Homeschooler Wednesday


Half way through the week!

Still working with my imbalances via Fitness Fix. I've discovered that my backside (hamstrings and glutes) is way weaker than my front (quads, hip flexors). The roll-ins on the ball just about kill me. :confused:

How's everyone doing?
I did about 32 min. of taebo with weighted gloves on for my workout today.

Have a great day!!:D
Good Afternoon All...I just finished school and am getting ready to do Cardio Kicks..I didn't get to it yesterday..My hamstrings were too sore...Have a great day!
Hi Ladies,

Nothing much new here except for school. I've got a lot on my plate with quarter finals and homeschooling. So, I decided to take a break working out until next Tuesday when there's a break from massage school. I've got massages scheduled pretty much every day till Tuesday. And, I can't imagine massaging someone with DOMS... that is if I had the time to workout.

Just wondering if anyone preordered STS. I was thinking about canceling my order and decided to keep it at the presale price. I'll decide to keep it or sell it once it arrives. I'm going to buy the P90X Plus workouts from a friend to use since the workouts are shorter than most Cathe premixes!!!

Hope everyone is having a better math day than I had yesterday.:rolleyes:

Hey Wendy..I did not order STS..I just wasn't sure how much I would use it..Parts of it, like the leg and ab workouts look really good..Maybe someday...

I understand your math day..Everyday is a bad math day at our house..My 6th grader is not fond of math....
Ooh, we had a doozie of a math problem today (needed Google's help to solve it). :mad: Maybe it's the full moon. :D

I'm not ordering STS for a couple of reasons, one being financial. We're watching our budget, putting away as much as we can into savings and investments. With all my other Cathe stuff, I can't justify STS at this point.

Truthfully, even if I felt totally free to spend the cash, I don't think I would. Being brand new to Cathe and having plenty of "new" stuff to work with may have something to do with that. A year from now...who knows. :)

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