go for shots tomorrow...will hurt me more than her!

Ok Im off to bed.
Hope all you gals got some sleep last night. Kara did pretty good...woke up at 3..then at 5..I think I got a good 6 hours so hopefully the day will be a good one.

Cardio today..probably step. Go to dr at 1 for Kara's shots. Thats about all the excitement I have today.

Anything exciting with your guys??
Good morning ladies!

Susan- Keep reminding me about the keagals! Everytime I read your post, I start squeezing! ;) Yay for 6 hours of sleep!

Allison- I'm not sure if ME has the Leg Press Mania. I'm starting to think it might be Legs and Glutes that has it. I will NOT be doing that premix anytime soon! That's great that the dumbbells are at Cosco! I mentioned something to DH about the Bowflex dumbbells...maybe we can get them soon! I think I would lift heavier if I had more weight to work with. No on the HR monitor. I would like to get one but don't know much about them??? I want to make baby food also. Maybe you can give me some tips???

Well, off to attend the funeral for the old co-worker. Today will be a rough day.....
Allison and Jen- I love my HRM, more for the calorie function, but I also like seeing where I go anaerboc. I am lame and wear it around the house while I do chores! I have a Polar that died recently and am getting a new one. I have had many, and it is really accurate and pretty reliable on the count... Wait till you see how many calories you burn! I was surprised when I saw that KPC burns so many more than i thought and cardio fusion, woooeeeee that is a big burn! Way to go on finding the Costco weights. THat is awesome. I cannot believe that I can lift so much more, I always stopped at 15 on dumbells and hated getting out a bar and plates. It is so nice becuase we have a small (and CLUTTERED) house as well. There is kid crap everywhere. Also, I like that I can lock the weights so my kids cannot lift them. My jimmy has dropped many handweights on his toes over the past few years! If either of you want a HRM with just heart function, no calorie burn, I have one that is new and will send it to you free. It was a gift but I am lame and like my calories on there. So any of you gals, let me know. I feel guilty with it sitting around.
Melanie- Hope things are smoothing over.
Susan- Sounds like Kara is back to a pattern.
Sorry to be short, the house is unravelling. We are all sick. You know I must be, no workouts for two days. I wish mom got a sick day. We are about to sit on the couch and watch movies and eat jello.
AFternoon ladies-
Jen-sorry about your co-worker...not a fun day for you!!!
Christine-enjoy your jello!

We are back from Kara's shots...glad that is over. She is zonked out..hoping shell take a good long nap for me!

Going to enjoy some coffee!
forgot...Kara is 14.9 lbs..chubbo! 25% in height, 75th in weight! She will be short like me. Haley was always in the 90th in height...she'll be taller than me.
Dr said to "try" cereal at 6 months..once a day....and not to start more than one a day feedings til 9 months..Dr kept going on about how focused Kara is..thats my chubby girl!
Susan- Yay for a good dr visit! I wonder when my pedi will tell us to try cereal. I'm not in a huge rush either. 14 lbs make Kara chubbo? I think she sounds right on target but what do I know??? She loves her momma's milk! :D

Christine- Maybe you could add some vodka to that jello and have jello shots??? That would help everyone's mood. ;) Sounds like a great snuggle day with the family.

Well funeral was bittersweet. :confused: It was great to see old faces but sad for the reason why we were there. I received a lot of compliments on my figure but I felt like everyone was making me feel guilty for being fit. :( Someone made a comment with some sarcasm about "Jen being Ms. Fitness America now." :rolleyes: Hardly.....I tried to see the positive in the comments but it was really frustrating. Even one of the old perverts that I worked with (and we never liked each other) hugs me, doesn't let me go when I pull back out of the hug and looks me up and down going "Hmmm, hmmm." Dude, I almost dropped kicked him right there. :eek: Why do some people make you feel bad about finding time to work out???? :mad: I can only say this here because I know you will all understand. Needless to say, I am drained now. I am hoping to get in a run when I get home to clear my head. I do have to uphold the title of "Ms. Fitness America" you know. (Insert sarcasm) :rolleyes:

