Hostile customer service response-long

WOW! Someone must've tinkled in his Wheaties that morning, I can't believe he'd be such a jerk! I don't know who he is, but I will certainly never do business w/him should the opportunity arise.......
Seems to me he put this in writing and signed his name to it so you could probably send it to the BBB, or Consumer Reports--anyplace that he'd be embarrassed to have it. That will teach him a lesson he so truly needs. Even if he disagreed with you, he could do so respectfully. I do think you ovverreacted a bit as well, but I understand you were hoping for a positive outcome. He is the businessman and should have training on how to deal with angry customers (I do!). I also agree that he was angry when he wrote the email and should have saved it and waited until he'd cooled off before deciding to send it or not.
My jaw is on the floor as I read that rude letter. I'm so sorry you were subjected to that! How terrible!!
Thanks for sharing this with all of us. I subscribe to both newsletters--"Burn the Fat" and "Fit Over Forty." I have found most of them interesting, but I have to admit that I get really tired of their hawking the MPowerment stuff and their audio seminars all the time. I agree that Jon Benson's response to you was way over the top. Even if you had been rude in your letter (which you were not) it is just not good business to insult someone the way he did in his response to you. The guy has issues. Very defensive for some reason. I will unsubscribe myself. Maybe I should send a copy of your post as the reason???

Jeez. I'm surprised a hand didn't reach through the monitor to point at you and poke you in the chest. How uncalled for.

It is a shame that customer service seems to be going downhill - but not at Cathe! They replaced my lost (stolen?) DVD's free of charge. :)
> I
>will unsubscribe myself. Maybe I should send a copy of your
>post as the reason???

I'd definitely let him know the reason for your unsubscribing (also mention that you are putting his Email address on your 'blocked senders" list so will not receive any of his replies), but I wouldn't send a copy of the post (or perhaps just a snippet of his post, so that focus is on HIS unacceptable behavior and not on Edie's reaction to it or their interaction).
Is it possible to send him a link to this site so he can see just what people think of his response. I'm sure he would be proud:eek: Maybe experience a little remorse himself perhaps. I certainly think it would do him good to see everyone's reaction to his email.

By the way, if the full amount of your purchase isn't refunded on your credit card, contact your credit card company and dispute the charges. They should stand behind you! I hope everything works out well for you.

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