where do live, choosing a place thats closer could save money or if you are near a really busy airport you could have lots of options. also,if you spend less on the travel you could have more money for a really nice hotel or shopping or whatever is more important to you.
what about a cruise? also have you thought about traveling somewhere sept is the 'off' season? could you tell us your interests? like an out doors hiking or more relaxing by the pool?
in the fall its a great time to see the fall foliage, tour wine country, stay in cozy bed and breakfast, very romantic if you are both into that stuff.
ask yourself what you would like to feel on honeymoon or any vacation. what do you picture you both doing. are you in the hotel room the whole week? getting massages, facials, what kind of food do you expect? planned activities or choose your own? if you want to do scuba/snorkeling you coulc do it in other places in the world, or some lakes. are you interested in doing something on a boat or canoe? there are lots of places to do those besides carabean. what do u think of waiting 2 months, then go to carabean if your heart is set on going there. or you could go there on vac. another time.
are you interested in visiting another country, or rather stay in u.s? u could even stay cation in a nearby city or state. pretend you are from out of town and get a really amazing resort/hotel.
do you want to do a special experience, or do you simply want to relax and enjoy privacy.
i never went on a honey moon, its interesting to dream about where i would go. i dream of hiking and canoeing. not so sure my better half would agree haha. i think he'd rather go on a tropical vacation in a hotel away from mosquitos. would be fun either way.
First, THANKS for all the wonderful responses everyone! I really appreciate the ideas! I'm going to look up every idea that you've mentioned!
Second, to answer your questions, I live in North Dakota. The summer weather here is wonderful, and we do have some beautiful areas around here. However, there's not a whole lot in ND, so I've been most of the close places. We have also tossed around the idea of waiting until the beginning of December to take our honeymoon, and our travel agent suggested it as well. We both know that's probably the logical approach to take, but I don't know how logical we feel like being!

We haven't been on a vacation for 5 of the 6 years we've been together, and it's actually the part we're looking forward to the most. Not to downplay our wedding - it just already feels like we're married. We've owned a house together since we were 20, and we've been engaged for over a year already (I guess we like to take our time).
We do enjoy camping and fishing and outdoor activities, but I think the primary thing we're going to want to do is relax. We'll probably want to do a couple of cool outdoorsy things (for example, we figured we'd hike to some ruins or go scuba diving), but I think the focus will be on relaxation. I'm an auditor so I typically work 45-50 hours a week May through December and 50 - 70 hours a week January through April due to the industry I'm in. My fiance typically works about 50 hours a week year round, and he has a lot of "extracurricular" activities, such as MMA and music.
I think we'd like to have a non-planned vacation where we can just decide spur of the moment what we'd like to do. Ideally, I'd like to leave the US for our honeymoon, but if we can't do it within our budget, we may have to consider other options. I've been to London, Paris, Munich, Verona, Venice, Barcelona, Madrid, Brandon (Canada), and just on the Mexican border between Arizona and the US. I've also been through Arizona, California, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Montana, but I haven't really traveled anywhere else in the US. I don't think we'd really be interested in a big City (NYC, LA, or Boston for example) just because we are definitely looking for a more romantic relaxed atmosphere.
Airfare is always going to cost more out of where I live, even if I just stay in the US, unless we go to Vegas, as someone mentioned. We'd definitely like to see Vegas, but I don't know if that's what we'd want to do this time. However, we can get really cheap flights out of Bismarck straight to Vegas!
Also, about the cruise idea, I'd definitely be interested, but my fiance is a little scared of being on a ship in the ocean, so I don't know if I'll be able to get him to go for that.
Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts! I'm so glad I decided to start looking early - I have so many ideas to explore!