Well seeing as I have gotten nothing accomplished at work today, I better try to do something.
Susan- no she is not a chubbo! She is a healthy girl! JOhn is over 14 pounds already, and he is over a month younger, that would make him ginormous! Glad the appt went so well.
Jen- Jelllo shots would have made things much more festive. Whew it is hard to be sick and have sick kids. It is easier to manage, though, now that sick husband is out the door. I love him, but I know the kids like a fingerprint, and sometimes, he and I do not agree on the way to handle things. When my son is sick, I do not care if he wants to wear my bra on his head and eat oreos in the tub, as long as it makes him feel better. I also always pull the kids in bed with me when they are sick. They will sleep endlessly if I hold them. My hubby thinks it is a bad idea. So, we went upstairs with a bowl of chocolate cookies and crawled in bed at 11:30 this morning. I just woke up and the kids are still sleeping. There is a god.
Jen- I understand so well about the comments people make. I think my husband sometimes feels that way about me. As if being home is easy and all I do is workout. What he has not realized, as well as many other commenting people, is that you have to make planets align and sacrifice other things to get in a workout. My kids know that exercised mommy is happy mommy and respect the time it takes. Sometimes I think that people are annoyed at women who look great after baby. Do they realize that we have to work to get there, that we give things up and sweat like machines? You have support in us sister! Glad you are looking smoking hot, too bad it is at a funeral!
I am going to go blow my nose.
Christine- I so understand what you mean about doing anything to make my kid feel better. My DH and I already disagree about that. He thinks I will make James a mommas boy. Whatever.... :p The thing that makes me frustrated about the comments is that NO ONE complimented me BEFORE baby so why start now?? I worked hard for 6 years + to be in shape for when I had my child. Tks for the support!

Off to eat dinner w hubby. Oh and had a cold beer...made me feel better. :D
I agree with the frustration. WHy are we not respected for efforts before kids? What is it? Are you supposed to be a slob? Grrr. Hooray for beer! Hubby brought home some wine, so I am going to have a glass and make pesto chicken pizza for dinner while he takes my snot factories...
BBL ladies.
Just call me Dolly Parton! Kara has slept all night and my boobies are HUGE and killing me! She has usually nursed 2 times by noow..its been 9 hours. I needed some sleep..and feel so much better today.
Jen-I totally understand about the comments. I started working out when the first Firm came out..that was when I was I thik 20...and back then working out was not the norm....I got comments all the time back then for working out..and you would think at this time wouldnt be such a big deal but it still IS...people need to get a life and workout...geez. Keep up the good work Ms. Fitness..when youre 43 like me..youll be hot like me. LOLOL!
Christine-sorry you are not feeling well! I hope today is a better day for you! Can I send Haley and Kara to you when sick..sounds like fun at your house!
Cardio today again. Nothing else on the agenda..hanging out with Kara and doing!
going to drink coffee with dh.
Susan- I hope to have the sex life you do at 43 with my DH. :D I guess with Dolly Parton boobs, I can see why things are still hot! ;) That's great that you were able to get some sleep.

Christine- Can you post your pesto chicken recipe? I LOVE pesto and will mix it with just about anything if I can. :)

Well I think I have decided to stop pumping. I have been exclusively pumping for about two months now and it is wearing on me. Plus I feel like my milk supply is diminishing. I am happy to have done it for this long because some women are not able to but I feel like I am at a good point to stop and not feel guilty. I was planning on stopping next month (Mar 10) when James is 4 months but it looks like my body may be telling me to stop sooner. I had a difficult time getting milk this AM. I am really looking forward to it because that means I can fit in more workouts whether I get up earlier in the AM or do something after work. I will no longer be a slave to the pump!! :D

Hope everyone slept well! Miss you Mel! Hope you are having a great time with your family and getting a little rest in between!
Hi Jen-I think the key to a good sex life is to make it a helps to have a very horny husband too lol. He's an every other day man..if not everyday. If I dont feel like it of course he understands and never gives me grief about it. I even kinda hinted around last night and he was too tired and its been 3 days lol...this morning though he was all over me..then Haley got up. Ok..enough boring you with my sex life!
I understand about your not wanting to pump anymore..if I had to pump I don't know if I could do it. Do you nurse James at all? if so you could do it mornings and nights??
Kara slept 10 hours last night.. probably exhausted from her day at the dr. She took her usual 45 min morning nap and I did LIS...might try and walk later.
Ok..miss poopy pants is done I think...bbl
jen- you are a champ for pumping so long. i made it 10 weeks pumping exclusively with my first. it was so tiring. you will get so much time back in your day and some sex drive! although susan is proving the sex drive and nursing theory wrong.
susan- you are awesome. I need to get the spark going again with DH. I feel bad saying it, but it is so predicatable.
whole family a wreck got to go...

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